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"I can't believe we won't see each other for at least a month! That's crazy... I'm gonna miss you like crazy. And Louis will probably get sick of me hanging around 24/7. He will be the one who has to watch friends with me now!" Harry exclaimed laughing, sitting on the couch in Liams and Nialls living room. The father was still at work, probably won't come home till 5pm and Aiden was currently taking his first nap of the day. The little boy did stay at home with Niall, four out of the six weeks they had off.

"I'm sure Louis will be alright. But I'm gonna miss you too. I don't even have a plan on where to stay there yet. The dorms they offer are probably already taken, because I couldn't decide on what to do earlier. I still don't know. I would love to have a small flat, but i don't even know where i could start looking. And I don't have money for that-"

"Have you talked to Liam yet?" Harry interrupted his friend, which made Niall blush. He slowly shook his head. No he hasn't. He was terrified actually. Liam hasn't once talked about it, not even lost a word about this whole topic. And Niall didn't knew if it was just because he was busy or because he didn't want to care about it. It definitely was Nialls problem but why wouldn't Liam help him? He helped him to get this position in the first place. It was just so confusing.
He didn't want to move away. He loved Liam. And god he loved Aiden, he couldn't live without them anymore.

"It never was a topic, I don't know why. And now I'm scared that he just wants me to move out... I honestly doubt he just forgot that I'm supposed to leave soon."

"You need to have a conversation about this! Ni- you're one family now. It's important to talk about everything, especially big changes like that." Harry exclaimed and Niall just nodded.

"I know I know- but it's hard, alright? Bloody difficult actually."

"I understand but that's still not a reason to not talk to him. I'm sure he doesn't want you to move away. You two are a couple, and basically have a kid together. Maybe he's just thinking about a solution already. Go and talk to him. Find a way and make it happen Nialler."

Harry's words were stuck his head that whole afternoon. Liam was in the kitchen, currently doing the dishes after they just shared a late dinner. Niall already put on one of his boyfriends T-shirt's and a simple pair of boxer shorts. The tiredness slowly took over Niall but he still was too nervous about the whole moving away topic. He promised Harry to talk about it, but right now he felt ready to fall asleep.

"Hey babe, do you still want to have a glass of wine? Or are you more in the mood for a beer?" Liam yelled loudly.

„Uhm- can you decide for me?" The younger one yelled back but got no reply.
Liam was already on his way back with a bottle of white wine and two glasses. A small smile over his face as he sat down next to Niall. „Anything you wanna watch babe?" he asked, pouring wine in each glass.

Niall took a deep breath.
„Actually- I uhm... kinda wanna talk about something." He mumbled, playing with his fingers. He didn't even dare to look up, till Liams hand softly grabbed his chin to make him look at him.

„What's bothering you?" He asked simply.

„What? It nothi-„

The father shook his head. „Don't you dare to say „it's nothing". I've been noticing it lately. Something is on your mind. And it's clearly bothering you babe. Please talk to me- wait has it to do with me?" Liam exclaimed, his eyes widen in sudden realization.

"No no no! It has- well not really something to do with. I mean it kinda has, but I love you. It's just that- that I have to leave fucking soon and I don't know where to, and how, and I don't have money to-"

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