thirty one

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"Let me guess, you didn't stay at the Styles Place last night, like you told me?" She said with crossed arms.


"So you stayed at your boyfriends place then? Were his parents home? You two didn't- you know?"

Nialls face got red. Why does she wants to know that? And even if they did something, she would be the last person he would talk with about this topic.
"No... uh god no. Nothing happened, well I saw him naked but nothing happened! And we only kissed and cuddled. And he's really sweet but-"

"YOU SAW HIM NAKED? Oh honey! How the hell did that happen, did he do something you didn't wanted or did he-"

"God no mom!" Niall interrupted her.
"If you really want to know- he saw me naked too, we kind of showered together. Urgh I can't believe I just told you that! Now you and his mom know it!" He exclaimed, shaking his head to get the thought out of his mind.

"Did his mom walk in on you? Niall i expected more from you! I mean how old is that guy? He also still lives with his parents?" His mother asked.

"No. He lives alone, his mom just came for a short visit this morning and she kind of walked in the bathroom to talk with him- so I just panicked and stepped in the shower...with him." He tried to explain.

"So he lives alone? How old is he now? Looks like he has enough money, I mean- have you seen his car?" She said looking at her son, who got more and more uncomfortable.

"I-I uhm don't know where to start." He mumbled.

He can't tell her. Not now. She wouldn't understand, or would she? She seems in a pretty good mood so far?

"Now say at least something Niall! I won't get mad just tell me, who are you dating? Is it someone I know?"

"He lives not too far away from here, and to answer your question yes you know him. His name is L-Liam." Niall muttered nervous.

"Liam? I don't know a- how my! Liam, like in Payne? Liam Payne?" Her eyes went wide. "He's twenty four! That are... how much? 6 years? Between you two! And he as a kid!" His mother said, not believing what her son is telling her.

"Mom please don't be mad. I really lov-like him, and his son. Aiden is the most adorable toddler you can think of. And he even calls me mommy sometimes. And Liam- he is just amazing. So loving and caring and he's really smart." He explained, a scared expression painted over his face. Don't be mad. Don't be against us. He thought.

"You and Mr Payne... are a couple? You two-" she mumbled overwhelmed. "I- I don't know what to say."

"Are you mad?" Niall asked sad.

"Oh dear! No-no I'm just a bit surprised, I guess? I'm happy when your happy Niall, but isn't he a bit too old for you or doesn't the fact that he has a kid freak you out?"

"No not at all, I feel really comfortable when I'm around them, and they make me so happy." The young one started. "And I know he's my first boyfriend but I think that we could work out, especially with Aiden. Please accept us." He pleaded with big eyes.

He knew that his dad would never accept them, not even the fact that Niall is gay. So his mom was his only hope left. Obviously he knows that Harry is there for him too and of course also Mrs Styles, but his mom is besides them and Liam and Aiden the most important person in his life. If she wouldn't accept his relationship with the older man, he wouldn't know what to do.

"Of course I accept you two Niall. You're my son. And I'm sure he's treating you good, he seems like a nice guy. But I think it's better if we not tell your father... for now." She said slowly looking at her son.

Niall sighed with relief. "Thank you Ma."

"Nothing to thanks for sweetie, I just wanna meet him soon, yeah?"

"You will. I promise. I'm gonna go call Harry now, okay?" Niall said stepping a bit away.

"Yeah go." She replied smiling. "I will finish lunch now, so don't be on that phone for hours."

Niall gave his mother a short nod and went to his room. When he looked around it felt like he hasn't been here for weeks, even tho he was just one night away.
He decided to put all of his stuff away and got comfortable on his bed.

Right when he searched for Harry's contact, he got a message.

daddy payne ❤️
Since you left, Aiden kept asking when his mommy will be back.
We miss you already xx
sent 11:23 am

When Niall read that his face went soft.
He misses them too. A lot. It's crazy how fast someone can get used, with being around a specific person.

Oh and don't be confused about the contact name. Liam chose it himself.
But Niall thought it was funny and cute so he left it like it was.

to „daddy payne ❤️"
i miss you too. can't wait to see you again. don't forget to call me tonight 🥰

After he hit send he went back to his first plan and called his best friend.
The first words Harry said to him were: "Now tell me what happened with Mr Payne!" , which made him chuckle. That's typical for Harry.

"Okay Okay. Let's start Friday morning..." Niall said.

It took him almost 30 minutes to explain everything but that's mainly because Harry interrupted him after every sentence.

"OH MY GOD!" Screamed the curly one at the other end of the line. "Stop doing that annoying Janice imitation, Haz!" Niall heard a different voice speak up, but much quieter than Harry. Definitely someone in the background.

„Wait are you with Louis?" He asked.

„Yeah he's- Okay well- was sleeping next to me." Harry mumbled chuckling a bit.

„Hi Louis!" Niall spoke a bit louder than before so Harrys boyfriend could hear him. Not a second later he got a „Hi." back.

They talked for bit more till Nialls mom called him down for lunch.

They ate in silence. Not a word leaving his fathers lips, but let's be honest here, Niall was pretty thankful for that. Because who knows what his father would have said or asked.


hellooo lovers!

happy mother's day💛

i hope you liked this chapter.
as always; sorry for any grammar mistakes

i have school again tomorrow urgh, but  i think i only have school two
times a week 🥴

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