sixty nine

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"God I love food!" Niall moaned out as he took his last few bites.

"I know you do." Liam yelled from the kitchen. He was already done eating and brought his stuff in the kitchen. He also went back upstairs real quick without Niall noticing. He had the box now sitting right in front him on the counter, and all the nervousness from before came back quicker than Liam wanted. He took a deep shaky breath, and went back to the living room, the box in his hand. As he sat down, Niall wanted to get up and bring his plate back in the kitchen as well, but Liam stopped him. "Just put it on the table for now love, I have something that I want to give you." He said, and Niall sat back down slowly.

Liam paused the episode and pulled the box from behind his back to place it directly in front of Niall, who looked as confused as ever. 

"What's that?"

"A little- uhm present. Just open it, I hope you like it." Liam mumbled.

"Did I miss anything important? Should I have gotten you something as well? Oh good I did, right? That's probably the reason why we are having this date right now! God I'm a horrible boyfriend-"

"Ni... psssht calm down. You didn't forgot anything. I just wanted to give you this for a while now, I hope you accept it." Liam explained quietly, and Niall just nodded, slowly pulling the white box closer.

"Alright?" He said, taking off the top. He was pleased to see his favorite flowers, chocolate and a pack of raspberry tea first.
"You know me way too good Li. Thank you..." he said with a smile, but then he noticed the keychain. "What's-" he started and took it out. "Oh my god, is that-"

"It's a key for this house- our house.
I- I want to ask you if you want to move in with us?" Liam asked breathless, you could almost hear the fear in his voice.

"You want me to move in with you? Really?" Niall asked, his mouth wide open in shock. "You know that would mean that I'm here almost 24/7 and that my stuff would be all over your place?" He asked with a stutter and Liam nodded quickly.

"Yes, and that's all I want. I want you by my side every day and night, and i want to see your toothbrush besides mine and your shoes laying on the floor. I want us to be a real family, living together. So what do you say? Will you move in with us?"

A smile appeared on Nialls face and he had to bite his lips to stop himself from smiling too hard. "Y-yeah I would love that." Niall mumbled falling into Liams arms, who pulled him closer right away.

"Thank god, i was so fucking scared." Liam murmured, pressing his lips against Nialls, which made the younger one giggle, deepening the kiss.

"But what is with my parents?
They would never-" he asked, stopped right away.

"Don't worry I asked them, it's alright." Liam replied quickly, softly stroking over Nialls right cheek, wanting to kiss him again, but Niall still was quite overwhelmed.

"You asked them? And my father agreed?"

"Yeah, first he didn't seem too happy but at the end he agreed as well, don't worry babe, everything is taken care of." The older one replied, and Niall nodded slowly. He didn't want to ruin the moment with asking more questions.

"I love you, thanks for making me this happy." Is what he said instead, connecting their lips once again. He's gonna move in with Liam! Fucking move in! That was a huge step!

"That's my one goal in life darling, and trust me I am so in love with you, I can't wait for you to be with me all the time." Liam whispered, leaning down to pull Niall in for a deep kiss.

The younger one giggled, grabbing Liams face with both of his hands, pulling him down completely.

"If we don't stop soon, I'm gonna have a problem... a big one babe." The father said quietly and Nialls eyes went wide.

"Uhm alright- so Sex and the city?" He said with a blush which made Liam laugh.

"You're gonna leave me hanging like this?"

"It's not even that bad, maybe I'll help you later, I wanna watch this first, c'mon Li." Niall said making pouty lips and Liam chuckled. "Yeah of course love, don't think I would ever pressure you into anything. Now let's watch those for girls living their wild New York City life, mhh?"

Niall rolled his eyes but nodded, making some more space on the couch for them to lay down and cuddle. So they laid there for a good hour, Nialls eyes were focused on the screen, but Liams on the other hand, were definitely more on Niall than anything else.

"God why is there so much sex in this show." He exclaimed, moving around uncomfortably on the couch.

"It's literally called Sex and the City Li. And why? Are you horny?" He asked, lifting up an eyebrow.

"Yeah, kinda told you that already two episodes ago." Liam laughed.

"Well- should I help?" Niall asked lifting up an eyebrow, as his eyes went down to Liam's dick, which definitely was starting to get hard. 

"Maybe a little?"

Nialls face heated up in a matter of seconds, but he still was pressing himself even more into his boyfriends body. The two of them were as close as they possibly could be. Connecting their lips for a sweet kiss, till Niall moaned into Liams mouth, giving Liams tongue an opening. The father took full advantage, his tongue expertly exploring Nialls mouth. As Nialls tongue tentatively stroked Liams, the older one brings his hands up to grasp Nialls chin and hold it in place. Niall feels helpless, with Liam holding him like this and kissing him like a fucking god. But fuck it he loved it.

He could feel Liams erection against his own. "Sh-should we take this u-upstairs?" Niall asked out of breath, Liam nodded as he pulled his lover up in a sitting position.

"You want to darling?"

"Pretty sure I do." Niall breathed out.

Liam licked his lips, and picked Niall up making his way upstairs, the still going TV, which showed a scene of Carrie and Samantha, was completely forgotten. They wanted to fully use the time they could spend alone.

As the bedroom door closed behind them Niall got laid down on the big, comfortable bed. It just had plain white sheets on and a dark blue blanket thrown over it at the end.

"God I'm so excited..." Liam murmured removing his shirt, before he went back down kissing Nialls sensitive neck.

"I can feel that." Niall giggled.


hello, i hope y'all had and nice weekend, and if not- i hope this chapter made your day a tiny bit better :) stay positive

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