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The following days went by with an eye blink. He applied for the online semester next year and went on with his normal classes. His sweater became bigger and bigger as the days went on, his baby bump slowly growing. He was now almost 5 months along in his pregnancy, and at this point he wished he would be bigger. He really wants to be, even though he knows it will be harder to hide. He told Oliver around 3 weeks ago. Or well he found out himself 3 weeks ago. Nialls lockscreen has been a picture of Liam kissing his stomach, and obviously Oliver had to stare at his screen right when Niall unlocked it. It's not that he didn't want to tell him, just not... not like this. After their sleep over it has been a bit weird between them. Now their friendship seems to be back to normal, which Niall was really thankful for. He needed a good friend in university. Especially now.

Liam was mainly working online, still driving back every two weeks to check in at the office and for Aiden to visit kindergarten. They also talked about moving back into their house, because Niall was starting online courses anyways. It was all one big overwhelming mess.

They didn't know if it would be smart to move back. Niall didn't plan on finishing university online. Especially with a new born at home. And moving back would also mean Liam working full time again. And with two kids that wasn't something easy to handle. So they stayed here. At least for the time being. It also started snowing a few days ago, and with Christmas coming closer it would be too much at the moment.

Niall was currently laying on the couch. It was 7pm and he was working on a paper. The warm light of their wooden lamp filled the room. Two white candles on their coffee table were burning down slowly. And while Niall was cuddled into a fuzzy blanket, Aiden was already asleep upstairs. The boy had spent today with Liam while Niall was sitting in his classes. Two hours ago they switched and Liam got some time for himself and to go grocery shopping. Niall was craving blue berries so obviously Liam had to add them to the grocery shopping list.
Niall was so absorbed in his task that he didn't even hear the front door opening.
"Babe? I'm back! Got you your berries and I also bought some ice cream- the one with brownie and peanut butter, right?"

The younger one got up from his cozy spot to greet his boyfri- fiancé. His fucking fiancé. He still isn't used to say it. Liam proposing felt like it was yesterday.

"Hi." Niall mumbled, getting on his tiptoes to press a soft kiss against Liams lips. The father still had two bags filled with groceries in his hands and his backpack, which was probably filled with smelly workout clothes over his shoulders.

"You went to the gym?" Niall asked quietly, taking one of the bags out of Liams hands. The older one hummed agreeing. "Had to move my body and get my mind of work things." He replied.
When they were putting the groceries away, Liam pulled Niall into his arms out of nowhere. "Is our boy already asleep?"

"Yeah, he fell asleep without any problems today, was pretty tired." The younger one said, turning around in Liams arms.

"Alright then, what would you think about watching a movie tonight? I'll let you the honor of picking one." He asked and Niall looked up at him with excitement. Eyes shining like the ones of a child on Christmas Day. "Oh definitely! I wanted to watch the last part of twilight for so long!" He giggled. When Liam started to shake his head Niall quickly stopped him. "There is no way out now, now take your shower." He said, leaving the kitchen with an evil but happy grin on his face.

The older one shook his head laughing. "You're lucky I love you enough to watch this Teenie shit."

"It's not Teenie shit! It's so bad that's good again. Like- a good bad, you know?" Niall yelled back, already looking for it in their old DVD collection.

"Whatever you say babe! I'm in the shower now." Liam said but didn't get another reply. He knew Niall would prepare snacks and drinks so he took his time in the shower. It has been a long fucking day. He's glad that the evening will consist of him and Niall cuddling on the couch.

Right as Liam was washing the shampoo out of his hair, he could he a soft knock on the door. "Li?" Niall asked quietly.

The older one stopped the water. "Everything's alright babe?" He asked concern in his voice. It stayed silent for a few seconds till Niall spoke up again.

"Can I shower with you?" 

It took Liam a seconds to realize what Nialls actually asked. "With me? Yeah, I guess so... what are-" he started but Niall already interrupted him, speaking quick this time.

"Uhm you know what? Just forget it, it was stupid." Till Liam realized the change of tone in Nialls voice the younger man was already gone.

Liams eyes widen, without a second thought he hopped out of the shower, shampoo still in his hair.
"WHAT? Wait- No, BABE!" He said loudly, hoping Niall would hear him.

But he didn't. Or if he did he chose to ignore it. Liam grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his lower half before leaving the bathroom, body still dripping wet.
Niall question came out of nowhere. Obviously he could shower with him, hell normally Liam is the one asking Niall if they should shower together.

"Ni? Babe- what's wrong?" He asked as he saw his boyfriend standing in the hallway teary eyes looking at him. The pouty lips just added extra sadness to his face which made Liam rethink all the words that left his mouth in the shower. He made him sad. "Darling." He mumbled loving, stepping up to get ahold of his fiancé.

"I'm- I... Youdon'tthinkI'mprettyanymore!" He cried out, stumbling over his own words.
Niall fell against Liams chest, tears slowly mixing up with the water drops on his shoulders. The older one was too stunned to speak. Not pretty anymore?

"What for nonsense are you saying there, baby what makes you think that?" Liam replied, his arms holding onto to Niall even tighter than before.

"I'm getting so chubby everywhere! And I'm so- so moody and sensitive, it's probably horrible to deal with on a daily basis, you can only get turned off from that." He exclaimed, mumbling it embarrassed into Liams neck.

"Baby you're the most beautiful person on this earth for me. Doesn't matter if you're getting more chubby-"



"You think I'm fat!"
And there came a new load of tears.
Oh well. Liam had to think. Niall could turn every word that leaves his mouth into a completely different meaning.

"I love you. I don't think your fat or chubby, in my eyes you're perfect. You're growing our baby inside of you, it's normal that it needs more space. I would love it if you join me in the shower, you should know that I do. Because who's the one always asking for a shared shower or bath?" He asked, lifting up an eyebrow looking down at Niall expectingly.

"You..." he grumbled.

"Right. So please never say that you're not "pretty" enough anymore. Because that could never happen. I want to marry you darling. Be there in good and bad times. Sickness and health. You're it for me, there is no one else."

Niall sniffled, his hand trying to stop the tears from rolling down his face. "You're so cute." He exclaimed. "I can't believe what for a big, romantic softie you are. I'm a crying mess and you're still here- just being the best man I could ever end up with. Sorry for crying."

Liam let out an chuckle. "No need to be sorry for your emotions, I'm happy you're sharing them with me. C'mon now, it's getting late and there's still shampoo in my hair. Wanna join me in the shower?"

Niall nodded still a bit embarrassed but with a smile on his face. There wasn't a better match for him than Liam.


helloooo babes.
hope you liked this chapter!
christmas time is coming closer :)

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