sixty two

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"Okay Aiden when the door opens you'll show your biggest smile and say Hello, alright?" Liam confessed, kneeling down in front of his son. He himself had some flowers in his slightly shaking hand.

The boy rolled his eyes.
"Yeah dada, 'alm down!"

"I don't think I can calm down peanut, i probably will die any second now." The father breathed out, which made Niall giggle. The younger man was nervous Himself, especially because of his own father, but he knew his mom would be supportive. And so he rings the bell.

"What did you just do?" Liam asked, his face white.

"I let my parents know that we are here?" Niall laughed, holding his hand out so Liam could take it.

"COMING!" A familiar voice was yelling from inside.

"Ah that's my mom." Niall said. Aiden jumped up and down in excitement when he saw the door open.

"Hi! Oh Nialler look at you, you three look like a little family." Maura exclaimed taking her son in his arm, Liams hand slipping out of Nialls. As soon as they let go Liam spoke, a nervous tone in his voice.

"Good evening Mrs Horan, it's a pleasure to meet you again." He said clearly, trying obviously not to let his nervousness take over him. But c'mon he owns a big company, where he has meetings and presentations all the time, he should t be nervous about this.

"Oh Liam please call me Maura! I know it's a bit weird now, especially because we talked before about Niall babysitting your son and now you three are basically a family and you're my sons boyfriend... but that doesn't matter I know you're a good guy, so please let's avoid making it uncomfortable." She said and Liam nodded speechless.

"I would absolutely love that Maura, thank you for being so open about this, we by the way for you some flowers, I hope you like them, Aiden picked them out." He said with a smile on his lips.

"They are absolutely beautiful thank you, that's so sweet! C'mon now give me a hug." She said, and pulled Liam in her arms as well. And with that a sigh of relief left Liams mouth, which didn't stayed unnoticed by Niall, who giggled.

"And i presume this little handsome guy is Aiden?" She asked, a huge smile appearing on her face as he looked down at Aiden.

"Yeah I Aiden! Hi!" The boy said loudly, holding out his hand.

"Hello, I'm Nialls Mother, it's nice to finally meet you Aiden." She said slightly kneeling down to get down on the boys height.

"Mommy's momma?" He asked, lifting up an eyebrow.

"He calls you mommy? Oh my god how adorable!" She said now looking up at her son, who started blushing right away.

"Uhm yes..." Niall nodded shyly.
"And Aiden that's my mom, so she's your nana. Just liked we talked about before, you know?" He added, looking down at Aiden who nodded.

"Yeah rwemember !" He giggled.
"Two Nana's now, cool."

"Yeah you have two now peanut." Liam said.

"Oh my first grandchild! I can't! Got, c'mon in. Dinner is almost ready you three." Maura laughed happily stepping aside to let them in. "Bobby seems to be in quite a good mood today, he's in the kitchen." She added.

Niall took a deep breath, nodding.

"Are you ready?" Niall whispered questioning and Liam nodded unsure.

"I have to be don't I?" He laughed quietly, removing first his and then Aidens jacket.

"C'mon Daddy, smell food! Dwelic-ious." Aiden said, pulling his father in the direction where the smell was coming from. Niall knew it was coming from the kitchen.

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