thirty eight

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"Good Night Aiden, Mommy and Daddy love you very much!" Niall whispered while pressing a soft kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Night momma." The boy replied sleepy.
Niall smiled at him and slowly dimmed the light while turning on the sound machine. Aiden loved to fall asleep with quiet noises.

The door got closed quietly and Niall went back to the living room. He turned off almost all the lights in the room, so now just the TV and a small, warm light were left on. He also put on an episode of friends and made himself comfy on the couch. It was now almost 8 pm and Liam still wasn't home. Probably wouldn't be home for the next two hours.

Niall didn't had a problem with staying late, he loves Liams place, the whole house just feels so homey.

He could also finally tell his mom where he really stayed so long, and it felt really fucking good that he didn't need to lie anymore.

"When is he coming home...?" Niall sighed tired of waiting. He watched at least four episodes now, the last one was the one from season 3, where they all played outside with a ball and it was one of Niall's favorites.

But it was also 9:30 pm now and he just wanted Liam to be home.
What could possibly take that long?
Couldn't he do it tomorrow? Urgh it's just frustrating. But what if Liam isn't even at work anymore... what is when he's somewhere else?

"God I'm going insane! Liam isn't a cheater, Liam is- Liam is just Liam. My perfect boyfriend with the heart of an angel, right." Niall mumbled to himself.
He actually talks a lot to himself, mostly to calm him down or to go through the things he needs to do. It kinda always used to be like that.

After two more episodes and a cup of tea, Niall fell asleep on the couch, cuddled in a soft, dark grey blanket, his phone laying in front of him. He was just too exhausted, to wait for Liam to come home.

When he opened his eyes for the next time, he got lifted up.

"Mhh?" He mumbled confused, trying to open his eyes. Everything was dark around him but he could tell that he was in Liams arms.

"Pssht keep sleeping love, you're gonna stay here tonight, I can bring you to school tomorrow." Liam whispered quietly, smiling down at the boy in his arms.

Niall somehow nodded, trying to understand the simple words.
"How late?" He murmured.  

"It's already past midnight, I'm so sorry that it took so long, i promise that won't happen again. I just had to finish something important today. But now go back to sleep love, we talk in the morning." The older one replied, when he tried to open the bedroom door with his foot. Thank god the door wasn't completely closed.

When he laid him down, he carefully removed his pants and put the heavy blanket over him.

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower, I'll be back in a second." He explained but Niall only replied with an soft "Mhh.", because he was already falling back asleep.
This bed was so much comfier than the couch.

Liam smiled at him and slowly stroked his cheek, Niall looked adorable asleep.
Okay it doesn't matter if he's sleeping or awake, he always looks beautiful.

After Liam grabbed a pair of new boxer shorts and a fresh towel, he went to the master bathroom and turned on the water. He got rid of all of his clothes and got in the shower hot and steamy shower.

"God I needed this." Liam sighed in relief.
Today was fucking exhausted, but not only because of his job, also because of the plan he had in mind.

The truth was that he only worked till 5 pm today, but Liam had some important appointments to catch. And they all had to do with Nialls birthday on Thursday.
He had the complete day planned out, even Friday and Saturday as well. He wants to make those days special for Niall.

He called Nialls mom and asked if Niall could stay the whole weekend at Liam's place and she fucking agreed! The man was worried about that for days now, and his boyfriends mother really agreed on her son staying with him, Liam couldn't be happier. He talked to his own parents as well, asking if they could take Aiden from Thursday to Saturday . And his mother obviously agreed on that with a heartbeat, she absolutely adores her grandson. It will be kinda hard to be away from Aiden for two whole days, but he was way too excited about the alone time he could spend with Niall.

Then he reserved a place at a restaurant for Nialls birthday dinner and he went shopping for a few other presents. Liam also planned out a small trip to a large, gorgeous lake, not too far away from here, and he booked a small lovely house right next to it. He was so excited to see his lovers reaction. Liam was well aware that Niall never had a boyfriend before, so he wants to be the one who shows him how amazing a relationship can really be. It was his goal to make Niall as happy as possible.

Hopefully everything works out how he planned it.

When the father came out of the bathroom, he went in his sons room real quick, just to check if the boy was fine and asleep. When Liam walked closer to Aidens bed, he noticed how the tiny boy had his arms rapped around his stuffed animal.  The blanket which Niall put so carefully over him was almost all the way at the end of the bed, which made Liam chuckle. Aiden really moved a lot in his sleep. One time when he was a bit younger he slept in Liams bed, and the father got at least two kicks in his face, and in the morning the boy even ended up on his dads chest, instead of besides him.

"Let's make it real cozy for you again, little man." Liam mumbled and put the thinner blanket back over him. He left the room with a soft "Love you peanut." .

As quit as somehow possible, he went back to the master bedroom and closed the door, Niall was already back in a deep sleep, snoring softly.

Liam slipped under the covers next to him and tried to put an arm around Nialls waist, which was harder then it sounds, because the younger one laid almost completely on his stomach.

"Babe..." Liam mumbled, slowly pulling Niall closer to him.

"L-Lima..." Niall mumbled half asleep.

"Come I wanna cuddle."

Liam wasn't sure if Niall understood what he wanted, but the younger one moved a bit closer to him and took Liams hand, which was laying on his chest, in his own.
The father absolutely loved that cuddle pose, even though he knew that because of all the moving in their sleep, they wouldn't be holding hands for the whole night.

When Niall was moved all the way with his back against Liams stomach, he murmured a sleepy "good night." , which Liam returned, with a soft kiss on his boyfriends head.


heyy lovers!

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