twenty four

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When Liam got Aiden ready for his bath, Niall already started to clean the dishes, okay he put most of them just in the dishwasher. But he tried to get the kitchen as clean as before. Yet, he's still the paid babysitter.

When he was finished ,Aiden was still in the bathtub, so he decided to call his mom, he needed to do it either way, if he wanted or not.
She still didn't knew that her son had romantic interactions with his boss. And she also didn't knew that he will stay at his place tonight. She's not gonna find out where exactly he stays.

"At Harry's?" Maura asked confused.

"Yeah, we haven't really had time to hang out because I babysit the whole afternoon so he thought, having a little sleepover would be nice again... is that okay with ya ma?" Niall asked and lied as good as ever.

"Mhh yes... that's true you are working a lot lately, I guess a bit free time with your friends will be good for you, I can get you tomorrow from Mrs Styles house if you want?" She suggested.

"Uhm I-I no! I think I can walk it's not that far..l or maybe Anne can drive me, I'll see." Niall mumbled.

"Anne? Yeah she could probably do that as well. I see you tomorrow pet. Love ya." His mother replied.

"Love ya too Ma, bye!"

Niall let out a sigh of relief.
She believed it.

"Harry? Should I be worried?" A voice spoke up behind Niall.

When the Babysitter turned around he saw Liam leaning against the kitchen counter. He had a pair of grey sweats on now and a black tight fitting Tshirt, which had a few water sprinkles on top of it. "You had fun in the bathtub?" Niall asked laughing.

"Haha really funny, Aiden had a lot of fun if you wanted to know, he loves splashing the water everywhere he can. But who exactly is this Harry?" The older man sounded almost worried which made Niall smile.

"Are you jealous?" Niall asked lifting up an eyebrow.

"Uhm... Let's be honest right away, yes I am. I want you to be mine, so I see everyone as a rival. Now would you please tell me who this guy is? Should I get ready to fight?" Liam laughed. He obviously was being sarcastic at the end. But it was cute to think, that Liam would actually fight for Niall. No one ever did that.

"He is my best friend. Probably also my only real one. But I'm so thankful to have him, I don't know what I would do without this curly idiot in my life." The younger one had a big smile on his face and Liam began to smile as well, but his was much more of relief than anything else. He wanted Niall to be his.

"Now you have me and Aiden, we will always be here for you,okay?" Liam mumbled softly. "Thank you, I really love you two." Niall replied just as quiet.

Liams eyes went wide for second. Did Niall realize what he just said?
"I Love to hear that babes. We really love you too, oh how much we do. I probably differently than Aiden, but that's not important. You took a quite big place in my- uhm our hearts already Horan, it's unbelievable what you do with me- I mean us."

"Why the stuttering at the end Mr. Payne?" Niall asked interested.

"I think you can tell why Mr Horan." Liam answered, looking the babysitter deep in the eyes, not leaving those beautiful blue eyes once.

Niall looked him right back in the eyes. "I bet I would be wrong Liam..." he mumbled unsure. He doesn't want to make a fool out of himself.

"Okay then I tell you why,even though I kind of told you before already-" The father wanted to finally speak up but stopped when he heard little footsteps coming down the stairs slowly. "Dada? Momma?"

"Aiden! I told you I will be back in a second." Liam mumbled when he saw his son coming closer.

"No Second Dada! Feel like a hour!" The little boy exclaimed pouting.

Liam sighed. " I know it's been a few minutes I'm sorry peanut, let's go back and read a bedtime story,yeah?"

"But Ni Ni read bwook w-with pwrince!"

"I will little bear, cmon we all gonna read it together, let's go upstairs, it's way past your bedtime now." Niall said taking the boys hand in his to go back to Aidens bedroom. Liam smiled at this sight.

"Daddy gwooo!" Aiden yelled when he noticed that his father wasn't coming along.

"Yes Daddy, are you coming with us?" Niall asked too, obviously emphasizing the daddy .

The father was stunned.
But after a short moment of silence, Liam came back into reality. "Coming princess."

Nialls face heated up. But he seemed to ignore the comment because he went straight upstairs.

The little boy was really excited. Now he had his mommy and daddy to read a bed time story. That never happened before.
He even got two night kissy's!

"Now ywou!"

"What do ya mean little bear?" Niall asked confused. He and Liam were almost out of the boys room.

"Kissy!" Aiden exclaimed giggling.

"You want us to-" Niall started, wanting to make sure that he understood what Aiden wanted. But Liam interrupted him.

"Of course peanut, we always give each other night night kisses." He said as it would be the most normal thing on earth.

"We do what?" Niall said confused.

But Liam was right there , already pressing their lips together for a soft but short kiss.

"Yaaay!" Aiden said loudly, clapping cheerful with his hands. It was weird how happy he was when the two kissed.

When Liam let go he smiled at Niall.
"Good Night Aiden, dream sweet, Daddy and Momma love you." Liam mumbled before he dimmed the light and closed the door.

The two men went back downstairs to the living room, without changing a word.
"Soooo... movie?" Liam asked, hoping to kill the unpleasant silence. He wanted to get the flirty atmosphere back, which they had before.

And it worked, Niall laughed.
"Yeah, I would still love to watch one. Can we also get some snacks?" He asked making big puppy eyes. That was the moment, Liam found out that Niall could do this face just as good as Aiden.Damn it.

The young man had big blue eyes and already looked like a adorable baby, but know he looked even more lovely, it's crazy. Liam could look at him forever.  

"Of course baby, whatever you want. I'm gonna go find some in the kitchen while you decide on a movie,okay?" The father asked. He was head over heels for the Irish lad.

"Mhh yeah, I think I know what I want to watch, let me search it on Netflix." Niall mumbled excited.


hellooo lovers!

i know it's past midnight which means it's basically monday already,but i forgot to update a few hours ago sooo yeahh here u go?🥴💓

(as always sorry for any
grammar mistakes)

hope u liked this chapter?

a story called groupchat will
be out tomorrow!

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