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"Babe what do you want for Christmas?" Niall asked randomly, as he was making dinner. Pasta with chicken and tomatoes, one of his favorite meals. "And don't come with 'I already have everything', that's not what I want to hear." He added.

"But I do have everything I could ask for." Liam laughed. "Your mine, you're creating the wonder of life and you are currently making me dinner, I'm the happiest man on the planet." He said, looking up from his laptop.

"Oh cut that crap. Tell me what I could get you. IT COULD BE ANYTHING!" Niall replied, making pouty lips. The older one sighed. "I don't want you to spend money on me".

"But you're spending a shit tone of money on me. I get everything I ask for and I live here for free and you buy all the baby stuff- just PLEASE let me get you a christmas present." Niall was furious, Liam could tell.

"Okay okay- let me think... maybe a cookbook? I wanna get more into cooking- and you know all those delicious recipes, I wanna make you something as well. Or maybe a new sweater? I'm not sure. A CD from Lewis Capaldi would be cool as well. I honestly don't care as long as I get to spend this Christmas with you and Aiden."

"You're a sap. But I love you too."

"I didn't even say that."

"But I know that your obsessed with me."

The older one laughed.
"How could I not. But now that you know my Christmas wishlist, it's only fair if you tell me some of your wishes as well darling. We already got everything for Aiden and some smaller things for our parents, but you're more complicated to shop for."

"Oh I'm so excited to see Aidens reaction to the wooden workbench! He will have a blast with that." Niall exclaimed with a giggle, and Liam nodded agreeing. When they were window shopping for Nialls parents a few days ago they saw a beautiful wooden workbench for kids. And since Aiden was literally in love with the show Bob the Builder at the moment, this was the perfect present. "We still have to wrap that somehow though, don't even know how we would start with that." Liam sighed. There are barely any things he couldn't do, but wrapping presents was one of them. He hated it. They always looked like a 5 year old went crazy with colorful wrapping paper.

"That will take us some time to figure out... and that just so Aiden can rip it apart later on. You know he doesn't give a shit about how gifts are wrapped." Niall laughed, he was already putting the pasta on the plates, while Liam got the cheese from the fridge. His laptop carefully put down, closed on the kitchen counter.

"I know. But it's the thought that counts... maybe we could just put a red bow on it?"

Niall shook his head, a chuckle leaving his lips. "But it would need to be a huge bow Li. Doesn't matter know. You asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I would like to have some new books! Maybe a gift card or we could go book shopping together!" He said, his voice getting louder with excitement. "I know you think that's boring but it honestly would make me very happy." He added as he noticed Liam scrunching his eyebrows together.

"I never said it's boring! I'm just not a big reader."

"Oh I know. Otherwise you would have read the book I recommended you months ago." Niall replied, putting a plate filled with delicious looking pasta right in front of him. "God that looks good, I'm gonna go get Aiden from the living room."

"And I started reading that book! Don't come at me." He added.

"Which page are you on?" Niall asked, eyebrows lifted up. The father looked at Niall for three seconds before mumbling a quick "7" and leaving the room.
Nialls laugher was heard as he did so.

"Peanut dinner is done, we can pause the movie and you can finish watching it after bath time." Liam said, sitting down besides his son on the couch. The boy gave him a nod, jumping up eagerly without complaints. He was starving!

Or well- hungry and impatient. "Do we have chweese dada?"

"Yeah it's already on the table. What do you want to drink?" He asked him as they went back into the kitchen.


"Why did I even ask." Liam laughed, filling up the boy's cup, but adding some water to it as well. That juice was way too sweet. "Aiden is that enough, or do you want a bit more?" Niall asked, pointing at the plate he was holding.

"Enough! Bwut maybe more later." He explained, digging into the food as soon as Niall sat the plate down. "Thwank you momma!" He mumbled, mouth full of noodles. "You're welcome." Niall laughed, before he sat down as well.

While they were eating they were taking about the holidays. They definitely wanted to drive back home to celebrate Christmas. They wanted to get a tree and decorate it, mainly because they want it to be special for Aiden. And they wanted to have some nice meals with their families. One with Nialls and one with Liams.
As they were talking about grandparents, the topic changed without them noticing it. Simply because it was something they have been talking about on a daily basis. And that was because of the beautiful little baby growing in Nialls tummy. The next appointment was only a few days away and it probably was the most exciting one of the whole pregnancy. They could find out the gender. Both of them didn't care if it would be a boy or girl, they will love it with all of their heart, despite what gender their baby will have. But obviously it's still exciting to find out. They thought about keeping it a secret till the birth, but both of them were way too impatient to wait that long. They wanted to buy more things and prepare everything the best they could. Especially because Niall was still keeping a few of his nesting habits, wanting their place to be the safest and cleanest space for their baby. "Do you think pumpkin will be hiding at the ultrasound?" Niall asked.

Liam chuckled. "You mean like it will have their legs crossed? I hope not. I'm planning on visiting to the nearest baby store after the appointment." He said.

"Oh god just imagine all the things we can buy! We still need so much, there is barely enough time! And I still wanna buy many neutrals, they are pretty and all of our kids can wear them." The younger one exclaimed, a smile on his face. He could go on hours and hours about baby shopping and things they still needed.

"So we gonna have more?" Liam asked, a smirk appearing on his lips.

Niall ignored that professionally and answered quietly. "Obviously. Not any time soon though... maybe in 5 years. When we moved for real and I'm writing on my first or second book."

The father hummed agreeing. "Sounds good but I think 3 years are long enough to wait, i want them to be close in age".

"Liam we are not discussing this again."


hi, i hope everyone had a great sunday! my next internship starts tomorrow and it will be LONG. it's filled with lots of paper work as well, so i will have even less free time than i have now. just a little warning that i maybe won't update every week again or that updates will come a day or two late!

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