eighty two

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"I can't- like possibly can't, carry another box. I'm exhausted." Niall exclaimed, breathing heavily. They arrived around two hours ago, Aiden was already back asleep on the couch, while both men were carrying their stuff inside.

Niall just wanted to be done. And well- he basically was. He sat outside on the stairs while Liam was carrying the last two boxes, one by one, inside. Then the older one sat down next to him, pulling him in his arms. "And done. We did it sweetheart."

"Yeah, thank god. Even though you carried most of our stuff." Niall replied, taking a sip out of the water bottle before he handed it over to Liam.

The older one laughed quietly. "But I also work out babe, this running around with boxes is great cardio." He explained and Niall rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Maybe I should start working out as well... you know so I'll get extremely hot." He joked, but Liam shook his head.

"Don't you dare. You're perfect, don't ever change darling, yeah?" He murmured, pressing his lips on Nialls neck.

"Alright then." The younger one giggled, softly pushing his boyfriend away. "I'm smelling sweaty, s-stop." He added.

"Nothing I haven't smelt before Ni. You know when we are all sweaty as well?" He whispered, softly biting into Nialls neck.


"Speaking of that- we really need to celebrate our new apartment... and bed."

"You dirty minded bast-"

"Angel." Liam interrupted him quickly.

Niall stopped, trying to think for an good answer. "That wasn't what I wanted to say." Is what he ended up saying.

"I know." Liam said. "But I'm your angel, and you can't argue about that."

"You're my idiot." Niall giggled.

"That too."

The rest of the day went by quickly. Aiden was putting all his toys away in his new room and Liam and Niall decided to order a few more furniture pieces. They picked out a new bookshelf for the living room and two extra chairs for their dining Table. They also decided to buy Aiden a simple big boy bed with a wooden frame.

And when they went grocery shopping that evening, Aiden consisted on buying new bed sheets. Simply because they had little race cars on them. "So so pwretty mommy."

„Yeah they do look really nice." Niall laughed. Liam was just rolling his eyes, putting them in the cart. Niall already picked out a few pillow cases and a new throw blanket, so Liam couldn't really say no to Aiden. Because let's be honest, Liam was just here to pay while his boys decorated their new apartment.

"I think we should buy some more veggies before we go pay. I wanna make a salad tonight." Niall exclaimed, pushing the cart back to the aisle with all the fruits and vegetables. Aiden was jumping around happily. He has never been to this specific store, so everything was really new and exciting for him.

"Do you see cucumbers anywhere? Or am I blind?" Niall mumbled.

"You're blind darling." Liam laughed, walking straight to the small box, where the cucumbers were laying in. „But I still love you."

„Even in like fifty years, when we are old and my eyes are even worse than now?" Niall chuckled as he picked up two cucumbers.

„Even when you are 70, wrinkly and as blind as a mole. Time doesn't mean a thing, because you're the love of my life and I honestly can't wait to get old with you." Liam murmured quietly into Nialls ear. The younger one had to bite his lip to keep himself from smiling too hard. „I love you, I love you, I love you." He mumbled, just starring at Liam who replied a short: „But I love you more." And there was nothing more to say.

„Cwan we home?" Aiden interrupted the sweet moment between his parents. "I'm hungry." He added making pouty lips.

Niall giggled with a nod, while he was slowly making his way to pay.
"Me too peanut, let's go."

As soon as they were back home, Aiden took his new bed sheets and threw them into the washer. Obviously with Niall, who watched the boy proudly. Recently Aiden had a lot of fun helping his momma with cleaning and Niall couldn't be happier with the little boys development. He was one proud parent.

"Wanna put on now." Aiden said, wanting the bed sheets to be dry already.

"We just put them in peanut. It will take a while for them to be washed and dry. We can put them on tomorrow. For tonight you'll can sleep with daddy and me, okay?" Niall suggested and Aiden agreed right away, his new bedsheets forgotten in seconds. He loved sleeping in his parents bed! There was nothing better.

"DADA I SLWEEP IN YA BED T-TOWNIGHT!" He yelled out running off into the kitchen, where Liam was still putting groceries away.

Liams eyes went wide for a second. "Oh really?"

"Yeah momma said so!" Aiden explained with a giggle.

Liam lifted up an eyebrow, his eyes focusing on Niall who walked in after Aiden.
"Well I guess it's okay, considering it's our first night here. But tomorrow you'll sleep in your new bed."

"Pwromise dada."

"Alright then. I would say that while Mommy starts making the salad, you little bear will take a bath. It was long day for everyone, it's definitely needed."

Niall nodded agreeing, saying that the salad will be done when Aiden came out of the tub, which was enough motivation for Aiden to go.

Fresh and clean, with the DVD of Tangled in his hands, Aiden made his way back into the kitchen. Niall was already cleaning up, three bowls with salad and some chicken on the side were placed on the counter. „Momma done?"

„Yeah everything's ready babe. Wanna eat in the living room tonight?" he asked, eyeing the DVD in his sons hand.

Aiden nodded with a cheeky smile. He was allowed to eat on the couch today!

„But you have to be careful. We don't want any food stains on the couch, alright peanut?" Niall explained, taking two of the three bowls in his hand. The third one he gave down to Aiden, who carried it to the living room himself.

Liam joined them not much later. Sighing as he saw the movie Aiden picked out.

„Tangled?" he exclaimed, letting himself fall down next to them on the couch.

„Oh c'mon Li, it's just the third time this week, we had worse." Niall laughed.

„You mean like the 17 times we had to watch Moana a few weeks ago?"


hi babes, this weekend was rough and next week will be hard as well, let's see how that goes 🤎
hope y'all liked this chapter!

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