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To say that I'm nervous was an understatement. I wish I could just disappear for the next two hours and then wake up again.

Today is Friday. Or let's say it was Friday, because it's already 3pm and I'm home from school. Which means I only have two hours to make myself look good. Even less then two hours, because I need like 30 minutes to get there. I feel like I'm going on a date, even though it's more a job interview than anything else. What if he remembers my face from the day he went to my school? Would that make a difference? Probably not. 

After a quick shower, I decided to wear a simple white shirt with a loose pair of blue trousers, and to finish the look I just added my newest and also favorite pair of shoes. White Converse. Call me basic.

I tried to make my hair look as fluffy as possible, because Louis, Harry's Boyfriend, once told me it looked cute that way. Harry wasn't really happy about that comment, but I was and still am, because now I know that there is the slightest chance, that other boys, or should I say man?- prefer that hairstyle as well. Maybe Liam will think I look cute too?

Today was one of those days where everyone is out and busy, where the streets were filled with people that streamed through the city like ants. And for a person who doesn't really like to be around so many people, this was pretty stressful and uncomfortable. For a person like Niall.

He had his dark red backpack with him, because that way he didn't have to hold all his stuff in his hands for the whole time, the only thing he did hold constantly was his phone. It was an odd habit, especially because most of the time he didn't even used it for anything, not even to listening to music. But it gave him a feeling of safety.

Niall arrived right on time, which was not usual for him, but he wants everything to go as perfect as possible. The only problem was that he had no idea where exactly he should wait, because Liam wasn't here yet. Should he wait in front of the Café or go inside and sit down? Would that be impolite? Probably.

So he waited in front of the small, but admittedly really adorable place. He also turned his phone back on, to not feel or look like an complete idiot who just stood there doing nothing. He checked his social media, texted Harry back on Whatsapp and just kept scrolling on Instagram so he seemed to be doing at least something.

"DADA COCOA, pwease! I want a hot chocolats." I heard a little kid exclaim fascinated from a few meters away, which made me lift up my head up, so I could see where the voice is coming from.

And there, almost in front of me was Liam Payne. But not just him, he had a little boy, who I assume is his son, in his arms. The tiny boy clapped excited with his hands, as Liam walked closer and closer to the glass entrance door of the Café. I noticed how the attention for his son immediately went to me, presumably because I gazed at at him for a bit too long. He looked at me with a confused nearly questioning face. I just nodded a few times to demonstrate, that I am who he thinks I am and that I know what he wanted. At least that's what I expected him to think about. Turns out I was right, because right after he saw my reaction he began to smile and came closer to me.

"Dady chocolatsss now?" The truly adorable boy in his arms asked again. 

"Yeah just wait a second Peanut." He replied soft and gave him a kiss on the left cheek.

When he stopped right in front of me, the boy looked confused at his Dad. "Whay?" He mumbled.

Liam seems to ignore the little question and glanced at me. "Mr. Horan?"

"Uhm- yeah that's me, but please call me Niall." I replied and shook his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Mr Payne  but you can call me Liam, and this little cutie here is my son Aiden."

"I Aiden!" The small boy chuckled happily and smiled at me.

"Hi little one! Nice to finally meet ya." I responded and shook his hand for a bit with a big smile on my face as well.

"He's cwute dada!"

With an dark blush on his cheeks Liam reacted slowly, obviously still a bit in shock because of his sons comment.
"Uhh yeah whatever you say peanut, let's go inside, okay? I bet Niall waited for us a while because we were a bit late."

"Yea dada."

When we went inside it was pretty crowed, but most people just stood in line to get their order and to leave again to do their job and live their life. Liam walked in front of me in search for a good place to sit. He walked straight to back to one of the window seats. "Wanna sit here?" He raised the question and turned to me. I just nodded and sat down on one of the seats, so he could sit on the opposite. As I sat down, I put my phone back in my backpack so it didn't bother me too much and I could focus completely on the two handsome boys in front of me. Damn I should stop with these kind of thoughts.

"So I would suggest to order first, otherwise this little man here will go crazy." Liam said and looked at his son, who was looking right back at him. They look so identical it's insane!

"CHOCWLATEE!" Aiden squealed again, as he saw the picture on the menu card.

"Yeah that's right, wanna have one?" Niall asked him, whereupon Aiden starts to nod hastily.

"With or without a marshmallow? I think they're delicious, what do you think?"

"Wyeah good for tummy! d-del-delischous." The little boy exclaimed and pointed at his belly during it.

Liam just smiled at them, already happy that he messaged Niall, because right now, he seems perfect for his little one. He definitely would have regretted not emailing him back, that's a fact.

And even though he would never admit it, but he also remembers Niall's face clearly from the day he went to Mr. Greenwells's Class. How couldn't he?

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