seventy six

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liam 🧸
Waiting outside love xx

liam 🧸
Hurry up, there are girls trying to flirt with me and I honestly can't tell you if I'm more awkward or they

Niall giggled sweetly, reading those messages. Their geography teacher, Mrs. Davies, was talking and talking, without an end in sight. And Niall probably wasn't the only one who just wanted to run outside. "Is your lover waiting for you already?" Harry whispered with a smirk.

Niall rolled his eyes. "My boyfriend is, yeah. And there are some girls trying to flirt with him again."

"Well he looks like he came straight out of the Fifty shades of Grey movie, obviously girls wanna talk to him." Nialls curly friend replied.

Niall rolled his eyes. "Ha-Ha. You're hilarious." He mumbled sarcastic, but Harry just replied "I know.".

Then everyone jumped up, including Harry. Niall looked confused, getting up as well either way. "Is the lesson over?"

"Yeah Mrs.Davies said we could go, where is your head?"

"Did she really? We can go? Get out of here then, Li is waiting." Niall explained, quickly walking out of the room.
Harry followed him with a laugh.

"Can't wait to see your Liam again, huh?"

"Oh leave me alone, you have now idea how much you talked about Louis when you two started going out. What's with him anyways? Is he still so focused on that whole football thing?" The blue eyed one asked, walking through the school hallway on their wait out.

"I don't know... we don't talk as much as we used to. And when we do all he is talking about is football- or his music. He doesn't ask me on dates anymore, it's probably stupid. The first phase of our relationship is just over I guess... maybe I have to get used to it." Harry got a lot more quit all of a sudden.

"Haz... why haven't you told me about that before? Especially if it's bothering you this much, you need to break this to Louis." Niall said but Harry shook his head.

"He seems so happy. Being a footballer is his dream, I don't wanna be the one who stands in the way."

Niall shook his head. "That's stupid."
"You two are boyfriends, god damn. You are the one who has to give me tips on this whole love and dating topic! Talk to him." He declared but his friend replied nothing. "You love him. But he loves you just as much. And you shouldn't suffer because of him. You two definitely have to talk this out."

Harry nodded slowly. "I'll see, but let's stop talking about that now, you're making me emotional." Harry said with a small laugh at the end, clearly trying to change the topic. Niall sighed, nodding. Even though he knew that they have to talk about this, he also could imagine how his friend feels. 

"I see Payne waiting- riiight there." Harry said pointing to the man, who already had his eyes on Niall, before either of the boys have noticed him.

Niall smiled. God he missed him, it's pathetic. He turned to his friend one more time. "You'll keep me updated on that whole Louis thing, alright?"

Harry nodded with an eye roll.

"And if you're feeling down... just text me. Or call, doesn't matter. I always will be there for you. New family or not." Niall said, giving Harry one more hug before walking to his boyfriend.

"BABE! Finally." Liam exclaimed loudly. Niall looked confused at first, but he guessed Liam only acted that way because of the four girls in front of him.

"Hi Li. Missed you." Niall mumbled quietly, before he pressed a short kiss on Liams lips. He definitely wasn't feeling confident enough for anything more, with all those eyes focused on them.

"Hi Niall..." Victoria said, giving Niall a nice smile. What the fuck. She never talks to him. Like- never. Oh what a fake.

"Uhm yeah Hi." He replied not paying much attention to her. "Let's go Liam, it's time to get Aiden from the kindergarten, I bet he's already waiting for us."

"You're right. Let's go my love."

"Who's Aiden?" One of the other girls asked. She had short blonde hair and brown eyes, definitely didn't look familiar.
Niall was Right about to open his mouth but Liam was already a step ahead of him.

"Our son."

"YOU HAVE A KID?" Victoria exclaimed shocked, pointing at Niall. Liam laughed.

"Yes we have. But that's none of your concern. We will go now, it was uhm- nice to meet you. C'mon love, give me your backpack and get in." The older one said, and Niall did as told with a blush on his cheeks. Liam got in a second later, letting out a deep breath.

"I think I have to park somewhere else the next time I get you. Every time I get out of my car, there are some girls trying to get to know me." He exclaimed and Niall giggled.

"I'm sorry, but you're hard to miss. Big ass car, hot guy standing in front of it..." Niall said, which made Liam laugh as well.

"So it's my fault then?"


"MOMMA, DADA!" Aiden yelled, running to his parents as they came walking into the garden, behind the kindergarten building. They just walked in and haven't even seen their little boy yet but Aiden has been asking about his momma and dada for basically the whole day, so he obviously noticed them as soon as they sat foot in the garden.

"Mommy! Gwive me hug!" He demanded, which Niall couldn't disagree to. He kneeled down and opened his arms with a huge grin on his lips.

"Hello peanut, we missed you so so much." He murmured and Aiden just nodded not letting go. It was like that sometimes. Aiden had a hard time saying goodbye to both of his parents in the morning and missed them dearly during his day.

"We are here now babes, don't worry everything's okay. Wanna go home?" Niall asked quietly and the boy nodded again.

"Oh hello you two. Aiden has been asking about you pretty much since this morning." Georgia explained. She was working here as well, but mostly with the older kids.

"We already kinda guessed so." Liam laughed. "But besides that everything was fine?"

She nodded. "Yeah, he was a lot more cuddly today, but he ate and slept good." She explained with a kind smile. Both men nodded.

"Alright then, let's head home?" Niall asked and Aiden nodded excited.

"Wanna watch Frozen." He said quietly and Niall nodded with a laugh.

"If that's what you want we can watch that again. C'mon now little bear. Dada wants to go home as well."

"Owkay momma. But wanna get ma teddy first."

"Is it still inside?" Liam asked and Georgia answered quickly with a short yes.

"I KNOW WHERE!" Aiden exclaimed about to jump away from Niall to run inside.

"Hey peanut, what do we do before we leave?" Liam asked, lifting up an eyebrow.

Aiden waved shyly as a goodbye but ran inside after that quickly. Georgia laughed.
"Don't worry, that's alright. See ya tomorrow Aiden!" She shouted and then also said goodbye to the two men.

Liam took Nialls hand in his as they went after Aiden. "So we're gonna watch Frozen when we get home?" He asked.

Niall nodded with a chuckle. "Seems so. But I also still have to study a bit. So maybe I'll leave you two alone while Christoph tries to propose to Anna."

"That was in Frozen 2 you idiot."


finished this today, and didn't really read over it again oopsie
hope ya enjoyed it 🧸

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