fifty one

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The blue eyed man was the first one to be awake the next morning, the sun was shining bright through the window on the opposite wall. When he looked around in the small bedroom, he remembered what happened yesterday and couldn't hide a huge smile appearing on his face. He looked to his left were Liam was laying, still asleep. Liam was turned in Nialls direction so the younger one had a perfect view on his sexy boyfriend.

He softly stroked over Liams cheek with his hand, staring at his lovers lips, wandering down to his still exposed chest.

"Why is he so handsome...?" Niall mumbled to himself. The sunlight made some beautiful sunny shadows on his chest and god- Niall just wanted to take thousands of pictures of him right here.

As the older one slightly moved, Nialls eyes went to Liam's leg which now slightly peeked out of under the heavy white covers. Then he remembered; they were naked.

The father wanted them to sleep naked together, and Niall just nodded quickly with a giggle when his boyfriend asked him that last night. He was way too flirty last night to say anything else than yes.

Without taking his eyes off Liams leg, Niall slowly started pulling down the blanket that was covering Liam.

He quietly licked over his lips. God Liam looks so hot, and Niall was the only one who was allowed to see him like this. His hands slowly moved down, his fingers traced over the older ones V-Line all the way down to his dick. God they literally just did it yesterday, but it just felt so good- so fucking good.

Niall couldn't believe he actually waited so long to do it. But damn it was worth it. And now he gave his virginity to the most loving and handsome man ever.

"Mhh." Liam groaned, opening his eyes slightly, to peek at Niall. When he noticed that his boyfriend was sitting naked beside him, with the blanket almost covering nothing, a big smirk appeared on his face. "Morning babe." He said huskily, his voice deep, probably because he just woke up. 

"Good Morning Li." Niall replied quietly.

"It's a bit cold down there." The father said with a chuckle, pointing at his lower region. Nialls face had a dark blush now.

"Sworry..." he mumbled embarrassed.

Liam laughed. "God I love you."

"I just wanted- wanted to... oh I don't know." The younger one said, hiding his face.

Liam just smiled at that, but instead of pulling the blanket over him again, he pulled Niall closer by his hip. He removed Nialls hands which were still covering his face in embarrassment and then took them in his own bigger ones.

"You're cute." He said pressing a soft kiss on Nialls neck.

"And horny." Niall added himself.

"I can feel that." The slightly older one chuckled. Niall looked up with big eyes.

"Can we have sex again? Please?" He pleaded making pouty lips like a little kid.

"You're serious my love? Aren't you still sore from yesterday?" The older one couldn't hold back his laughter at that.

"A bit, but it's fine! I know you'll take good care of me- Daddy." Now Niall was the one smirking, because he knew he won.

"Okay, maybe just a little." Liam whispered before rolling them over.


"I love you so much darling." Liam said cuddling Niall from behind. Both were in white bathrobes, because Niall wanted to take a quick bath again, after they- well finished in the bedroom.

"Love you too Liam."

"Oh please go back to daddy. I love how you say it." The father replied.

The blue eyed one laughed sweetly.
"Well daddy, even though I think it would be kinda hot to keep calling you that, I suppose it would also be really weird when your son is calling you the same."

Liams eyes went wide. "No, don't destroy my fantasies babe! As long as we are here, we can be as kinky as we want."

Niall giggled.
"Alright then."

The two shared an relaxed morning. They're drank their coffee and tea in an comfortable quietness. Got dressed and Liam was now preparing everything for their picnic. The younger one was waiting patiently on their bed for Liam to finish packing. The father was actually also the one who sent him here so he wouldn't see all the things that would be in the little wooden basket. To say Niall was excited was an understatement. He loved the way Liam had planned so many nice, small activities for them. Okay he simply loved Liam.

"BABE? I'M READY, WE CAN GO!" Liam yelled from out the kitchen and Niall couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"COMING!" He yelled back just as loud before he slowly got out of the bed. He definitely still could feel the activities they did yesterday and this morning, but did he regret it? God no.

"Can you even still sit on the bike love?" Liam asked with a chuckle, as he saw how Niall walked in the kitchen.

"Of course I can, I'm like Superman." The other one replied cheeky.

Liam laughed. "Nah you're my princess."

"Well princesses are strong as well, I'm sure I can still ride my bike, can't hurt that bad, I just need to get used to it." The younger one explained as it would be the easiest thing ever. Liam just shook his head at those words.

"Let's go then love, show me how good you can ride..."

"LIAM!" Niall interrupted him loudly, and Liam laughed once again.
"-your bike." He finished, which made Niall roll his wonderful blue eyes.

Turns out it was a lot harder to really sit on that bike, than the Irish one thought.
It definitely wasn't as simple as yesterday, it burned like crazy!

Liam just stood behind the boy, watching every move he did. "And how is it?" He asked, knowing damn well that it wasn't working out like Niall said it would.

The younger one sighed. "Okay you were right, I- I don't think I can sit on it, or even ride it, my- my ass still hurts... a lot." He mumbled embarrassed.

"I would say I told you but-"

"Yeah yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I was just in the mood this morning... but I don't wanna ruin our plans, can we maybe just walk there, it wasn't that far?" Niall asked ashamed, turning around to look at his boyfriend.

Liam smiled. "You have no idea how fucking much I love you babe. You could never ruin anything, yeah? We can walk, if that's better for your cute little ass. I don't have a problem with that." He explained pulling him into his arm to press a soft and short kiss on Nialls forehead.

"Okay... love you." Niall murmured, a blush on his cheeks.

"Love you too you little horny cupcake." Liam replied quietly with a smirk on his lips. Niall automatically got out of his arms.

"Don't call me that!" He replied outraged.

The older one just laughed at that. How the hell did he get so lucky.


hello partypeople
i hope you're doing okay and y'all enjoyed this chapter. love ya 🤍

didn't read over it again, so, sorry for any grammar mistakes

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