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"C'mon- I don't need more preparation, just push it in!" Niall mumbled, letting his head fall back onto the beige pillow.

"Don't wanna hurt you baby." The older one murmured. "Or pumpkin."

"I don't think you could hurt either of us. Please- I need you." He replied, pulling Liams head down to place kisses over his face. "You're gonna fuck me so good." He whispered, his hands softly stroking up and down Liams chest, ending up lower every time they came back down. Liam grabbed the bottle of lube without much hesitation. He leaned over to the night stand table turning on the small lamp they had, for at least a little bit of light. "Gotta see you." He whispered. "So so pretty."

Niall was biting down his lips, but he couldn't stop a shy smile from spreading over them. Liam squeezed some of the lubricant onto his erection and also spread it around Nialls entrance a tiny bit, could never be careful enough. As he positioned himself, he also held himself up with one arm, laying on top of his boyfriend. With one last look at Nialls face he pushed in slowly, pampering the younger one with kisses to distract him from the pain. Doesn't matter how often they slept together Niall was always so fucking tight, Liam absolutely loved it. But he also knew that preparation was fucking important so Niall wouldn't have much pain the next day.

"Ohh f-fuck yes! Deeper, c'mon filling me so goood fuuuuck." Niall moaned out. His grip was tightening around Liams biceps, holding on for dear life. "I love when you're talking so dirty to me baby, tell me what you want daddy to do." Liam murmured, his head leaning down to hide in the younger ones neck, placing kisses all over the porcelain skin.

Niall hesitated for a second, this was still somewhat new to him, but he couldn't really resist Liams request. Or should he call it a demand? He let out a shaky sigh.
"Hold me close, and push in d-deeper. Want you to fuck me and then eat me out." He whispered, not daring to look Liam in the eyes.

The older one moved one hand up, grabbing Nialls chin to make him look back at him. "Show me your eyes baby, you don't need to be embarrassed, daddy's got you." He spoke quietly, a loving tone in his voice. God he did love this man.
Niall only nodded, biting his lips repeatedly. Liam smirked slightly as he noticed it. He leaned down, his lips pulling at his boyfriends bottom lip, which was already swollen because of the biting and kissing. He softly sucked it into his own mouth, turing that into a heated kiss.
He pushed his cock balls deep into Niall, which made him stop to take a deep breath. God this was paradise.

The slow thrusts turned into fast ones in a matter of seconds. Liam pressed Niall deeper into the mattress, ramming into his tight entrance, completely pounding away. As Liam alternated between slow, long thrusts and fast, sharp ones, he slammed right into his prostate. Niall felt like he was on cloud nine, getting closer and closer to his orgasm. As Liam's thrusts became more sloppy, Niall couldn't hold it in much longer.

"Gotta come daddy." He whimpered.

"Then let go love, coming so nicely for your daddy." The older one replied, pushing his cock in to the maximum, while he was sucking love bites around Nialls nipples. As reply he got a mix between a whimper and a desperate cry.
"So pretty baby, only coming for me. Daddy's so proud of you." Liam whispered , moving back up to press kisses around Nialls lips. The younger one gasped, as he finally reached his high, letting go completely. "L-love ywou." Niall mumbled, his words coming out unclear.

Liam let out a breathless chuckle. "Love you more baby." He hooks his arms around Niall and pulls him into a sitting position so he's sitting in Liams lap. The action tugs on where they are still connected and Niall moans before letting his head fall against Liams shoulder. They sit there for a moment till Niall leans back without saying a word. He takes a moment before leaning back forward, smiling down at Liam, who had his arms rapped around Nialls waist.

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