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With the soft but also deep voice of my favorite singer in both of my ears, I sat in our classroom. I had my sketchbook with me. But I use it more to write my feelings down or to create songs than to actually draw something in it. The lesson by the way should have started more than 10 minutes ago, but there was still no teacher in the room, so who cares if I'm listening to music?

Oh wait I actually know a person, who cares. Actually cares way too much. And this person is a curly haired boy. Or what I like to call him: my personal curly mop.
He needs a lot of attention, i mean I'm not gonna lie- I need that too sometimes, but definitely not right now.

"Please Niall! It's so boring here and I forgot my headphones at home, because I was in a hurry this morning. Talk to me Nialler. Nia-„

„Oh god please shut up! What do you wanna talk about?" I answered annoyed while putting my headphones back into my school bag.

"You already know what I want to talk about ... Louis!" he said happy and grinned at me. 

"Oh not him again!" I moaned, rolling my eyes.

Louis is his new boyfriend, they're together for almost 2 months now. I just met him once and he seems like a kind guy. But Harry obviously has to be obsessed with him, it kills me. So much love. And then there is me. I've never had a Boyfriend, or even my first kiss. I just wanna fall in love with a nice, caring guy. Maybe with big brown eyes and fluffy brown hair but that's not that important... even tho it would be awesome.

But nop, I'm just an ugly, Irish (can't forget that fact) boy that needs a lot of attention. Can anyone relate?

„-and he is in the soccer team of his school, oh Lou also told me that he'll maybe become the team captain soon! Isn't that insane!" Harry exclaimed.

Did he talk the whole time?
Damn I'm a bad friend.

„Ehh yeah, that sounds so cool Haz. I bet you're really proud of him."

Harry laughed quietly.
„Of course I am, he even said I could wear his soccer shirt, when he plays." He said excited.

I just answered him with a sad smile. "I want that too. I want someone who loves and cares for me."

„Ohh don't be sad Nialler, you're only 18... trust me, you'll find someone soon."

„Yeah... of course. As if my dream man would walk through the door in the next minute!" I let out a chuckle. „I mean- we're not in a bad romantic movie, where my dream prince tries to find me, Harry."

„We could be!" he replied sarcastically.

Oh trust me I wish we were. But nop. I'm sitting here in a big, boring, old school. And I kind of have a little secret... which I obviously only told Harry about, because my dad would literally try to kill me if he would find out that I'm gay. I really want someone to kiss and cuddle with. A male someone. With a big and warm body who makes sure I'm safe and happy.
Not that big of a deal.

But not even a minute later my thoughts were interrupted by the loud voice of my annoying teacher. „Damn I thought he wouldn't come anymore." I said, a lot quieter than before to Harry, who just nodded in agreement.

„GOOD MORNING STUDENTS!" He started loudly. "Please all calm down, I'm sorry that we're late but the lesson will start now!" 

Just a few seconds later I noticed that our teacher wasn't alone. He had a younger man standing next to him, but I couldn't quite see him, because he stood with his back to me. „Is this the man you were talking about before?" I whispered to Harry.

He nodded. „Yeah I think."

He is really tall... and that suit, wow.
He's wearing a dark blue suit with black, shiny shoes, his hair was a beautiful type of warm brown and looked so fluffy. Sadly I still couldn't see his face, as he was still talking to our teacher. But after another minute our teacher just nodded to him and stopped talking.
He looked at us. „Okay, so as the most of you already know, you'll won't have geography now, because today- this kind man is-" while he said that, he pointed at the younger male.
"-our guest. He is one of the most important business men from the company PaynesGroup and will even be the main boss in the future! Impressive isn't it? He will talk about the tasks he has to do and at the end you can ask him questions, let's start."

After he finished, he smiled at the man and sat down at his desk in the front.

The younger male, finally I might say, turned around and my eyes instantly went to his face. Fuck.

"Oh my god..." I whispered to myself in absolute disbelief. "He is beautiful!"

"See, I told you!" Harry replied in an know it all kind of way.

"I mean- he is hot but at the same time so cute! His face looks like the face of a teddyb-"

"Niall, would you like to share this conversation with the rest of the class?" My teacher interrupted my talk with Harry. Everyone was looking at me. Also Mr. Handsome face. Not embarrassing at all, amazing first appearance Niall.

"Uhm no, I'm sorry, I'll be quit now ." I mumbled and put my head down on the desk. How humiliating can a situation be? God I hate myself.

I still could notice how the brown haired male in front of everyone was looking at me. But he couldn't have heard what I said, right? I'm at least 5 meters away from him- probably even more than that.
But he soon stopped looking at me and looked at the rest of the class before he started talking.

"Good Morning. I hope everyone is awake enough to listen to me, I know it's not easy this early in the morning, but I guess you have no other option." The man started talking and laughed a bit at the end. My class laughed too and agreed quietly to him.

"Anyways I'm Mr Payne and I'm gonna talk about my work life as a business man in the company PaynesGroup, which by the way is still the company of my father, so don't be confused because of my last name."

And with that he started talking about his daily tasks, special events, some random things about his job and a lot more. I need to say that it was really interesting but I could hardly focus because damn- his voice! He had such a deep and calming voice. I could listen to him for hours.

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