ninety three

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Like a crazy person Niall was running around in the apartment, cleaning up, cooking a late dinner and most importantly making himself look presentable for Liam. It was Friday, already past 7pm and his boys were on their way back home. Finally.

Aiden will probably already fall sleep during the car ride, so he and Liam would have a night just for themselves. Niall put fresh sheets on the bed, prepared some wine and only turned on the small lamp in the corner of their bedroom. He also lit up a candle on the nightstand on his side.
Everything looked cozy and romantic which made Niall jump up in excitement.
And tomorrow was Saturday which meant they could sleep in, considering waking up at 7am because of an hyperactive toddler is called sleeping in.

Niall took a long full body shower, washing his hair and putting on conditioner to make it extra soft and nice smelling. He also shaved and moisturized his body because he knew it would make Liam go absolutely crazy. And it made himself feel more confident as well, a win win situation.

Now the only question left was what he should wear. Because they definitely will eat first, Liam was probably starving and Niall didn't cook that pasta for nothing.

Now it's already 8:15pm which meant Liam should arrive any fucking minute. Niall was waiting patiently by the window to look for the familiar car. His boyfriend told him beforehand that he will just grab the most important things now so they will gets the clothes and other stuff tomorrow, it was already too late for that. Then Niall heard it. His eyes looked down , focusing on the car parking right in front of the building. He let out an uncontrolled squeal of excitement. When he saw Liam pick up Aiden from the car, he knew that their boy was in fact deep asleep. When his boyfriend walked up to the front door he pressed the door buzzer so that Liam wouldn't have to open the front door with the key. "Ni?" His voice asked quietly through the monitor.

"Yeah it was me, come inside quickly, i missed you."

„Already on my way love." The father replied quietly with a laugh.
Niall opened their front door and could already hear them coming up the few stairs. Then Liam came walking up around the corner, holding Aiden tightly in his arms.

„Li!" Niall mumbled happily, basically falling into his arms. More specifically into the one arm he wasn't holding Aiden with. As Niall looked up from the hug, Liam couldn't resist and press their lips together for a sweet kiss. A big smile appearing on his face during it. God those lips. „Could I maybe come inside now?" Liam asked with a chuckle as they let go from each other.

Niall nodded quickly. „I made pasta for dinner, which should be done any minute. Go freshen up, I will bring Aiden to bed, I missed my little bear." Niall murmured starring down at their son.

„Oh I can't wait, I could definitely eat something, i'm hungry as fuck. Oh and trust me he missed you too, you wouldn't believe how much, but we will tell you about our trip tomorrow, wanna spend some time with you now." Liam replied, giving Aiden over into Nialls arms carefully. The blue eyed one nodded, before making his way into their sons room to lay him down for bed.

"Night night Aiden, love you peanut." He whispered pressing a kiss on his forehead.

Before he went into the kitchen, he quickly checked their bedroom and placed some lube on the nightstand, along with some....uhm adult toys. Nialls face heated up just looking at them. God there are times were he thinks that he got over that embarrassing and shy phase but then there are moments like right now, which show him that he definitely wasn't. Liam showed him a lot, was always there but obviously every time they try out something new Niall gets as red as a stop sign. He was currently wearing a pair of white sweatpants and basic green T-shirt. But hidden underneath was a pair of mint green panties. Which Liam actually bought him.

"Babe?? You're coming? The food seems like it's done." Niall heard his boyfriend voice yell in a whisper.

"I'll be there in a minute!" Niall replied a bit louder. He closed the window in their bedroom, and closed the door as he left. He hoped Liam wasn't too tired, but he knew his boyfriend so he probably didn't need to worry about that. He also still wanted to mention what happened with Oliver, but he wasn't dumb. It would be extremely stupid to talk about that tonight.

"Is that enough for you? Or do you want more?" Liam asked first thing as Niall came into the kitchen. He pointed at the plate which was full of pasta.

"More than enough. I don't want to eat too much because I would be too full for the activities I have planned for us." Niall murmured, lifting up his eyebrows as he looked at Liam. His boyfriends eyes widen in excitement. "What kind of activities did you have in mind darling?" He asked his voice sounding a lot deeper all of a sudden.

"You'll see, but now eat." Niall giggled.

"You can't expect to eat in peace now, while I can only dream of what hiding behind the bedroom door." Liam sighed, making pouty lips. Niall was biting his lip to keep himself from laughing. He missed him so much, it's crazy.

"Let's eat quickly and I'll show you, have you tried the pasta so far? How does it taste? I changed up the recipe a tiny bit." Niall replied, pushing their conversation into a different direction.

"Tastes lovely babe, but I know something else that tastes-"

"LIAM." Niall exclaimed laughing. He knew exactly where that was going. "Finish your plate, and I'll take you to the bedroom." He mumbled shyly.

The father nodded quickly.
"Alright, alright. God I can't wait, those days without you felt like hell."


should i put smut in the next chapter? idk yet, we'll see.
hope ya enjoyed this one!

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