sixty eight

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„Now I'm tired Liam." Niall mumbled.
He was laying on the couch, cuddled in the big, white, fluffy bathrobe, wearing nothing underneath because they just came out of the steamy shower. Liam on the other hand was already dressed in a shirt and some oversized dark green sweatpants.

„What do you think about having a romantic dinner at home? I can call at the restaurant and cancel for tonight, if you would prefer that?" Liam murmured, his hand slowly going through Nialls still slightly wet hair.

The younger one nodded. „If that's okay with you...? We can obviously go out to eat if that was part of the Plan that you don't wanna tell me?" Niall giggled, now looking up at Liam who was sitting beside him.

„Well my plan consisted of going out for dinner and then coming back here for something different, but I think we also can create something delicious here, even tho that means you have to help me, because you can cook way better than me" Liam explained with a laugh.

„I'm alright with that, maybe we can make lasagna? I'm in the mood for that."

„Whatever you want babe. But we should start making that soon, I'm getting hungry." The father replied getting up. „I'm gonna pick out some sweatpants and a shirt for you, okay?"

Niall nodded. „Can i have the shirt you're currently wearing?"

Liam rolled his eyes with a chuckle. He fell deep. Deep deep in love with this guy.
„Yeah." He replied, and with one quick motion his shirt was off again, he threw it at Niall who hasn't moved a centimeter and made his way upstairs.

Liam also wanted to bring out the little box he prepared earlier today. It was a white box, which had, besides some yellow roses, Nialls favorite chocolate, a package of raspberry tea, and a keychain in it. The keychain was in an beige kind of tone and had the name „Horan-Payne" written over it in black letters. There also was a key to this house on the keychain. He still wasn't sure if the name on the keychain was a step to big, but he just fell in love with the idea of Niall carrying that around in his pocket. Obviously if they ever would be in the place to get married, Liam hopes that Niall would take his name completely. He decided to hide the box in his closet, so that he could easily get it later. While he did that he also picked out a pair of sweatpants for Niall and a new shirt for himself. When he came back downstairs, Niall actually moved from the couch to the kitchen.

"Look, I found everything we need to make a lasagna! We even have enough cheese, fuck I'm excited!" He exclaimed, already pre-heating the oven.

Liam smiled at that sight. "You look so cuddly babe." He mumbled, walking up to Niall, to hug him from behind. Niall really did. Standing there in their kitchen with that bathrobe still on, his fresh washed hair, he just looked amazing.

"Well I take that as a compliment? But I have to put some clothes on now,
I kinda feel naked." He laughed.

"Mhh let me see."  The older one murmured trying to push the bathrobe wider open.

"LIAM!" Niall yelled jumping away.

"Oh cmon, I literally just saw you not too long ago in the shower. You look beautiful baby, don't hide." He said with a chuckle, but Niall just rolled his eyes, a small smile still on his lips. "But that doesn't matter Li, I just wanna make dinner now, I'm starving. If you're a gentleman tonight than maybe I'll undress for you Payne. But now start cutting the tomatoes, while I put the clothes on."

"Yes sir."

"Idiot." He replied, leaving the kitchen after taking the sweatpants out of Liams hand. It honestly was a miracle how Niall hasn't noticed Liams nervousness already. The older one was basically sweating trying to stay calm on the outside. Yeah he was good at faking an relaxed appearance but still- Liam was worried sick. What if Niall doesn't want to move in? Not only the night but probably their relationship, would be ruined.
Okay maybe not completely ruined but it definitely would make things harder. But on the other hand, Niall probably wants to move in right? Why wouldn't he? Liam just had to keep in mind that nothing good can come out of expecting the worst.

"Tada!" Niall exclaimed coming back in the kitchen pointing out his outfit.

„You look adorable babe, my clothes look amazing on you." Liam replied, starring at his boyfriend who was now getting the other things for the lasagna ready.

„Thank you." he giggled, and god Liam could have died right here. He's fucking perfect.

As the two were done and the lasagne, which had way too much cheese on top, was in the oven, Niall decided that it's time to watch something on TV. He wasn't really in the mood for a movie, so he was searching for a good TV show, something funny that they both knew already so they wouldn't watch a complete new show.

„So if you don't wanna watch How I Met your mother, what do you think about friends?" The father asked but Niall just shook his head. „Nah don't really wanna watch that at the moment, what do you think about Supernatural? Dean is hot as fuck."

„No not that babe. But I have to agree, Dean is hot, and he's really cute with this angel guy... what was his name again?"

„Castiel. Yeah they are cute, kinda like us." Niall laughed. „Sure you don't Wanna watch it?"

„Yeah, I just want something more in the comedy direction -"

„We are not watching Two and a half men again, I hate that show! It's so boring." Niall interrupted him right away. The last time the two watched it, Niall almost died because it was so stupid. How can people actually enjoy watching that?

„What about the middle?" Liam suggested.

„That's better. But I don't wanna watch that, what about-." Niall sighed,

„Okay maybe we should just watch a movie instead." Liam said with a chuckle.

„No no- I have an idea! What's with Sex and the City?" He asked excited.

„What the- are you serious? Isn't that a girl show?"

„Excuse me Liam! I like that show. It's funny and Carrie teaches us a lot about love and sex." Niall confessed, which made Liam laugh even more than before.

„I don't think we need any help with that darling. I'm so in love with you, you wouldn't believe it. And in my opinion our sex-life is fantastic." He explained, and Nialls face got red in a matter of seconds.

„That- that's not point. I really wanna watch it again, it's been so long since I last have watched it, please!" Niall asked making pouty lips and big eyes.

"Stop with that look already, it's alright. We can watch it. God I can't believe I watch such an girly show for you."

"C'mon you would watch even worse things for me." Niall said and Liam replied with an "Yeah probably."

With an happy smile Niall started Sex and the City at season one again, but paused it for now, because they wanted to wait for the food first. Well Liam wanted to wait.


hi, boring chapter, but i hope it made your day a bit better?
love y'all!

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