forty two

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After a wet kiss from Aiden on his cheek and a long, loving one from Liam on his lips, Niall opened the second one.

It was a really light box, and in it was a T-shirt, a keychain and a piece of paper, obviously also with a lot of confetti.

Niall had a confused look on his face, but Liam just nodded as sign for Niall to keep going.

First he took a look at the keychain, it had a dark blue color and a small white symbol on it. It looked so familiar but in the moment Niall was too confused with everything.

"What-?" He mumbled, and Liam chuckled.

"Take a look at the T-shirt and then read what's on the paper, I'm sure you'll understand it in a second." The older one explained. He was kinda nervous about his boyfriends reaction, he really hoped Niall would appreciate it and will be happy about it.

The T-shirt was a simple white one, but there was a big dark blue font on the front. And also the same symbol as on the keychain on back.

When Niall read the words his eyes got wide. "University of Liverpool... that's- that's the university I wanna go to!" 

"I know." Was all Liam simply answered.

"Why- how the hell did you get that T-shirt? Can't you only buy it when you there and- wait... Liam?" Niall stuttered and stopped breathing for a second, Liams little smirk didn't make it easier.

"Look what's written on the paper, love." The father said quietly and Niall took it out quickly.

Dear Mr. Horan,

We are pleased to offer you admission to the University of Liverpool in Fall 2021.
With this information we offer you a place in the incoming class to become an published author.
Please review the enclosed "Checklist" for the next steps needed to make University of Liverpool part of your future. If you already decided to join the next author class in our University, please contact our office with @ .

The Team

" this real?" Niall asked almost like a little kid, after he finished reading. He was just overwhelmed, this couldn't be true, right?

"Yeah it is babe, i know how much you want to go that university, and it's hard to get accepted and obviously it's not really cheap, but now you have a place. And everything is paid and taken care of." Liam explained, with a small laugh.

"B-but how? I mean I didn't even send an application?"

"Oh uhm- I know a few people, don't worry about it." He replied.

"But Liam, that's insane! Is it even fair to other people who want to go there? They don't have a rich Boyfriend who knows everyone-"

"Babe- psht, stay calm. It's not unfair, yeah obviously you have a safe place there now, but they were really happy with your grades and when I told him about you he said it was so problem to do me that favor. They loved you."

"Him? Who did you talk to?"

"Well okay, it was my uncle, he's a professor there for a few years now. When you told me you wanted to go to that school I automatically thought of him and how he could help me, or more specifically you." Liam explained, while he took Nialls hand in his.
"Are you happy about it? I wasn't sure if you'd be okay with it. I just want your dream to come true, and I probably would have felt really bad if I didn't at least tried to get you that place..."

"I-I really don't know what to say." Was all the now 19 year old boy replied.

"If it really makes you that upset, I can-"

"No no, please don't. I love it, and I can't believe you actually did that for me, I- I just don't know how I should ever repay you for that. I mean not only the fact that you actually got me a place and my dream university, you also paid for the whole thing... I'm just speechless." Niall interrupted him quickly, but gave him a loving smile at the end.

Obviously he was happy about that, how couldn't he? He worries about that almost every day, because he didn't really had a plan B. But know he wouldn't need a plan B anymore, because Liam made Plan A come true.

The older one sighed in relief. "Thank god, I was kinda scared that you wouldn't accept it. And please don't worry about the money, it's fine really. As your boyfriend and hopefully future husband, I like to pay for things, and you don't need to repay me anything love. Never."

"Mommy and Daddy gonna be m-married?" Aiden asked excited. He was quiet while his parents were talking about that univ-univerwsity thing, it's even too hard to pronounce! But his Daddy said husband, that means marriage, right?
With everything being white and beautiful? Uhh Aiden was excited, he bets that it will look beautiful.

"What? Future husband?" Niall asked, almost shocked.

"Well- yeah. But not now or any time soon, darling. I was just saying, that I want you to become a Payne one day, I want you to be my husband. But nobody was taking about the near future, I haven't even proposed yet."

"No marry?" Aiden asked, all sad and confused now.

"Not now peanut, but definitely in the future, as long as your mommy says yes." Liam answered his son, who was just nodding along, still not fully understanding the topic.

"Mwommy will say yes?" He asked, now looking at Niall.

The Irish boys cheeks turned red. "Uhm yes...- I mean I guess so?"


Liam smiled softly at the two boys. So Niall would say yes? That's really good to know. And Aiden also would be more than fine with it. That are amazing news.

"Anyways, now that we talked about that, I think it's time to open your last present. And then we can eat the cake, oh and your grandma and I think grandpa too, will arrive soon as well." The last part of Liams sentence was directed to Aiden, who clapped happily at his dada's words. He loves his grandparents.

"But you already gave me way too much..." Niall mumbled, he still held on to the letter.

"Nothing is too much for you babe, now c'mon I wanna see your reaction."

"AND I WANNA EAT THWAT CAKE!" Aiden said loudly pointing with his cute little and chubby hands, at the gorgeous and delicious looking cake.
Both men laughed shortly at the boys comment.

"Okay okay, I'm gonna open it now, it's this one here, right?"

Liam nodded and mumbled a yes.

hii, this chapter is a bit shorter but I'm trying to finish a few other things here as well 🤫 hope ya still liked it!
(the whole stuff about the university: 50% google + 50% my imagination. i don't know anything about that university I just searched for one in Liverpool lol)

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