seventy five

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"Momma wakey?"Aiden asked in a whisper.

"Yeah but be super nice peanut, momma doesn't like to get up early." Liam replied just as quiet, as he sat his son down on the bed. The father woke up at six am today, but this time Niall didn't woke up with the alarm. The night was long and eventful. Liam had to smirk remembering last nights events.

"Momma... wake up, pwlease." Aiden tried but Niall didn't move.
"Dada kwiss? Like swleep peauty."

Liam had to think for a long second till he figured out what his son meant. "Oh you mean mommy is the sleeping princess? Like in the Disney movie we did watch?" He asked and the boy nodded energized. The father smiled.

"Guess I can try peanut." He replied and leaned down, grabbing Nialls face with his right hand as he connected their lips for a soft kiss. After a few seconds Niall kissed back and opened his eyes slowly.

"Huh...?" He murmured and Liam chuckled. "Good morning love."

"That's a nice way to wake up." Niall whispered, a small smile appearing on his face. "Those words at 6am, wow I feel honored." Liam said with a quiet laugh.

"Momma wake! Dada did it like the pwrince." Aiden exclaimed happily.


"I kissed you awake. Like in sleeping beauty, princess." The father explained and Niall looked him, raising up both eyebrows.

"Aha. So you're my prince?"

"Seems so."

"Mommy get up. Wanna ewat breakfast."
Aiden interrupted his parents, pulling at the blanket Niall was hiding under.

"Uh- uhm i will be up in a second, you can already go to the kitchen with your Dad, I'm gonna put some c-clothes on...?" Niall stuttered questioning. And Liams eyes went wide.

"Oh god- yeah of course. Let's go peanut. Mommy needs to put some clothes on first." Liam said while getting up with Aiden right in his arms.

"Daddyyy!" Aiden giggled as they left the room and a Niall with dark rosy cheeks.

"I want cereal! With ba-bwanana."

"Alright, and what do you want to have for a drink, tea or milk?"

"Milk!" He replied, clapping his hands.

"Do you think mommy wants cereal as well?" Liam asked cutting up an apple.
He already prepared a raspberry tea for Niall with a tiny bit of honey in it.
They only had about 45 minutes left till they have to be ready and out the door.

"Li?" Niall spoke up, which made the father turn around.

"Hello darling." He said which made Aiden laugh. "Dwariiing!"

Niall smiled shyly. "Can I wear this shirt today? It's one from you but it has this lyric from stubborn love on it... but I've never seen you wear it." He asked unsure, and Liam started smiling seeing the old T-shirt.

"I bought that years ago on a Lumineers concert, I totally forgot I own this. But yeah of course you can babe. I probably told you this before but you look hot wearing my clothes."

"Alrighty thank ya." Niall whispered, pressing a kiss on the older ones left cheek. Liam smiled loving.

"Is cereal okay for breakfast?" He quickly asked as his boyfriend sat down.

"Yes, more than okay, thank you." Niall said with a chuckle. "Should I get Aiden after school again today?"

"I'll try to leave work earlier today so we can go together." Liam replied.

"So I wouldn't need to walk?"

"Nop." Liam exclaimed, popping the P.
"I will be waiting in front of your school."

"I like that. But every time you wait for me, you're topic number one the next day. There are rumors that you're my- uhm forget it."

"I'm your what?" Liam asked lifting up an eyebrow. He was currently helping Aiden eating the last bites of his food.

"Urgh, they say- that you're. No I won't tell you. And trust me Harry is doing an amazing job telling them your my real boyfriend " Niall giggled.

"That's good then, because you're mine. And I love you. I can also tell them that myself if I get the chance."

"Oh god please do not. Never. That would be embarrassing."

"My love for you is embarrassing? Excuse me Horan?" Liam laughed. "I'm just an idiot in love." He added.

"Good thing, because I am too." Niall mumbled with a giggle. "But can you give me my bowl now? I'm hungry and we need to leave soon."

"Oh fu- you're right. I'm just gonna put a few apple slices on top, my baby needs his vitamins." Liam said hastily, but Niall just rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry I'm totally fine even without your apple slices." The younger one laughed. Liam smirked slightly.

"Well that's just me. Trust me I'm always like that, I like to take care of the people I love. You can't imagine how over protective I was when Aiden was a little baby. It probably will be just like that when we will have another little one on the way." Liam said, looking at Nialls face to see his reaction, which like assumed- was surprised.

"Let me guess- if I ever get pregnant you will be the overprotective kind of boyfriend, am I right?" Niall asked looking at Liam who nodded proudly.

"Yeah but I would like to correct you. It hopefully will be overprotective husband or at least fiancé." He exclaimed and Niall giggled sweetly.

"Sounds good. I wish we could be there already... but no- we are here, and I'm having my first exam next Tuesday, god I'm nervous."  The younger one murmured, finally eating his cereal.

"Which subject?"


"Well it could be worse. I'm sure you will do a good job love. English won't be that hard, just focus on your goals." Liam said giving him an optimistic smile.

Niall took a deep breath.
"Oh what would I do without you Li? But you probably have to tell me that again next week, I hope you're aware of that."

"That's definitely no problem. I would tell you that every day if you would need to hear it that often. Now eat up, we have to leave in... exactly 12 minutes. And Aiden?"

"Yeah dada?" The little boy replied, munching on his banana.

"Will you go and get your bag? I wanna put your lunch snack in." Liam asked and Aiden nodded excited, jumping off the chair. He loved going to the kindergarten, he was excited to see his friends again.


i literally finished this chapter a
few minutes ago, i probably
will read over it tomorrow!
hope ya still like it.

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