eighty three

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„I think he's out." Niall whispered looking down at the sleeping boy. The movie was already over but they stayed and watched a few episodes of friends.

„I'm gonna bring him to bed, I'll be back in a second." Liam replied just as quiet, softly lifting Aiden up to carry him to their bed. He put some pillows on the sides so the boy was secure and pressed a light kiss on his forehead. "Good night peanut." He mumbled before leaving the room.

"So... and what will we do now? Gonna keep watching TV or what?" Niall asked and Liam nodded.

"Maybe a bit, buuut I thought we could take a shower before we go to bed?" The older one asked, making big eyes and a pleading look.


"Saving water, you know?"

"Alright, but we are using your shower gel, I wanna smell like you." Niall mumbled which made Liam go crazy. God he loved this guy.

"Oh hell yeah, I love when you smell like me." Liam murmured which made Niall giggle. "So happy that you're all mine... and you know what? Let's go shower now."

Niall laughed. "Because you're horny?" He asked lifting up an eyebrow.

"Maybe, what you say?"

"Well i'm not saying no."

Liam smirked. "C'mon then." He jumped off the couch and turned the TV off, almost running into the bathroom.

"Idiot." Niall chuckled, but following him nonetheless. Their new shower was a bit smaller than the one they had back at home but that didn't bother them. Just one more reason to get closer.

"Mhh you look good right now darling." Liam murmured as his thumbs brushed lightly over Nialls hips. The younger one smiled slightly, a blush appearing on his cheeks. At some point it still felt weird being this open with someone. Like- he was staying here, completely naked and it didn't even bother him. He just felt extremely comfortable when he was with Liam.

"C-could you touch me?"

"Someone's a bit needy all of a sudden?" Liam whispered, licking over Nialls neck.

The younger one let out a shaky breath. "Li just- just do it. Don't make me beg."

Liam chuckled deeply. "But I love to hear you beg for me."

The two spent quite some time in the bathroom. Not exactly showering but still in the shower. Niall felt like he's gonna faint at the end of it. It was fucking hot and steamy in there.

"Why do I feel more dirty than before?" Niall asked quietly, a tiny laugh escaping his lips. The father  just smiled slightly.
While he had the towel only rapped around his hips, Niall was completely cuddled into his. He looked adorable.

"Well I feel amazing." He replied, going over to the sink to brush his teeth. He squeezed the blue and white paste on Nialls toothbrush first, and on his own right after. "Here you go Darling."

"Thanks. And obviously you do. Your ass isn't the one which will hurt tomorrow." Niall giggled, face red.

"I'm sorry love, was I too rough? Or is it hurting because you couldn't lay or sit?"

"No no- everything was perfect. I probably just still feel sore from all the moving today. I'm exhausted." He explained before he started brushing his teeth as well. Liam nodded, saying they should probably go to bed.

Aiden was still deep asleep, cuddled into the big mess of white sheets. They had a salt stone lamp on in the corner, creating a cozy lighting in the room.

"He's so sweet!" Niall whispered, starring down at their boy. Liam was nodding with a small not visible smile. And as Niall softly laid down on the left side of the bed, Liam was turning the lamp off, quickly laying down as well. Aiden was in the middle of them, his back turned to Liam.

"Good night my love." Liam mumbled, pulling Niall in for one last kiss.

"Night. I love you."

"Love you more."

The next day was spent with more unpacking. Nialls mother called to check in and make sure her son is safe and happy. But besides that nothing special happened. Aiden wanted to go on a walk, and was really disappointed when his parents made him wait. Liam told him they would go on one in the afternoon because they still had so much to do in the apartment. "That bworing dada!" The boy exclaimed, making pouty lips.

"Peanut, look around- this place is a mess. Most of our boxes still need to be unpacked. I promise you we'll gonna go and check out the neighborhood later today." The father replied.

Aiden sighed. "Oday... what do now?" He asked, pushing a toy car around.

"What do you think about making muffins little one? Wanna bake with me, while daddy is putting all the stuff away?" Niall asked which made Aiden look up at him in excitement. "YES!" He yelled out happily. The smile back on his face.

Liam sighed in relief, thankful to have Niall here. He mouthed a "Thank you" to him but Niall just smiled and waved it off.

"I was thinking vanilla muffins?"

"W-with apple?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah we can also put apple pieces inside of them." Niall laughed, before he picked up Aiden to go in the kitchen. He wasn't even sure if they had everything for muffins but he didn't need much so hopefully it will work out.

"Love bake with mommy!"

Niall giggled. "I love to bake with you as well peanut. You're always a big help."

"I good! Gwonna be a b-baker."

"You wanna be a baker one day?" Niall asked lifting up an eyebrow.

"Mhh mwaybe?" Aiden mumbled.

"Well- you still have some time to figure everything out. We will be proud of you no matter what you're gonna be."

"Owkay momma. Bwut I wanna bake now. Eat muffins." Aiden exclaimed getting up on a chair so he could see what Niall will gonna do.

"Okay okay- let's start. First we need some flour and two eggs. And maybe we can put in a banana as well." Niall said, getting a big bowl to put the flour in.


hellooo babes!
i had a really nice weekend (the weather was AMAZING) and today i found out i'm gonna be an aunt 🥺 so excited! such a nice little surprise doing those hard times

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