ninety seven

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„I'm about to get out of the car, can you go and open the door for me peanut?" I asked, jumping out of the car, which I lazily parked in front of our apartment. But if there's one thing i don't have time for then, it's parking my car perfectly.

"Dada!" Aiden yelled into the dark staircase, his voice sounded sweet but terrified. I quickly ran up the stairs, where he was already waiting. Without hesitation I pulled him up in my arms, pressing him tightly against my chest.

"It's okay, I'm here. Everything's gonna be okay." The words left my mouth quickly, heavy breathes stopping me to keep talking. But I knew there was nothing more to say. With Aiden still in my arms I basically sprinted into the kitchen. And right there in front of the kitchen island my beautiful Niall was laying unconscious on the wooden floor.

It felt like my whole body stopped working at that view. I fell down on my knees beside him on the floor. I sat Aiden down next to me, before i leaned down more to check if he's still breathing regularly. While I was still driving I asked Aiden to listen to Nialls breathing, but now I'm a bit more relaxed. It was shallow and slower than it's supposed to be but his pulse is here, and his skin temperature seemed alright as well. The only thing driving me insane is that I couldn't wake him up. He wasn't reacting to anything. No words, no movements. I let out a shaky sigh, before I called the ambulance.

How can this be happening. Maybe I should have become a doctor like my grandfather always wanted. I wish I knew what was wrong, I wish I could help him.

"Momma be alwright?" Aiden whispered next to me. I nodded. "Of course peanut."

He has to be. I can't do it without him.

"The doctors will be here soon and they gonna help him, so that he feels better again." I mumbled.

"Mommy gonna be happy too?"

"Was he sad?"

"Ywou made momma sad. All teary! Bwut I swaid that you say sorry and then owkay again." He explained, giving me a little smile. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry. I knew I made him upset. But hearing it from our little boy made it worse. He saw him cry because of me. I am a shit boyfriend. I hurt him, called him a kid, even though I was the one acting like one. And now I can't even say sorry. What if Niall was feeling unwell this whole time and I never noticed it? God that would kill me. But I would have noticed... well I hope so.

When the ambulance came they took Niall with him right away. I wasn't allowed to come with him, also because I have Aiden with me and they didn't want a kid in the ambulance. As soon as they walked out the door I was right behind them, Aiden in my arms. And as they drove off, I was driving right behind them. My boyfriend was in there. My hopefully future fiancé. God my hands were shaking. "Daddy?"


"Mommy be owkay."

"I know."

My heart was beating heavy in my chest as they rolled him in. With Aiden on my hip I made my way inside. "Uhm hi- Uh god- my boyfriend just got here with the ambulance- can you please give me updates on him as soon as there are any? His name is Niall Horan." I let out, breathing heavily. The nurse nodded looking at her computer screen.

"What's your name sir?"

"Payne. Are there any news on Niall?" I asked nervously. She nodded, probably as sign that she understood me, but her eyes stayed on the screen, scrolling and tipping away. "So far we don't have any informations on him, you said he just got here? Was he awake?"

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