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Aiden giggled sweetly, as he watched his mommy, who had flour all over his head. 

„That's funny little bear, huh?" Niall asked, lifting up both eyebrows, which made the boy laugh even louder.

The two were currently baking cookies, on Aidens request.

„Wanna eat one now!" The little boy exclaimed, starring at the delicious looking cookies, which were fresh out of the oven and still extremely hot.

„No peanut, they are still hot, don't touch them!" Niall said quickly, pulling the little boys hand away.

„Bwut i wanna eat, pwlease!" he asked again, making big eyes.

„Sorry love, you can try one later. But just one, because we will go and eat dinner at my parents house later." The man explained, and Aiden just looked confused. „Who?" he mumbled questioning.

„My parents, so basically your grandparents. I promise they'll be super nice, and they are gonna love you just as much as your other Nana and Grandpa..." Niall said, lifting the boy up to take him into his arms.

„Okay mommy." he replied, cuddling more into Nialls arms.

Niall still was terrified because of tonight. Liam will meet his parents. And Aiden too, what if he doesn't like them?
Or what if his dad is being a pain in the ass again? If he's still as stubborn as before. So far everything seemed alright.
Aiden was okay with meeting new people and Niall thinks he's gonna be pretty happy about meeting his mother.

"Momma need to shower! All dwrity!" Aiden giggled.

"I'll shower with Lia-" Niall started but stopped as soon as he realized what he actually wanted to tell the little boy.

"With Daddy? I also twook baths with dada!" He explained, and Niall just nodded biting his lip. Oh god.

"When daddy coming home?" He kept asking, his eyes were still looking at the cookies. Even tho the baking took a while, they still had around 3 hours left till Liam would come home. But till then Niall wanted to get Aiden all clean and ready. Because as soon as Liam came home, they had to leave in less than an hour.
It definitely will save time if Aiden is ready to go already, the little boy also still had to take a nap before leaving.

"It still will take a while little one. But what do you think about taking a bath? We gonna get you all clean again, and I promise you after that the cookies will be cold enough to eat." The blue eyed one asked and Aiden nodded slowly, pushing his eyebrows together thinking, just like his father.

"Alwright but only because of cookies!" He exclaimed, which made Niall roll his eyes. "Obviously." He laughed.

"But after trying the cookies
it's nap time!" Niall said quickly before he ran away.

Aidens eyes went wide.
"Whut? Momma no!" He yelled, running after him as fast as he could.

Niall ran straight up to the bathroom and waited in the door to pull the little boy into his arms. Aiden giggled loudly as he was pulled into the warm arms.

"Momma no running away from me! Not nice. Now you twake nap w-with me!"

Niall smiled. "Well if you want I can lay down for a bit with you, but then i have to clean the kitchen, alright?" He asked and Aiden nodded. He loved falling asleep next to either his mommy or daddy.

And so Aiden took a bath, almost every bathing toy he owned obviously was included. "Momma bubbles! Lwook!" He exclaimed blowing them away. Niall just smiled at the happy face he was getting from his little boy. This right here was all he ever wanted, it just felt so right. Everyone else in his age was into partying, one night stands, or gaming. But Niall was different. He wanted something different.

He knew he was ready to find this one special person, who will love and care for him forever. Who will show him what real love really is, show him all the little beautiful things in life. And damn Niall was sure he found that special someone already. He just wanted to get married and have a family already. But he knew they couldn't live that life, at least not now. Because the reality was a lot more complicated.

When Aiden was done in the bathtub, Niall had changed him into some comfy clothes, before the two went back downstairs to the kitchen.
"Cwookie! Cwookie!" The little boy yelled as he ran back to where they left the plate.

"Pshhht calm down, one cookie and then it's nap time remember?"

"Yeah momma. Pwlease have one!"

Niall smiled nodding.
"Here you go."

There was only a second between having the cookie in his hand before half of it was in his small mouth, munching happily.
Niall decided to try one himself, and he had to admit they tasted pretty good.

"Ya like them Aiden?" He asked, and got a mumbled "yes!" as an answer.

Before Niall could even see it, Aiden took a second one and ran away. "Hey!" He laughed. That was way too much running for him in one day. "It's nap time my friend." He exclaimed, leaning against the door which lead into the kids room. 
The boy sat on his bed, still eating his second cookie. 

"But you lay w-with me!" He replied making pouty lips. The man nodded. "Yes I'll stay with you till you fall asleep, but then I really need to clean up a bit before your dad comes home." Niall sighed, and made his way up the the boys bed. It definitely was a bit too small for the both of them but he also saw how Liam laid here with him, so he could do that as well, right? "Love you Mommy."

"I love you too little bear, more than you can ever imagine." Niall whispered, pressing a kiss on the boys head. He still couldn't believe he basically had a son now. This little boy was now part of his life, and will be for a long time.

Aiden kept telling Niall what happened in kindergarten, and about what he wanted to do tomorrow till he finally fell asleep.

Niall tried to get out of the bed as quietly and careful as he possibly could, and he got almost a small heart attack when he heard the boy moving around. "Please don't wake up, please do not wake up..." Niall mumbled, slowly taking a few steps backwards, till he was out of the room. He quickly was closing the door, before he made his way downstairs, were the mess in the kitchen was waiting for him.

He put the cookies all in the clear jar on the counter before he put all the used things back in their old place. Then he cleaned the dishes and wiped the counters, and at the end it looked just like before they started baking.

Just when he wanted to get in the shower he got a message fr Liam, which said that he will be here in a few minutes. He bit his lip, while trying to stop himself from smirking. He still had his underwear on, so he just put his pants back on as well, and got a second towel. "Now I just need to wait." Niall mumbled happily making his way back downstairs. Since the first time they showered together, Niall always was excited to take a shower or even a bath with his boyfriend. I mean- there was nothing to hide anymore, and he just loved that he could be himself with Liam.
The older one accepted him just the way he is. Then Niall heard the familiar sound of the car parking in the driveway. He waited patiently leaning against the couch, where he could see the front door.

Right when the door opened, Liam yelled an: "I'M HOME!" , but stopped as he noticed Niall already waiting.

"Oh, hi love, are you waiting for me?" He laughed, removing his jacket.

"Jup. Aidens asleep, taking a nap so he won't get too tired during dinner later. But I thought we could maybe- maybe take a shower...?" Niall asked, and Liams head snapped up.

"You're serious?" He asked excited, which made Niall laugh.

"Well I'm shirtless, and ready to wash the flour out of my hair, I just thought we could- could you know...? Before Aiden wakes up? Because my exams start soon and I don't know when or if we find time-"

"Babe- I'll stop you right there. You don't have to defend yourself, especially not about something like that." He laughed walking up to his lover. "I would love to take a long shower with you my love. Let's just hope Aiden stays asleep." He mumbled and Niall nodded, cheeks turning red quickly.


hi, just finished writing this, so- sorry it probably isn't the best haha
still hope it made your day a tiny bit better. love y'all !

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