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"Okay Okay- wait... first, you obviously wouldn't pay for anything love. See it as a little gift, yeah? And then, what the hell do you mean? Where is this school and how far away is it? And why did you never tell me about your plan?" Liam asked, a shocked expression was painted over his face. Aiden just sat there confused, looking up at his parents.

"And how expensive is this school, how much money do you need?" He added giving Niall no chance to speak up.

"I- uhm... it's around 5 hours away from here, in Liverpool. It's an pretty good school, probably the best if you want to become an amazing author. I always dreamed t-to go there and now that I graduate next year I need to start saving, otherwise the chance to be accepted would be even smaller than it is already." Niall tried to explained, unsure of Liams reaction. Does he think Nialls decision is stupid? That he couldn't make it?
That was one of the first things Nialls father had said when Niall first came up with the idea to become a author.

„Momma gonna write bwook? Cool!" Aiden exclaimed clapping his hands happily, which killed the unpleasant silence.

„Well if everything works out then maybe." Niall gave him a little sad smile.
It would be a long way to go but Niall bet he could do it. Somehow.

„Dada, Ni Ni gonna write bwook! Hear t-that? Amawzing." The little one mumbles excited.

„But first he needs to graduate and then there are still I don't know 3 years-?"

„4..." Niall interrupted him quietly.

„Okay then 4 years, but that's not the point. You're gonna be so far away Niall and that for a long time!" The older one said, biting his lip.

„I-I'm sorry...? It just never came up and I also never thought that I would fall in love with an amazing man and basically have a little toddler, who wants me to stay. My mom always wants the best for me and she thinks that's going to this school, that's why she helped me finding this job. And my dad... he-he."

„He?" Liam asked quietly taking Nialls hands into his own bigger ones.

„I guess he just wants me out of his house. He also doesn't know that I'm- you know, gay. He is...- or let's say he doesn't support the gay community or in general anything other than hetero." Niall murmured eyes looking down.

Liam felt an aching pain in his heart. „Ni Love, I didn't knew that I'm so sorry." he mumbled putting his arms around the smaller man.

„No no it's fine, I'm used to it. I probably won't even tell my parents that anytime soon, maybe my mom... but I don't know. I just thought being away from them, studying would help me, you know? But I have you and Aiden here, what if I regret going to this school? What if I can't make it? I would lose you!" Niall's mind was going wild, what if he really couldn't make it, and loses everything?

„Stop talking shit! You wouldn't lose us, never. I'm sorry my first reaction was not the greatest. I think your dream is lovely and I'm sure you can make it." Liam replied brushing his fingers softly over Nialls cheek.

„Don't say that to make me feel better."

Liam chuckled. „Would never do that princess. I know you can do it. And we will help you with everything, right Aiden?"
The little boy nodded fast. „YEAH DADA!" he giggled.

„B-but it's like 5 hours away and it will take 4 years and even after that I need to find a job and everything, it's just so much." Niall replied clearly overwhelmed with basically everything.

„It will be fine. We will find a way to make it work. We still have over a year left, right?"Liam asked smiling.

„Mhh." Niall murmured.

"So what if I'll bring you home now Mr Horan, I bet your mom is waiting?" Liam asked.

"Yeah you're probably right... wish I could stay here a bit longer though." He answered giving Liam a quick kiss, which made both smile.

"Me too, but I'll call you tonight, okay?"

"Yeah, I would like that."

About thirty minutes later, Liam dropped Niall off at home, giving him one more kiss, which lasted a bit longer than normally. "Want a kwiss too Momma!" Aiden exclaimed from the backseat.

"Of course little bear. I see ya on Monday, okay?" Niall replied smiling at the boy.

"Mo-moday? When that?" He asked in return.

"Well tomorrow is Sunday and after that is Monday."

"Not seeing Ni Ni on Sunday? Why?" Aiden asked sad, making his famous big pouty lips.

"Well you know, I still need to do some school work and I wanna go to talk to my friend Harry. But I definitely gonna talk about how amazing my little boy here is." Niall replied giving Aidens little chubby cheek a small pinch.

"Rweally? U-uncle Harwy!" He giggled.

"Uncle?" Niall wondered but had a tiny smile on his face because of it.
Harry definitely would love Aiden. Same goes for the other way around.

"Bye love."

"Good bye Li, miss you already." Niall mumbled shyly, but left the car before Liam could say something. He still heard him chuckle.

When Niall was inside, his mom was almost instantly in front of him.

"Oh god do you wanna kill me?" He breathed out in shock.

"Sorry darling, but I expected you to be home a bit earlier than that. I was just worried."

Niall gave her a smile. "Everything's fine. No need to worry."

"Okay, Okay I understand, my boy is becoming an adult and I need to accept that. But Niall- what are you wearing, I can't remember you own a sweater like that?"

Nialls eyes went wide. "I- uhm, that's mi-mine."

"Sure it is Honey, ya can tell me. Is it Harry's? Are you two- you know?" She asked making questioning eyes.

"What?!" Niall almost yelled out in surprise.

"Harry is in a relationship with Louis! Always has been. He's my best friend. And how do you- why do you...?" He stuttered.

"Oh darling, I always kind of have known that you're gay or at least bi. It's pretty obvious, but you're still my lovely little boy. I still love you no matter what, don't ever think otherwise." She said, giving him a loving hug.

"Oh mom... thank you." Niall mumbled.

"But I'm still pretty sure that this isn't your sweater."

Niall took a deep, nervous breathe. "You're right." He mumbled, kind of embarrassed.

"Oh god, I knew it! Who's is it, do you have a boyfriend?"
"Was it the guy who brought you home and kissed you?!" She said excited.

"YOU SAW THAT?" Niall let out almost terrified.

"Pshht not too loud, you're father is in the backyard. But yes! So tell me, I promise not to tell your father... you know how he is."

"Well yeah, I  actually have a boyfriend since yesterday... I guess." He mumbled looking anywhere but in her face. He can't tell her, who her boyfriend is, can he?


i hope all of you are okay and feeling good.

just finished this chapter today, hope u liked it! as always, sorry for any grammar mistakes

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