ninety eight

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Aiden started crying as soon as he heard what was happening. He didn't understand a lot but he knew that an operation wasn't good. He once watched a few minutes of this doctor show, where they had to do that. Well that was till mommy said he was too young to watch that kind of stuff. And it also wasn't as fun as Paw Patrol, and his momma was certainly right with that one.

While Liam tried to explain that Niall will be okay and that they can visit him later, Aiden was still shaking, sniffing with tears rolling down his cheeks. It took two hours, and Aiden actually took a 20 minute nap in between because he was so exhausted but then they finally got some news.

"Mr Payne?"

Liam almost jumped up. "Yeah?"

"Mr Horan made it through the operation fine, they are currently bringing him up to a room. You can go there in a few minutes- it's room 6a, on floor 4. He has to stay here for at least two nights to make sure everything is healing properly. But then you can take him home again. The baby is healthy and safe as well." Evelyn said, as soon as she was inside the room she had a happy grin on her face.

"Oh thank god- thank you thank you thank you! I wouldn't know what to do without him, he's- he's the love of my life. Thank you!" Liam got up, Aiden in his arms but the nurse only shook it off. "You don't have to thank me, but it's Doctor Thomas that did the work, but you can thank him later when he gives you some more informations about the operation. I'm just glad that it went well, you seem like an amazing father and partner." After that she said we could go up to the room.

"We will go to see mommy now!" Liam exclaimed happily and that woke Aidens interest. "Rweally?" He asked, eyes wide.

"Yes, they helped mommy to get better again. But we still have to be careful and quiet because mommy is probably really tired and exhausted, okay peanut?"

"Bwut momma owkay?"

"Yes he's gonna be completely okay." Liam replied, a huge smile over his face as he pressed Aiden closer against his chest. Then he pressed one huge kiss on his nose. "Let's go."

Finding the room didn't took long. And as soon as it was in sight, Liam basically ran to it, opening it without knocking. It was a room filled with brightness, thanks to the two big windows on the opposite side of the door. There was a single bed standing in the middle of the room, which was pressed against a dark green wall. In one corner was a small seating area with a table and two wooden chairs.

"Momma!" The boy was eager to just jump out of his fathers arms as he noticed his momma laying in the bed. "Dada mommy hwere!" He exclaimed.

"Told you so, but remember to be careful." The father replied, his voice much calmer. Now that he had Niall right in front of him, breathing normally and sound asleep, he felt a lot more relaxed.

He was definitely paler than normally and there a few tubes connected with him which wasn't a pretty sight, but it could be worse. He was okay. Our baby was okay.

God we will have a baby. Our own little one. A mix between him and me. We are gonna have a newborn. A complete new life. That will take a while to process.

And we would have had twins... that's crazy. How the hell should I explain this to Niall? Or did he knew? There was no way... he would have told me. I mean I'm pretty sure he would have. How will he react when he finds out that we lost a baby?

As I looked back at the bed Aiden was already sitting on top of it.

"AIDEN!" I hissed, quickly walking up to the right side of the bed. He was sitting right next to Nialls sleeping figure, his small hand holding on to Nialls arm.

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