ninenty five

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"MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY! Wake up, ma beautiful mommy. Mwissed ya!" Aiden exclaimed, trying desperately to get up on the bed. As soon as he woke up he realized that he was back at home, which meant one thing- he would finally see his mommy again. His first way was into his parents bedroom, where he soon noticed not only his daddy but also his momma laying in bed, still deep asleep. Well- asleep till Aiden made them know of his presence. Niall groaned, slowly opening his eyes. "Aiden?" He asked confused.

"Help up pwlease."

"Oh god Aiden!" Niall exclaimed, sitting up quickly, pulling the blanket up to his chest as he realized that their boy was trying to climb on the bed. Niall quickly looked over to Liam just to notice that both of them fell asleep naked last night. Amazing.

"Be careful peanut dad is still sleeping." Niall whispered pulling him up in the middle of the bed, but Aiden let himself fall on Nialls tummy right away, cuddling against him.

"Did you have a good night of sleep Aiden?" Niall asked quietly and Aiden nodded against his bare chest. "Drove car and then in bed- all dark ywest-terday! Now here with ya, my mommy." The boy was completely overwhelmed, not letting go, his tiny chubby hands were holding tightly onto Niall.

Being away from him for a good week was not something the little boy was exactly used to. "Nwext momma with u-us! Then we go to gwrand-ma and pa tw-twoogether!" The boy mumbled out.

"You went to see your grandparents?" Niall asked confused and Aiden nodded explaining that he got some new cars from grandpa Bobby.

"You and daddy went to my parents house? Your new grandparents... what the hell? What did you two do there?"

Aiden didn't knew what to reply. "Don't know momma, ask daddy." He whispered, pointing at his fathers sleeping figure. Niall decided to put that topic on pause till he and Liam had some time to talk.

"Wanna wake him up peanut?" Niall asked and got an excited nod right away. He let the boy climb over right on top of Liam, watching the blanket carefully. He really didn't want their kid to see them naked. At least not naked in bed, he had seen both of them without clothes before- but only when they had took a quick shower with him.  

"Daddy open eyes. N-now!" Aiden exclaimed, shaking his father softly but only got a grumble as reply.

"Ni babe let me sleep some more." He mumbled, eyes still closed.

"Uhm Liam?" Niall asked laughing, lifting up an eyebrow.

The father slowly sat up, eyes opening as he noticed that it wasn't actually Niall who tried to wake him up. "I'm not mommy daddy!" Aiden giggled.

"I noticed. Sorry peanut, I'm just still very tired. When did you come in our bed?" The father asked, pulling his son in for a little cuddle. "Not long, bwut ma mommy waiting me!" Aiden exclaimed as if it would be the most obvious thing in history. Liam nodded with a chuckle.

"I know you were missing him a lot. Let's make some breakfast and then you can tell momma about our trip, alright peanut?" Liam asked and got a nod as reply. And while their son was already climbing out of the bed, Liam leaned over and pressed a kiss on the corner of Nialls mouth. "Good morning sweetheart."

"Morning Li."

After they had some oatmeal for breakfast they got ready to have a chilled day at home. Aiden talked about what he did in kindergarten and how Toby visited him at home once. He also mentioned visiting Bobby and Maura again, and while Niall just looked at Liam with an suspicious look on his face, the father turned pale.

"He has actually mentioned that before, so Liam- what did you do at my parents house, alone?" Niall asked starring at his boyfriend who decided to stay quiet.

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