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"Hello my little bear, I missed you." Niall greeted the small boy, who was waiting for him impatiently.

"Missed Ni Ni too! Dada and I waited for y-ywou!" Aiden exclaimed excited as he looked up to his favorite person, besides his Dada of course.

"Aw you waited for me? I hope you didn't wait too long, Am I late? If that's the case than I'm deeply sorry, it's not gonna happen again." Niall mumbled the last part a bit embarrassed while looking at Liam.

The man just smiled at him. "Don't be stupid, you're right in time, probably even a few minutes early. Also I couldn't be mad at you, you're too cute for that." The older one smirked while giving him a tight but short hug.

Is he flirting? How the fuck should I know? I bet he is. Well I hope he is?
Nialls thoughts were going wild, till Liam told him to go inside with them.

"I'm actually gonna head off to work right away, so I'm home a bit earlier than usually." Liam explained while standing in the hallway. Niall nodded.

"And u-uhm I thought that we could maybe watch a movie tonight?" The older man mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

"With Aiden?" Niall had to ask. I mean- what if Niall thinks of a movie night, like date kind of thing, and Liam meant a family night? Could you even call it that? A Family. Niall needs to remind himself that he's just the babysitter. Nothing more.

"Well... I thought maybe just the two of us? But we can obviously watch something with Aiden, if you're more comfortable with that. I'm sorry that I asked I just thought-" Liam said nervously, seeming completely ashamed because of the situation.

"You want to watch a movie with only me?" Niall whispered positively surprised.  So Liam meant a date like movie night? Oh my god. If the young man could scream right now, trust me, he would.

"I- uhm yes?"

"I would love to watch a movie with you Li. One condition though- nothing scary." Niall giggled.

"You- wait really? That's great, I am excited for tonight then!" Liam answered, a smile was shining all over his face.

The younger one smiled back at him.
"Okay... me and Aiden will go play while we're waiting for you to come back home. We could also make something for dinner later, because when you're home earlier we can maybe eat t-together?" Niall muttered. Aiden looked up. "Yum yum with Dada and Mommy?"
Niall nodded.

"Yweah! Please dada. W-wanna eat two-together." Aiden said, making big puppy eyes. He looked adorable. If Aiden would have asked Niall, the babysitter probably couldn't resist the little boy's request.

It was clear that Liam was used to Aidens big Puppy eyes and pouting lips. But how could Liam say no to a dinner with his beautiful boys? Maybe one of them wasn't specifically his yet, but he definitely had planned to make him his. Even tho he didn't exactly knew how.

"I think that's an amazing idea, we haven't had a proper dinner together in a long time. I'm sure you two will create something delicious." The father said, while slowly putting on his nice shoes and his black jacket.

"Of cwourse Dada! We make the besssst food!" Aiden exclaimed while slowly jumping up and down, which made Liam laugh. He loves seeing his little one that happy and excited.

"I guess you're right. I'm gonna go now, otherwise I can't go home early." Liam chuckled. "See you two tonight, love ya!" He added loudly before he left the two boys home alone again.

"And what are we gonna do now?" Niall looked down at Aiden, who already had a thinking look on his face.

"We pwlay with ma Cars?" He asked.

"With your cars? Are they in your room little bear?"

"Think so Ni Ni. I wanna pwlay w-with my big police car!" He told Niall, his voice full of excitement, while he took the older ones hand to take him to his room.

"Uhh, I think you never showed me your police car! C'mon let's go!" Niall smiled.

And that's when Niall got to see every single car Aiden owns. You could easily say that the little boy was obsessed with everything that had wheels.


Aiden made car noises while he drove his cars from one place to the other side of the room. And it was the most adorable thing ever.

"Little Bear?" Niall asked after a Little while.

"Yweah Ni Ni?" The small boy asked still completely focused on his cars.

"We are playing with your cars for at least 45 minutes now, do you maybe wanna play with something else?"

"Mhhh s-swomething else? What ya mean?" He asked interested.

"I don't know... we could maybe play outside, your daddy said you have a big gorgeous garden?"

"Yweahhh! Garden. We play with ma ball ouwtside!" Aiden was completely happy with Nialls suggestion. 

"But first we gonna clean up a bit, okay? Your cars are all over the floor." Niall said, already starting putting the cars away.

"Yes. Ni Ni, I make all clean." The little boy nodded.

Liam definitely wasn't lying when he told Niall that they had an amazing garden. When the babysitter opened the glass door to the green space, he first got out to  a small wooden patio. Okay not really small, but in comparison to the rest of the garden it was small. There was a cute fire place with comfy looking outdoor furniture around it, which basically looked like it was straight cut out of a IKEA magazine!

On the side was something that looked like a whirlpool. Niall wasn't sure, but it definitely looked like one and when he asked Aiden about it the little boy told him that it was "warm, bubble water" and that he was in there with his Dada a few times already. So it probably was one.

Then when the grass began, there was a lot of free space to play or to just lay in the sun. But Niall also noticed a smaller, pretty colorful slide and a big trampoline which probably was all for Aiden. At the back were standing three big trees. The one at the right was an apple tree and the one on the left an pear tree. Niall couldn't really tell what the one in the middle was, because it only had green leaves. But there was a swing hanging down from it. Liam really did everything for his son.

"Dada also have pool ouwtside! But too d-deep for me." Aiden explained as he pointed at the round swimming pool with the blue looking water. The pool clearly wasn't as big as the one inside the house, it was just a smaller one with a ladder on the side to get in and out. 

"Seems like you can have lots of fun here. Do you still want to play with a ball or do you wanna do something else?" Niall asked, slowly taking his eyes of the impressive looking garden to look down at the boy in front of him. 

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