thirty two

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The next morning was quite normal, Niall woke up around 9 am and ate a banana with some cornflakes , nothing special. He also got a good morning message from Liam.
He smiled when he saw it. He never got a good morning text because- well, obviously he never had a boyfriend.

daddy payne ❤️
morning love!
i hope you had a good night, especially after our call last night ;)
can't wait to see you tomorrow, I'll try to come home early from work.
sent 7:51 am

Niall felt how his cheeks became rosy. Well they talked for at least an hour on the phone yesterday, at the beginning Aiden was with them, but he went to bed after a few minutes, which left the two of them alone. And let's say it like that, they had an pretty "interesting" conversation.
He answered Liam with a quick "morning li❤️" before he decided to finally work on more school tasks.

He loves to spend time with his two boys but he's still in school, and the stuff he needs to get done every week is enormous.

"God I will be so happy when I'm done with this year..." he mumbled when he looked over all the tasks he still had to do.

Obviously, if everything goes well he will still go to school respectively university, but at least he won't have chemistry or physics anymore. He always was a more creative person. And everything which was even close to math was just one big question mark.

Harry was basically the only reason why he hasn't failed any of those classes yet.
Speaking of his curly friend, he needed to say good bye to his "Lou boo" first which made Niall wait even longer than already to finally see him again. But at the end of the day Niall had visited him and they talked for a few hours. They also went out, because Harry insisted to go shopping for Niall. Okay to be a bit more specific: things for Liam to see on Niall. But the fact was, that today many stores had open even tho it was a Sunday, which made everything, how Harry would say, "special".

The Irish one trusted his best friend with that whole shopping topic, after all, Harry had a boyfriend for a while now, so you could guess he knows how this whole "lovers" thing works.

"Let's Go in here!"

"God no, Harry are you crazy! What will people think if they see us in here?" Niall mumbled ashamed.

"Nialler babe, this is a simple underwear shop. For Girls and boys. I bought clothes here tones of times before. And Lou loved it every time." He winked before he took his friends hand and dragged him into the store.

"Boxer shorts or P-Panties?" Niall stuttered when they entered the shop.

"Mhh both." Harry smirked.
"What do you think Liam prefers? Is he a pantie guy like Louis?" He kept mumbling.

"Uh-urgh i don't know! We never, you now, did the dirty..."


"Psssht Harold! Don't say that word that loud. P-please. And we only kissed and cuddled and u-uhm well- showered together. But that's it I don't know what he likes!" Niall exclaimed raising up his hands.

"Have you maybe seen something in his house that would give us any tips, or did he told you about his ex partners? C'mon Niall give me something!" The curly man said. He already went through all the nearest clothes.

"No we never talked about his ex girlfriends o-or boyfriends, but there was this one time where I searched for swimming trunks and i accidentally opened a the master bedroom."

"Uhh... and what did Mr Payne hide in there?" Harry asked smirking, still looking through the underwear in front of him.

"Well in the second drawer I found his underwear, mostly tight fitting Hugo boss or Calvin Klein Boxer-" Niall started but Harry interrupted him.

"And in the first one?"

"I was going to say it, let me finish for once Haz." He replied. "I saw some condoms... and l-lube and uhm- handcuffs?" Nialls whispered.

"HANDCUFFS!?" Harry squeaked.

Nialls mouth fell open. "HARRYYYY!" He said more embarrassed than ever.

"Uhh I bet he's really kinky! Who knows maybe even a daddy kink, wouldn't that be great for you Nialler?"

„I don't have a daddy kink... I don't have any kinks..." Niall replied quietly.
Harry rolled his eyes.

„Oh please, just imagine daddy ruining your pretty little ass, with his big tattooed hands and his huge-„

„Okay STOP NOW! May-Maybe I like the things you just said... so let's search for some panties and maybe one or two tight boxers, but stop talking about that dirty stuff now." The Irish one mumbled, now he went looking at the clothes himself.

„So what colors do you prefer for panties? I think blue ones will bring up your eyes but just imagine dark red ones! Uhh you so gonna get laid!"

„Sounds Good, you think Liam will like those colors?" Niall mumbled unsure, while his eyes went through all the different kinds of panties.

There are so much! How is he supposed to know, which ones will look the best on him?

"Of course, everyone likes red."

"If you say so. But I want to buy boxer shorts as well. I'm not that comfortable around Liam yet-"

"You saw each other naked!" Harry interrupted him laughing, but Niall gave him just a deadly glare in response.

This whole "making yourself pretty for your boyfriend" thing, is just so new for Niall. How should he know what Liam likes? And oh god, what did Liams Ex- Girlfriends and Boyfriends do for him? What if Niall is 100 times worse than his Ex-boyfriends? What if he does something Liam doesn't like? He knows he shouldn't compare himself to them, but it's hard not to. Liam has so much experience and Niall has none!

Around 20 minutes later the two men left the store again, Harry had one bag full of stuff and Niall had two small ones. But the Irish one left the shop with an weird feeling in his stomach. He wasn't sure if he could actually do that. On Monday he's gonna see Liam again but he doubts that anything will happen. But maybe on his birthday on Thursday? Nobody needs to go to work or school on Friday bc it's a free day... which means he could basically stay the night at Liam's place. But even then, would they go further? Is Niall even ready for that yet?

"So Niall when are you planning on seducing your Daddy?" His curly best friend asked when they were on their way home.

"Harry stop calling him that! I don't know, I think I've got a lot of thinking to do... I probably spent most of my birthday with him so maybe then but I don't know if I'm ready yet Haz." Niall sighed exhausted.

"You'll know when you ready don't worry Ni. Everything's gonna be alright."


heyy lovers!
i hope all of u are doing okay and are healthy.
and ofc: i hope you liked this chapter?

as always sorry for any grammar mistakes

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