seventy three

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"So you're completely living there now? You're all moved out of your parents house?" Harry asked excited and Niall nodded biting his lips to stop himself from smiling.

„God you're all grown up. You're living together with your man and kid! In a huge house, kinda jealous." Nialls curly friend laughed.

„He's my boyfriend, not my man... and it's still all so fresh, but not gonna lie- waking up next to him this morning was amazing. And we dropped Aiden off at the kindergarten together, before he brought me here... it just all works out so perfect."

„Will he also drive you home today?"

„No, I'm gonna get Aiden after school and we will walk home together. Liam will come home a bit later today." Niall explained, while he looked through his notes of the first lesson. „What did you chose as a second exam subject?" he added, questioning. That was one thing he was wondering about for a while now. Today was the last day where he could tell his teacher what he wanted to do for an exam. There were only two options but neither of them sounded appealing to Niall.

„I decided to do chemistry. I currently have D, but Mrs. Wilson said, I can easily improve with a bit of learning, so I'm hoping for C. Don't tell me you haven't decided yet?" Harry replied looking at Niall who shook his head in embarrassment.

„No I haven't, my mind was just somewhere else. Like completely- I don't even know where to start with all that exam stuff. And I don't think I will pick chemistry, I have a B. I don't wanna risk loosing that so close to the end. But in physics I also have B, not a good one tho... but I probably would end up with a C. God I don't know what to do." He explained.
Niall just wanted to finally be done with school, he wanted to start writing his own book, maybe a novel. Or writing articles for a magazine, doesn't matter. God he wanted to be there already. But his exams and a few years of studying to become a author still stood in the way.

"Well- then I still would recommend you to choose chemistry. You're good, so with just a tiny bit of studying you will keep your B or maybe get an A at the end, who knows." Harry said and Niall slowly agreed.

The day went by slow. He had a really uncomfortable conversation with his main teacher and copied some notes which could be important for the math exam. God that was the one Niall was most scared off. He remembered that his brother ended up getting a D. A fucking D. Yeah obviously it could have been worse, and for Greg at that time, a D was totally fine. But for Niall it wasn't. He wanted to get a B, or at least an C.

As Niall could finally leave the school building, he said good bye to Harry and went to the kindergarten right away. He honestly loved that place. It just gave off such a positive and happy vibe. Everything was colorful and the kids were laughing and screaming. He imagined it, to not always be like that, especially for the kindergarten teachers, but he still loved the idea of this wonderful place for kids. As he went inside, his school bag hanging low over his shoulder, a little boy, probably in the age of 4 or 5, was stopping in front of him.

„Huh? Uhm Hi." Niall said with a small smile.

„What's ya name?"

„I'm Niall. And who are you?"

„Noah! You bwig brother?" he asked, lifting up an eyebrow. Niall shook his head, understanding that the boy thought he was here to get his little brother.

„No my- my son is here." He explained slowly, a smile appearing on his face. Jup, that's right. His son.

Noah giggled. „What name?"

„His name is Aiden."

„Cool! Gonna play now, bye bye."

Niall giggled as he watched the boy go.
Adorable. But now it was time to find his own little boy. God he already missed him. He went through the hallways till he got to Aidens group room.

„Oh Hello Mr Payne!"

„Horan actually, but please call me Niall." He replied with a laugh.

The kindergarten teacher nodded ashamed. „Oh god I'm sorry, I forgot." she said, but Niall shook his head.

„Don't worry about it. Is Aiden playing inside?"

„Oh, I think he just went on the toilet with a colleague. He should be back any minute, you can already sign and put in the time if you want." She replied and Niall agreed.

„Aiden not so fast! You'll fall!" Someone yelled from far away, but the little boy was unstoppable.

„BUT MA MOMMY! MY MOMMY!" he loudly screamed, running as fast as his small legs could go. Niall giggled, walking closer to him and kneeling down so it was easier for Aiden to reach him.

„Momma, you here! For me?" he mumbled out of breath, as soon as he let himself fall into Nialls arms.

„Of course I'm here for you peanut, there is nobody else I want to take home more than you." Niall replied, hugging his boy tightly. „Love you."

„Luv ya too." Aiden whispered with a giggle. „Home?"

„Yeah we will go home now. But first you have to say good bye."

Aiden nodded, pulling away to ran back to his group room. Niall smiled and got back up, searching for his sons jacket and shoes. Aiden wore his brown teddy jacket today, which made him literally look like a baby bear, god Niall was obsessed with it.

It didn't even took the two boys 20 minutes to walk home, mainly because Aiden was basically running and jumping half of the way, which means Niall had a hard time to keep up.

„Gwonna have snack pwlease?" Aiden asked looking at the fridge.

„Didn't you just had a snack in kindergarten with the other kids?"

Aiden looked away. „Uhm no?"

„Yeah sure." Niall laughed. „Just a small strawberry yogurt and that's it, alright?"


Niall rolled his eyes with a smirk. „Okay then a blueberry yogurt, but not more. Otherwise you wouldn't want to eat anything for dinner." he explained and Aiden nodded, even though he probably didn't listen because he was too focused on the yogurt his mommy was holding in his hands.

„Here you go, try to be careful while eating. And use your spoon. I'm gonna get some school papers real quick." Niall said slowly, his eyes not leaving Aiden who was just eating his food in peace.

As fast as he could he ran to get his school bag. He should use the time to study. Even if it's for just 10 minutes.

„Momma what ya doing?"

„I'm reading over my biology tasks babe. It's grown up stuff, you don't have to worry about that yet." he exclaimed with a smile as Aiden replied an „Alwright."


boring chapter, but life is
stressful atm. hope ya still
enjoyed reading it :)

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