sixty four

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"I'm here, what do you want to talk about Mr Payne?" Bobby spoke up as soon as he came back into the kitchen. He closed the door behind him and took a seat at the table.

"Uhm please call me Liam. And i wanted to talk about this whole situation. To clear a few things up and maybe ask you an important question..."

Mauras head snapped up at those words.
"What kind of question, are you planning on aski-" she started but Liam already noticed his mistake.

"I'm not asking for approval for your sons hand in marriage, at least not now- in the future for sure. I just wanted to ask- if he- if you would let him... m-move in with me?" Liam stuttered nervous.

"WHAT?" Bobby almost yelled out in shock, which made Liam take a step back.

"Bobby! Calm down." Maura hissed, noticing Liams pale face.

"You want my son to move in with you?" He basically repeated Liam, standing up again, which only made the younger one move away even more.

"Uhm yes... I- I really love Niall. With all of my heart, I honestly couldn't imagine him out of my or my sons life anymore, he is part of my family now. He is my family. And I want to have him around me all the time, I want to see his dirty dark blue vans laying beside my front door, I wanna see his toothbrush laying beside mine and god- I wanna fall asleep next to him and wake up next to him every single day for the rest of my life. I wanna take everything a step further, no kids or marriage just moving in. He is old enough, and it also would make our lives a bit easier. He would be there when I leave for work, but instead of going home later he already is home. It would be better for Aiden as well because right now he doesn't understand why his mommy always has to leave and- and it just would make me so fucking happy." Liam ended, taking a deep breath, waiting impatiently for any kind of reactions.

Both of Nialls parents stayed quiet.
"Uhm, I-" He started again, not knowing what to say anymore.

"So Liam- is Niall aware of your plans? Does he agree? Does he even want all of this?" Bobby asked, interrupting Liam.

"Kind of, we haven't discussed this topic much, but I'm almost 100% sure he would feel the exact same way I do, I wanted to ask him to move in with me, maybe after a romantic date or something, to make it a bit more special, maybe give him the second key with roses or- uhm god I don't know. I obviously wanted to ask you two first..."

"You will take good care of my boy?" Maura asked, looking deep into Liams eyes.

"Yes." He replied quickly, not needing to think about it.

"And he will have all the things he needs at your place?"


"You're gonna treat him like a prince?"

"Just like the one he is." Liam replied again. He really wanted to to say "Just like the princess he is." , but that probably wouldn't have been the best idea.

"Then I don't see a reason to say no. You're a good man Liam. I know you'll take good care of my son. You're mature and old enough to care for the three of you and support Niall when we aren't there, I'm sure you'll be really happy together." Maura smiled, giving Liam a loving hug which made the young man let out a huge breath of relief.

"Bobby?" She asked giving him a glare.

"Well- you surely seem to love my son. And that's basically all I can ask for... even tho everything is still, uhm, weird to me and it also just happens pretty fast, I guess Maura won't let me say no. You have my approval. Just don't break his heart. Be good to him. And use protection."


"Oh c'mon Maura, they definitely will have sex, probably already even had sex. I don't want Niall pregnant yet. Or just think of all the diseases-" he started but Liam spoke up quickly, definitely not ready to have that kind of conversation the first time he actually met Nialls parents.

"Don't worry we use protection and I uhm- even got tested and I'm clean so nothing to worry about... I would never do anything to put Niall in danger." Liam mumbled ashamed, cheeks burning red now.

"Oh Bobby look what you've done to the poor boy! Don't worry Liam, you have our yes to ask Niall to move in with you. But before you take the next step ask us again." She said whispered the last part, making Liam smile shyly.

"Alright, thank you so much." He replied almost just as quiet.

"But Payne if you hurt my son in any way it's over, get that? I might be new to this whole gay son thing but trust me I won't hesitate to hurt you if Niall is unhappy or sad. Make him the happiest he's ever been."

"I think he's already doing a pretty good job at doing just that Bobby. Now let's get back and see what the two boys are doing in the living room. I don't get paid to be standing in the kitchen!" Maura exclaimed leaving the two men back alone.

Liam quickly followed her, he definitely didn't need or wanted to be alone with Nialls dad any time soon. Right now he was just fucking happy that Niall could move in with him.

"Hey my love." He mumbled sitting down next to Niall, pulling his boy in his lap.

"Welcome back daddy." He whispered cheekily, which made Liam pinch him softly in his hip. Damn it.

Thank god Niall was sitting on his lap, hiding the growing problem.

"Dada lwook i play gu-guiwtar! Like band!" Aiden exclaimed, starting to play the toy guitar in his hand. 

"Wow good job buddy. I bet you're gonna make it one day." Liam replied with a low chuckle, which made Aiden smile even more.

"Try?" The boy asked holding out the guitar for Liam to take.

"Oh I don't know peanut- I'm probably not as good as you." He said, shaking his head, he slowly got more and more uncomfortable, because the problem in his pants started growing instead of disappearing. Why you might ask?

Simply because Niall was moving around quiet a lot, clearly pressing his bum against Liams dick. On full fucking purpose.


"I'm gonna show Liam my room, yeah? He hasn't seen it yet, and I would love to show him everything, is that alright? Could you watch Aiden?" Niall asked getting up, as he pulled Liam up as well. The older one was standing right behind him, basically hiding.

"Of course dear, ya can give him a little house tour. We will play with Aiden." Maura replied, she definitely loved the fact that she basically had a grandson to spoil now.

"Amazing, we will be back in around 15 minutes...- okay maybe 20." Niall murmured, pulling Liam up the stairs.

"What the fuck babe, that was way too obvious." Liam whispered as Niall closed the door behind them.

"But you're hard and I'm horny as well, and I bet you already dreamed of doing it in my childhood bed." Niall murmured, locking the door.

"Niall- you're parents are literally downstairs, plus our son. We can't have sex now... as much as I would love that." Liam sighed, starring at Nialls dark blue eyes. But the younger man was just pulling him back to his bed.

"At least a blowjob?" Niall whispered, pressing Liam down on the bed.


hi babes 💛
hope ya liked this chapter.
last one in 2020

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