eighty seven

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"And we have to watch Spider-Man 2 right after that! Oh and maybe we can make some popcorn, that would fucking cool!"

When Niall suggested a movie night to Oliver, he didn't expected him to react with this much excitement. But here here he was listening to Oliver talk about super hero's and marvle movies. But it was quite adorable not gonna lie.

"I'll watch three marvle movies with you but that's it. So choose wisely." Niall laughed and got a sigh as reply.

"Only three? We can do more than that."

"When are you planning on going to bed- because if I remember right we still got lessons the next day. And we are supposed to write a short story with at least 5000 till next Thursday."

"Well if we start early enough we could watch at least 4- I don't know yet. We'll see. But is it really alright with your boyfriend if I stay over a night...?" Oliver asked skeptically.

Niall let out a chuckle. "He was actually he one who suggested it in the first place, so I guess he should be fine with that."

Oliver nodded, and the movie night was set. Next Wednesday at 4pm. They would read over their stories, which should basically be finished till then, make something for dinner and watch movies.
On the first two days of the week Niall wanted to relax and just be by himself, maybe go check out the city. And on Friday he planned on doing a self care day, which also meant making himself look presentable when Liam comes back on Saturday.

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow then. We should probably also discuss what we will eat on Wednesday so we know what to buy." Oliver said, as they were walking out of the building. Today was a cloudy Thursday, but it was one of Nialls favorite days. He only had english, and writing classes and most of the tim Liam got him a smoothie bowl from his favorite place.
And the fact that it's Friday tomorrow is a plus too I guess.

"Yeah, we can make a plan and go grocery next week. See ya tomorrow Oli, get home safe." The blue eyed one replied.

"You too Niall. Liam is probably already waiting for you with Aiden." Oliver mumbled looking around the parking lot.

But then Niall already noticed the small boy running in their direction with an excited smile on his face. "MOMMA!" He yelled out as he came closer. Niall laughed , waving at Oliver one last time before walking closer to Aiden.

"Hey peanut! Come to me- I missed you so so much." He exclaimed, pressing short kisses all over Aidens face. The boy would normally push him away but today he just cuddled closer. "Have you two been waiting long for me?" Niall asked, walking to the car where Liam was standing. Aiden shook his head. "No- don't think so... but i mwissed ya lots still." Niall got as reply, which warmed up his heart. 

"What did you and daddy do today? Did you go to the playground again?" He asked and Aiden nodded happy.

"Yeah! And gw-grocery shopping, a-and fruit pwlace." The boy exclaimed, stuttering over some words because he talked so fast.

"You got me a smoothie bowl?" Niall asked, and Aiden replied saying they got him a green one. "Oh I'm already excited to eat that, I'm starving."

"I knew you would be. Hope you will like it- it's with kiwi and raspberries and some kind of lettuce and celery... I think? God I honestly can't remember what that lady told me. But it has oats and chocolate as toppings." Liam laughed, welcoming his boyfriend with a hug, taking Aiden out of his arms and into his own.

"Sounds lovely, thank you Li. But you know anything would have been fine." Niall murmured, pressing a kiss on Liams lips.

The older one smiled into the kiss, whispering a quiet "It's no problem.".

They went straight home after that, which Niall was extremely thankful for. Just having a relaxed afternoon at home was exactly what Niall wanted. Aiden also really needed a nap, because he was outside the whole day with his dad.

"Do you think he's actually gonna fall asleep?" Niall asked as they still heard Aiden talking through the little baby monitor. They put him down 20 minutes ago, currently watching a other episode of How I Met Your Mother.

"I'm sure he will. You know he sometimes lays awake for another hour and then sleeps for three. My fear is that he won't be sleepy tonight." The father laughed.

That happened quite a few times before, and let me tell you- it wasn't fun. When you are so fucking exhausted and tired and feel ready to pass out, but can't, because there is this tiny little human wide awake.

"Oh god- everything but that. If he isn't asleep within the next 30 minutes he just skips that nap today." Niall mumbled looking up at Liam. His head was placed comfortably in Liams lap, legs stretched out and a blanket on top of him.

"Agree. And do you have to get up at 6am again tomorrow or later?"

Niall thought for a second, he had his normal classes tomorrow. But he could probably stay in bed a tiny bit longer than needed to. "I think 6:30am is early enough." He replied and Liam nodded humming happily. "Alright."


BORIIING, and shorter than normally but i literally just finished it last minute lmao. i have a oral exam tomorrow, which is the last exam i actually have to study for! then i only have my internship and a practical exam :) we are getting through this slowly but surely

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