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"So what is your plan for the rest of day? Anything special planned?" Harry asked, smirking while they where walking in the almost empty hallway, to their last class of today.

Nialls face heated up. "Well..."


"Liams gonna get me after math class, he said he has something special planned for the next few days a-and tonight..." Niall murmured quietly, but Harry just squealed loudly.

"Uh Nialler things are getting serious! Are you two going all the way tonight? I mean- you two made out and showered together, oh god that's so exciting!" The curly one said, which made Niall walk a bit faster.

"Let's go to math class now." He mumbled so that his best friend almost couldn't hear it.

"Uh don't try to change that topic Mr I'm so gonna ride that Payne Train tonight."

"What?!" Niall exclaimed confused by his friends words. "The Payne Train?"

Harry nodded giving him a cheeky look.

"Wait- You're not seriously meaning his dick with that? Harold!"

"C'mon Niall, don't be a baby! You're going to lose you virginity, i bet Mr Payne is gonna make it special and all cute and romantic for you. What are you going to wear?"

"Uhm the same I'm wearing right now? I don't have any things to change into with me, and I will be at Liams place for the next few days I guess... he'll probably give me some clothes." Niall replied thinking.

"I was talking about underwear, but fine." Harry said laughing.

"Uhm, oh I thought- doesn't matter." Niall stuttered.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Don't be nervous, I'm sure today's gonna be amazing Nialler, just relax and trust Liam with what he's doing. But seriously, what are you planning on wearing? Please tell me panties?"

"You mean the light blue ones we've bought?"

"Yes definitely, I bet you're gonna look amazing, also I'm pretty sure Liam likes it- you know...?"

"Liam likes it- what?" The blue eyes asked confused. What did he mean?

"Shaved." Harry whispered in Nialls ear.

Nialls eyes got wide. "Oh uhm, yeah... okay. Can we change the topic now?"

"Oh c'mon! Now that you have a boyfriend I can finally talk with you about that stuff. If you really uncomfortable right now, I'll stop but ya gonna tell me how it was as soon as possible."

Niall just nodded, before he went into the class room. He hated math but right now he's just glad that the topic "first time sex with liam" is off the table. He was scared enough of tonight, and Harry wasn't the biggest help. Niall just wanted everything to go nice and smoothly, but he was sure it wouldn't, because Niall- well he's just Niall, not flirty or sexy.

When the class was almost over niall noticed a new message on his phone, a smile appearing when he noticed it was no other than Liam who texted him.

daddy payne❤️
hey my love, i'm parking right in front of your school, you'll be out in a few minutes, right? i don't wanna start talking to those other students again 😩

Niall laughed quietly when he saw that, which made everyone turn around to him.

"What's so funny Mr. Horan?" His teacher asked, definitely not having it, that there was an interruption in the last few minutes of her class.

"Nothing Mrs Heller, I'm sorry."

just a few more minutes and I'll come running out to you xx

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