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"My mom literally wanted to leave to go shopping right away." Niall laughed, as they were back at home.

"I'm pretty sure she still convinced your father to actually get ready and go." Liam added with a smile one his face. They were currently watching Aiden, who sat in the bathtub playing with his new boat.

"Seems about right." Niall giggled. "I'm just glad they took the news well. Especially my dad." He added.

The older one nodded agreeing. "Now there's only my parents and your friend left. But I'm sure it will go just as nicely."

"Oh Harry will be excited." Niall let out. "He always wanted to be an uncle, but his sister isn't ready for kids yet. He will be happy."

"Glad I could help." Liam replied with an laugh. Niall just rolled his eyes, a chuckle leaving his lips. "You're so funny Payne."

"That's why you love me."

"Mhh right, definitely the only reason." Niall giggled, pressing his lips on Liams neck. "You're sneaky." The father breathed out. "Let's get Aiden to bed and then we can take a shower."

"We?" Niall asked, biting his lip.

"Mhh." Liam hummed, a smirk appearing on his lips. But he said nothing more after that, just concentrating on washing Aidens hair. Niall felt a nervous shiver run down his spine. But this time it was because of excitement. Because of the overwhelming past few days there wasn't much time for romance, and just the thought of enjoying some alone time with Liam drives him crazy. Maybe it was the pregnancy but damn Niall wanted to kiss the crap out of Liam. And maybe some other things as well...

„Good night peanut. Sleep tight. Daddy and I love you very much." Niall whispered, pressing a soft kiss on the boy's forehead. „The pout- pout fish" was the book Niall read to him today. One of Aidens favorites. And While he was reading about Mr Fish with the permanent pout, Liam was off creating a romantic atmosphere in the bathroom. But Niall obviously didn't knew that.

As he turned on the small night light which simulated a teddy pair, he noticed a warm light coming from the bathroom across the hall. Aidens door felt shut softly and he peeked his head through the door into the bathroom. „Li?"

„Come on in darling." The older one replied quietly. „I know it's not much, but it's the best I could do in 5 minutes."

„Oh Liam!" Niall mumbled, completely overwhelmed as he stepped into the the steamy bathroom. The shower was already going, water turning hotter every minute. The few candles they had bought   where spread out in the bathroom. Some by the sink and a few on the shelf next to the shower. Liam was already stripped down to his boxer shorts, standing in front of the running shower with two towels. "You like it?" He asked.

The younger one laughed. "How could I not? God you're the best boyfriend anyone could ever have!" He mumbled, giving him a kiss on his shoulder blades. The father rapped his arms around Nialls waist. "I'll take that. Now get undressed babe."

"Your wish is my command daddy."

"Stop teasing me baby. It wasn't my plan to fuck you in the shower." Liam whispered.

Niall gasped, acting shocked.
"Really? That's heartbreaking. We haven't had shower sex in quite some time. And you wouldn't even have to use a condom..." Niall murmured into his ear.

Liam let out a shaky moan. God he was horny. With Niall he felt like a teenager all over again. He pushed his boyfriends shirt up over his head, while the younger one pushed his pants down. As soon as Niall was out of his clothes he gripped the bond of Liams boxer shorts, trying to pull them down.

The father laughed. His own hands moving into Nialls underwear, grabbing his ass cheeks while biting down on his lips at the same time. "Love that ass." He mentioned, probably more for his own ears more than Nialls. The younger one still heard it though, cheeks turning red.

"Love you...?" Niall mumbled shyly as they stood naked next to each other.

Liam let out a chuckle. "Let's get in, don't want you two to freeze." He explained quietly. Nialls heart warms up at hearing those words. You two. Almost forgot there was a tiny growing human inside of him.

Niall cuddled up against Liams chest, trying to get under the warm water jet as well. "Haven't had much time for just us lately." Liam whispered and Niall nodded agreeing. "Can you imagine what our life will look like with two kids?" He asked and Liam just shook his with a laugh. "To be honest? Not really. It will for sure be different than now. But I know we will rock this."

"I'm sure we will. I just hope we still have enough time for us. Especially with university and work... and two kids running around."

"Well pumpkin won't run around for the first few months." The father laughed. "It will be tough either way. But we always gonna find time for each other, I promise you darling."

"Oh I love it when you call me that." 

"I could also call you... sugar?" He suggested, with raised eyebrows.

"That's sounds like a stripper name, please go back to darling. That's romantic." Niall replied.

"You're talking about romance, as we are standing next to each other naked with my hands on your ass?" The older one asked, leaning down to connect his lips with Nialls, giving him no chance to say anything. As the younger one opened his mouth because of a moan, Liam saw it as an opportunity to push his tongue in, exploring the familiar mouth expertly. Niall held on tightly to Liam, smiling into the kiss. God he loved this man. How could he get so damn lucky.

Liams lips moved down over Nialls neck right down to his shoulders, where he stayed for the time being. Sucking softly till the spot turned dark purple. A love bite. Liam loved giving his boyfriend those. And while his lips were working up there, his fingers stroked circles over Nialls hips, going more and more down, right to his sensitive hole. With a smirk on his lips, he pushed one finger in, which made Niall shiver, remembering the other times he felt this way. Not even a minute after that he pushed in a second one, and after one look at his lovers face he added a third one. Moving them in circling motions and in and out from time to time.
Nialls eyes were shut, the only thing he could focus on where Liams hands, his fingers, his fucking lips. At least till the movements got slower.

"Uh-ohh god! Don't stop- keep moving your fingers." He moaned out, giving in completely. Liam was pressing him against the cold tiles. "You think you're stretched enough?"

The younger one opened his eyes, taking a second to get used to the light again.
"For you always." He whimpered.

A smirk appeared on Liams lips. At a very slow pace he pulled his fingers out. Making Niall whimper yet again, feeling overstimulating feeling. "Empty." He mumbled. The father almost let out an laugh, but he could stop himself.
"Let's get to bed alright? This shower is way too small for all the things I wanna do to you." He murmured instead.

Niall was nodding quickly, pulling Liam out of the shower, still dripping wet, getting water everywhere. "The towels-"

"No no- the bed." Niall interrupted, pulling Liam away from the bathroom right into the direction of their bedroom.

"We are literally running around naked. What if Aiden isn't fully asleep yet?" Liam asked lifting up an eyebrow. But he realized Niall isn't even listening.
"So horny baby?"

"Shut up Liam. Get the lube and fuck me already. I need you inside of me now." He replied, emphasizing the word now to the point where it almost sounded desperate. But he most definitely was. Niall wasn't a big dirty talker, so Liam knew the hormones are getting the best out of him.

"Of course my love. Go lay down and you'll get what you want... and more."


well hi. a little fluff which probably could turn into smut if you want? idk, hope ya enjoyed this chapter.

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