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"Mhh... they are so pink and seem to be unbelievable soft, almost- almost like a cloud, you know?" Liam mumbled.

"Yours look g-good as well, just really full and almost bloody red... not that they are bleeding, b-but they have this dark red undertones, s-so..." Niall began to stutter. Like a fucking idiot. I bet Liam was joking the whole time.

Liam chuckled quietly. "Thanks love, that's sweet of you to say." He whispered.

"You're welcome Li." Niall said shyly, cheeks heating up.

"Li... I still like that nickname, Ni." Liam smirked, his hands still softly placed on Nialls face. At least one of them did, the other arm was rapped around Nialls waist.

"Ni is a cute nickname as well." Niall mumbled slightly.

Both were still close to each other. Extremely close in Nialls opinion. But Niall didn't knew what exactly he should do in this situation. He's never been that close to someone before, at least not in a romantic way.

Not that this would be romantic... or is it romantic? How would Niall know? Liam is a fucking model compared to himself! And he's older, oh and he has a child! Maybe this is just a normal daily thing for the father?

Liam took a deep breath. "Okay Niall, I'll be honest here. I usually don't do stuff like this... and- I mean nothing even happened, probably won't if I keep talking like an idiot but I just want to let you know that this is nothing I do everyday. And I do really like you..." He let out a deep shaky breath, before he finished talking. "I'm kinda scared to fuck this whole thing up." And even though he seemed to be a nervous wreck, he still managed to look extremely hot and confident in what he does and says.

"You don't talk like an idiot." Was what Niall replied quietly, smiling sheepishly at the end. Liam laughed.

"From all the stuff I just said, that's the only thing you've noticed?" Liam replied.

Nialls face got even more red, which seemed to be almost impossible.
"I-Uhm... no?"

"No? So what else have you noticed Mr Horan?" Liam whispered slowly.

"You said that you like me."

"Mhh. You got it right." Liam replied, smiling shyly. "So what do you think?"

"That you're joking." Niall whispered.

Liam was taken aback for a shorty second.
"What? Why would you think that love?"

Did Liam just call him love?

"Did you just call me love?" Niall asked, instead of answering the question Liam wanted him to answer so badly.

"Yeah I did... I can stop calling you that, if you don't like it. I- I just thought that you might feel the same, which I guess was pretty stupid of me, sorry." The older brunette mumbled.

Niall looked at Liam with an surprised expression. "You're not joking? You really meant what you said?" He had to ask again, never in a million years Niall would have thought that someone like Liam would like him.

"Yes Niall I really like you. I'm kinda falling for you slowly. You're so good with Aiden, not just in form of a paid babysitter, also in the role of an father. You look absolutely stunning every single day. Your wild, fluffy hair, your cute nose and damn Niall- those eyes! I'm a complete fool for you." Liam mumbled, while looking deep into the younger ones eyes, which made Niall quite uncomfortable.

"U-uhm I don't really know what to say." Niall replied laughing quietly after a little while, trying to make this whole situation less weird.

But Liam just got more nervous because of it. "I'm sorry, you don't need to say anything. I mean, why would you fall for a single father anyways?"

He smiled sadly, and when Niall noticed the sad look on Liams face, it broke his heart.

"No that's not what I meant. I just... you know- never had a boyfriend or anything near that before. And now you're telling me that you actually like me, that seems to be simply unreal. Especially because I had a crush on you since I saw you for the first time when you visited my school."

"You have an crush on me?" Liam asked confused but with a small smile.

"Yeah." Niall replied embarrassed.

"So if I would kiss you now- you wouldn't be mad about it, right?" Liam whispered getting just as close as he used to be a minute ago.

"No I wouldn't, b-but I never kissed someone before, so I don't really know how to kiss and-" Niall mumbled flustered, but Liam interrupted him right away.

"I can show you." He whispered, connecting their lips not a second later.
Niall felt how Liam began to move his lips slowly against his own, so he just tried to copy what the older one was doing, closing his eyes to fully concentrate on what was happening.

The hands around the younger ones waist tried to pull him even closer, while Niall moved his hands up, so they would laid on Liam's chest. He felt the fathers heart beating rapidly.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, stopped from time to time to get some air before connecting their lips once again.

After they entirely ended their kiss, Liam still kept Niall tight in his arms so he wouldn't go down into the water. The younger one was breathless.

That was his first kiss! And it was with Liam Payne. He had his first kiss with an attractive, not much older man, who at the same time has to be his boss.

"Oh my god..." Niall said still trying to calm down and breath normally again.

"This was pretty damn good for your first kiss Niall. I hope you liked it." Liam mumbled trying to catch his breath as well.

"I loved it, thank you for making my first kiss so special Liam." Niall replied shyly.

"You're more than welcome love, I hope I can make other first times special and beautiful as well for you..." The older man mumbled huskily.

Niall felt his cheeks heat up. Other first times? Oh gosh would Liam really want to go further with him?

"Don't be shy or ashamed Niall, it's a completely normal thing, but let's not talk about this now, yeah?" Liam asked.

"Mhh yeah okay." Niall replied.
"B-but Liam?"


"What are we? I mean- I work for you and I'm still in school. A- and I don't know if you want to be with me or if it's just something sexu-"

"Pssht. I told you already and I will tell you again, I really like you Niall."

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