sixty seven

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"Bye daddy, bye mommy. Love ya so so much!" Aiden yelled as loud as he could, he was already running away from the car, right into Toby's arms. The other boys parents where standing waiting in the door, waving at the two men in the car.

"Bye peanut, be nice!" Liam yelled back as his boy has already arrived at the door. After a last quick look, he drove off. Next stop was Nialls school.

"I miss him already. We really won't see him till tomorrow..." Niall sighed, making pouty lips.

Liam chuckled. "I know babe. But we will see him again tomorrow. Just focus on our date later tonight, I want us two to just share some special and romantic time." He exclaimed.

"So sex?"

The father laughed. "Maybe, if you're in the mood as well, but that's not the main point. Just wait and see."

Niall nodded, with a small laugh. "I'm really looking forward to whatever you have planned Liam."

"I hope our evening will be amazing. But let's not talk about that, at the end I'm gonna tell you what I have planned, and you're not allowed to find out yet. When are you free today?" The older one asked, eyes on the road. The streets were busy at the moment, probably because everyone had to get to work or school.

"You mean when I'm off school?" Niall giggled. "3:30pm, today we have PE in the last two lessons, so be ready to have me all sweaty and smelly in your car." He said.

"Well I don't care, I love you just as much stinky. And it also means we could take a shower together, so I only see the pro's." Liam said with a smirk, which made Niall roll his eyes. God he loved this man.

"Now go have a good day at school, I'll be waiting exactly here when I'll come back. Love you darling." He mumbled, grabbing Nialls face, to pull him in for a kiss.

"That's basically the same line you use when you drop Aiden off at the kindergarten." Niall murmured in the kiss, with a small smile.

Liam laughed. "Mhh I guess you're right. But it's kinda like that. The only difference is that you're my boyfriend and not my son- even tho you also call me daddy-„

„Okay eeenough, bye Li." Niall interrupted him, jumping out of the car quickly. A blush visible on his cheeks.

„Bye babe." Liam yelled back loudly, just before the door closed, making people turn their heads to look in their reaction.

Liam laughed while Niall walked away as fast as possible, he hated to stand in in the center of attention. 

Harry should already be in class, at least that's what he messaged him. So Niall just made his way right into his first class of the day, history. He just wanted this day to be over already, so that he could see Liam again. God he was so in love, it's disgusting.

„Niall finally! Come sit next to me." The curly one yelled out, waving at his friend.

Niall went to the back quietly, sitting down next to Harry.

„Hi Haz."

„Don't come at me with „Hi"! What happened at the dinner with your parents? And how is it going with Mr Payne? We don't talk as much anymore... is this how you felt when i started going out with Louis?" He babbled out.

Niall laughed quietly. „Calm down. The dinner went better than expected... my dad actually was kinda- kinda nice? And my parents were so good with Aiden! And Liam also made a good impression i think... he is just so adorable. Oh and he will take me on a date later today." He tried to explain everything for his best friend. His voice a lot quieter, so that his other classmates wouldn't hear every word he said. He was in an fucking amazing relationship, and nobody knew.

„Oh my god Nialler, you two probably will get married before me and Louis now! I can't believe you found such a good guy. What are you two doing tonight? Besides having sex obviously." Harry asked.

Niall rolled his eyes, but couldn't stop a giggle that was escaping his lips. He and Liam still were in that „Everything is perfect and sex is the best thing ever" phase of their relationship. But Niall is wondering if that will ever chance, because for right now, it doesn't seem like it can. He's just so happy with Liam.

„I don't know, he doesn't wanna tell me. He just said he wants to spend some romantic time with me..."

„God what if he proposes? Or wants you to move in? Or wants a kid with you? There are so many possibilities! Fuck Nialler!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes wide. And the blue eyed one just shook his head quickly.

„He would never want a second baby just yet, we had that topic before... and propose? I really doubt that Haz, moving in on the other side sounds amazing. But I'm not sure if he would like to have me around every minute of the day. For like- forever." Niall laughed.

„Oh c'mon Nialler. I bet it's gonna be one of those three things, if not then he's just horny." His curly haired friend said, rolling his eyes.

With that the conversation died down, because Mr. Miller came through the door. „Good Morning Class."

Liam was parking right where he dropped Niall off this morning just like he promised. With a quick hug and a slap from Harry on his ass, Niall basically ran to the car. He threw his backpack on the backseat and sat down in the front, where Liam was right there ready to give him a quick kiss. „Hey babe."

„Hi." He replied with a smile all over his face. Nialls cheeks were red, and his hair was quite wet because he just came from his PE lessons. Hopefully the deodorant he put on was helping.

So the first question Niall asked was: „Do I smell bad?" Liam looked confused and quite overwhelmed with what to answer.

„Uhm no?"

„So I do! God I told ya I would." Niall sighed but Liam only laughed.

„And I told you I would like that because I can shower with you. And I also think the deodorant you put on is doing a really good job, what is it? Something with Apple?" He asked, trying to get closer to Niall to smell him better.

The younger one nodded with a giggle.
„Yeah I think so, it's from the brand Native, best Deodorant ever."

„If you say so, then I probably should steal it from you, when I get the chance."

„So you can smell like me?"

„I always wanna smell like you. Everything that reminds me of you fills me with happiness." Liam replied, in the possible most adorable way ever, without even realizing it. „But when we shower, we will use the same things anyways so you will smell like me and that's one thing I like just as much, because you're mine, and everybody should know that."

Niall had to bite on his lip to keep himself from smiling like an idiot. He was so fucking in love, and for right know it seemed like nothing bad could ever happen. But they were still at the beginning of their relationship, and there was so much waiting for them in the future.


beginning of their relationship but we are already at chapter 67, i don't know how i did that tbh lol,
hope ya liked this chapter.

also the brand „native" really has the best deodorant ever, they are vegan and mostly 100% plastic free. and you smell amazing for the whole day haha, 11/10 would recommend

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