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"Oh my god Nialler! This was your first kiss then, wasn't it? And such a hot one, damn you lucky bastard." Harry exclaimed the next day in school.

Even though Niall called his best friend yesterday just as promised, he only told him that everything went fine and that he's gonna tell him everything in person the next day in school.

"Psssht. You don't need to yell. I don't want anyone to know about this." Niall said a lot quieter than Harry.

"But it's crazy! Just imagine you two get together- he probably has more than enough money so you wouldn't need to go to that university, which is so fucking far away! You can be a stay at home mom!"
The curly man was full of excitement for his bestie.

"That's insane Harold. First of all, stay at home mom? I would never, never, just stay at home and live from all his money. He's not a sugar daddy!"

"You're sure about that? I mean he looks-" Harry interrupted Niall, but got stopped right away.

"STOP. He's definitely not a... you know. He's so kind, and you should see him when he's with Aiden! It's adorable." Niall told him.

"Who's that?"

"Aiden? His son you idiot. I told you about him before."

"I could swear you didn't. But let's come back to the important topic. You wouldn't need to go to that writing lessons! You know how expensive that would be and we wouldn't see each other anymore and-"

Niall stopped him again.
Not going to his dream university? Was he out of his mind? Niall wanted to go there since he was in seventh grade! He wants to become a writer one day. Someone who writes about adventures and romances. He absolutely loves to write, even though he never shows anyone what for beautiful stories he creates.

"That's not an option, and you should know that Harry. I need to go to this school if I want to become an good writer! Yeah it's expensive as fuck and almost 5 hours away, but it's still my dream."

"But Ni..." Harry mumbled offended.  

"C'mon Haz, we will still see each other. Maybe not as often as we are used to, but we will. I don't even know why we are talking about this right now, because it's not sure that I will go there. We need to graduate here first, and I need to get enough money and it's not even safe to say that they would accept me!" The Irish man explained, trying to stop this conversation or at least to start with another topic.

"Urgh okay, I guess you're right. I don't wanna loose my best friend, what would I do without ya Nialler?" Harry said.

"You have Louis." Niall laughed.

"Yeah. But I can't talk with Louis about Louis." Harry confessed with a small chuckle.

"Let's talk about your lover boy then, what's the tea?"

And with that the topic finally changed. The curly man talked about how his oh so lovely Louis really got to be the new team captain of his soccer team and how their last play went. He talked about Lou's family and how sweet they are. God so much love! Disgusting.

Will Niall ever meet Liams parents? The father told him that they don't live far away and that they are amazing grandparents for Aiden, but that's already all he told him. Would Liam want Niall to meet his parents? I mean- they're not even together. He's just a babysitter with a growing crush on his boss. 

"Are you going to Mr Payne's house again today?" Harry asked when he was finished with his daily talk about Louis.

"Yes, you know I work there every day."

"Oh yeah true, but when does Mr Payne work if you only babysit in the afternoon?" The curly friend questioned.
"Uhm if I'm allowed to ask." He added.

"Of course you can ask, it's no secret... I think." Niall laughed. "Liam brings Aiden to the kindergarten in the morning. I think he works at home in the morning as well? I don't know... not so sure about that. But he gets Aiden a few hours later and leaves again around three, so when I come to babysit." He tried to explain.

"Oh so he works for the whole day? Damn!"

The two walked out of school while talking. Another school day was over and Harry waited for his mom to arrive while Niall was waiting for the bus.

"I highly doubt that he's working, when he gets Aiden. I guess only in the morning and in the afternoon or at night. But he has a really high position, so he can basically work when he likes and can take a free day whenever he feels like it."

Harrys eyes went wide. "Marry him!"

"What?" The Irish one laughs.

"That's a fucking dream Nialler! His life sounds amazing." Harry exclaimed excited.

"Yeah yeah... of course whatever you say." Was all Niall answered, before he noticed that Harry's Moms car stopped right in front of them. "Hello Mrs Styles!" He greeted her and smiled kindly. Did he mentioned that he loves Harrys mom? She's amazing!

"Hello you two, hope you had a great day in school?" She asked. "And you know you can call me Anne Niall."

"Was okay. See you tomorrow Nialler?"
The curly one asked while he turned around one more time, before getting in the car.

"Yeah see you Haz!"

"Wait Niall dear! I can drop you off at your house it's no problem!" Anne said loudly.

"Oh that's really nice of you but I don't go home yet, I'm babysitting." Niall smiled.

"Oh you work! That's amazing sweetheart! Where is it, I could drive by there as well. I don't want you to take the bus c'mon."

"U-uhm you really don't need to-"

"Just get in the car Niall." Harry spoke up, because he knew damn well that his mother wouldn't shut up till Niall was in the car.

When Niall told Harry's mother the address, she was stunned for a good minute. "That's a really expensive neighborhood." Was the sentence she mumbled, when Niall had understood it right.

I mean she was not wrong, all the houses here looked like mini castles with expensive cars in front of them.

When they arrived at the Payne's House, Harry was surprised too. "Damn Nialler!"

Nialls could feel a dark red blush appearing on his face. But not only because of the house, no, it was because of the little boy and the handsome man standing at the front door of the luxurious looking home.

"Uhh Niall they are waiting for you!" Harry smirked.

Niall just rolled his eyes.
"Nop, I'm probably just late. Bye Haz, Bye Mrs. Styles thanks for the drive." Niall said, before getting out of the car. He obviously wasn't late, early if even.

"I told you to call me Anne Niall!" Harry's mom screamed after him, before she drove away.

When Niall got closer to the two boys, he got nervous all of a sudden. Yesterday was intense. I mean, they kissed? Would they do that again today? Or just a simple welcoming hug, or even just a "Hello?".

"NI NI!"

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