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"Thanks for driving me home, you really didn't have to do this..." Niall mumbled, a dark pink blush painted on his cheeks. 

Liam just smiled at him and shook his head. "Its already dark out, I couldn't let you walk all the way from there to here."

"Well then, thank you again. Even tho I think I would have gotten home totally fine- I mean who would want to kidnap someone like me." The younger intended to say it as a joke, but it didn't really sound like one.

"Me." Liam whispered, almost too quiet to hear, it seems like he didn't want it to be be spoken out loud, but Niall could still hear it. Looking at him with wide eyes.

"Bye Ni Ni!" Aiden said loudly but also tired from the backseat of the car.

"Bye little one, have a good sleep!" Niall replied and waved at him, before he turned around to walk to his house.
When he arrived at the door he looked back for a second time, noticing that Liam's Car still was at the same place.

As he waved again, Liam starts driving away. The thought that Liam maybe just wanted to make sure Niall arrived safe inside, crossed his mind, but that would be ridiculous, right?

As Niall closed the front door, he heard his mother singing in the kitchen again. Probably cleaning the leftovers from dinner. "I'm home!" Niall screamed and wanted to go upstairs as fast as possible, he just craved a hot steamy shower and his bed, and a call with Harry probably, he for sure needed someone to talk about what happend today.

But before he even had his first foot on the stairs, his mom called him in the kitchen.

"Niall where the hell have you been all day? You missed dinner! Your father wasn't really happy about that." She exclaimed disappointed.

Niall took a nervous breath.
"I met up with Li- uhm Mr Payne. The father of the little boy. And he kind of gave me the job...?"

"Really? Oh Niall that's wonderful! Do you know when you'll start working?"

"Right after the weekend on Monday, but it will be something like a test week, so he can see how I work and if his son likes me or not." Niall explained.

"I bet he will love you, you're absolutely great with kids. How old was he again?"

"24." Niall answered without thinking.
He also didn't notice what he said till his mother looked at him with a confused look.

"24 is pretty old for a child, don't you think so?" His mom laughed at him.

"Oh you meant- I'm sorry. His son is 3."
Niall mumbled his cheeks becoming a red coloring yet again. 

"Aw that's lovely. So young. I bet he's adorable."

"Yeah he's really cute, he also looks a lot like his father..." He replied as quietly as possible.

"Mhh if you say so, did Mr Payne drop you of in front of the house? Or who belonged to that car?"

"Oh yeah that was him, it was really kind of him. He's a really good man."

What Niall meant to say was, attractive or sweet, maybe handsome man. But he bet his mom wouldn't really appreciate that.

"Well then I hope I get to meet him as well some time. After all- you'll work for him. And it isn't absurd to think that your bond to that family will get stronger over time, especially because you'll spend so much time with the son."

"Mhh could happen." Niall mumbled again. "I'm gonna go upstairs now okay? I'm pretty tired and I promised Harry that I will call him."

A small smile appeared on her face, nodding. "Okay good night then, Niall."

And with that Niall ran out of the kitchen and right upstairs. As soon as he closed his door he put the old, navy blue bluetooth headphones from his brother in his ear and pressed the call button to call his friend. Then he laid his phone back down on the table and began cleaning things up in his, sadly almost always, messy room. 

"Pick up you curly Idiot..." He mumbled, while putting his dirty laundry from one corner in the room to another. Niall never was the best in cleaning or organising things, at least that's what he always tells people. Because most of the time he was just too lazy to really keep things clean.

"Finally Nialler! Why are you calling me this late?" He heard Harry's voice after a few seconds. 

"Hello to you as well." Niall replied in a slightly sarcastic way.

"Oh excuse me, how are you? How was your day? What are you doing at the moment? Is your hair fluffy?"

"Good, confusing, cleaning and always."

"God you're an dumbhead." Harry laughed and Niall could imagine how he must be shaking his head right now.

"Only for you."

"But wait confusing? Why that Ni?"

"Well you know I had that job interview today, with Liam... and it was just-just amazing."

"Liam? Oh you mean Mr Payne, right? What are you trying to say with amazing, did you get the job?" Harry asked excited.

"Yeah seems like it, but that's not what I was going for. C'mon Harry, you have seen him in person, he is so breathtakingly beautiful. And the way he talks with his son is so adorable, you should have seen them together. And he drove me home after-"

"-you two had sex." Harry interrupted him with a chuckle.

Niall gasped.
"God Harry no! I'm not like you and Louis. What I wanted to say is that he dropped me off at home, after we went to the playground with his son."

After Niall talked about his, not really existing love-life problems, he felt a lot better. Harry always listened to him, doesn't matter how boring or stupid the stuff he talks about is.

He was a bit nervous because of the upcoming week. His days will be a lot more different than they are right now. Niall won't have as much free time as he has at the moment, right after school he will go to work. God that will be weird.

But he will see Liam's House and the way he lives ... and he will obviously get to know him. Okay mostly his son, but still.
Maybe everything will be okay at the end, who knows. Maybe this babysitter job is a good thing.

Hi Niall!
Here is Liam, I just wanted to send you your work times again, to make sure you'll be there. Can't leave Aiden alone at home you know? ;)
So you would start next Monday around 3pm at my house, you should already know the address. You will probably work till 8 or 9. Hope that works out. 

Liam Payne x

Niall smiled at the email he received a bit later in the evening, while watching Friends once again.

The little x at the end made his heart flutter. It possibly meant nothing ,but Niall couldn't do anything about the happiness that went trough his body because of that little letter. 

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