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As Niall leaned forward, his hands were moving to Liam's chest, his nails digging into the older ones skin. Niall began to tense, the sensation pooling in his legs and stomach, spreading through his entire body. He felt more than ready, and after hearing Liams low and desperate voice, saying that he's close, he let go. He came all over his own stomach and Liams hand which was holding onto his hip.

The older one closed his eyes, and released inside his lover with one final thrust, and a long deep moan.

"U-uh god, I love you ."

"I-I love you too, but I'm not sure if I can walk." Niall replied, his voice shaky.

Liam laughed against his shoulder and kissed his hair, exhaling deeply as he tried to catch his breath. Niall just let his hands ran along his Boyfriends bare back.
"I'm not mad though, this was incredible."

"Yeah... but do you think...?" Liam started and Niall knew exactly what he was on about.

"No, the chances aren't the biggest Li, and if they would be higher I would make you use a condom. It's just because the doctor promised me that it probably would take a while for us to actually have success in making a- you know. The pill I'm taking is also helping. Just when I stop taking that the chances will get higher." 

"So you just love being risky with me?" Liam laughed and Niall rolled his eyes.

"You're an idiot."

"Well I love being your idiot. And I'm already excited for when the time comes when we are actually can try for a Baby." Liam murmured pressing a kiss below Nialls ear, which made him blush.

"I bet Aiden will be an amazing big brother." Niall whispered, which made Liam smile. God he couldn't wait till they were at that point in their life.

"Yeah he will. Can't wait till that day comes."

"I get it Li, wanna take a quick shower?" Niall asked, but Liam shook his head.

"No, we just showered earlier, we can take a shower tomorrow morning, can we just cuddle and sleep?" He said instead, lifting up an eyebrow at the end.

The younger one agreed. "But I think we left the TV on downstairs, I should go and turn it off-"

"No no, you'll stay with me. The TV will turn off alone after 120 minutes." Liam explained and Niall laid back down, cuddling into Liams arms. They were laying chest against chest, which was Nialls favorite way to cuddle. Especially with Liam being shirtless.

"If you say so." Niall murmured. "I love cuddling with you."

"Just because I'm shirtless!" Liam laughed quietly.

"Maybe a bit, your chest hair is very sexy. But I also like cuddling with you when you wear clothes." Niall defended himself with a giggle.

After Niall fell asleep, Liam just starred at him, softly stroking over his sleeping peaceful face. "God you're beautiful." He whispered to his sleeping boyfriend. He never was in love like this. He never experienced such strong feelings towards one person. And at some point it was driving him insane, thinking he could ever lose this man. He promised himself, that he would never let him walk out of his life. He wanted to marry this guy, make him his forever, expand their family.

He put his left arm around Nialls waist, pulling him closer to his chest. "Gonna hold you as long as I can, my love." He murmured out in the silence.
And so they both slept deeply next to each other, waking up face to face the next morning. It was already 10:21 am, and neither of the men wanted to get up.

"My parents will bring Aiden back soon." Liam murmured, his voice deep and raspy. Niall mumbled something not understandable, eyes still closed.

"You know that means we have to get up soon?" The older one chuckled.

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