ninety two

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"Niall do you even have an idea how pretty you look when you wake up?" Oliver whispered starring at the other brunette, who literally just had opened his eyes for the first time today. Both of them fell asleep on the couch, during movie number three, Captain Marvel.

"What the fuck Oli?" Niall groaned not sure if he heard him right. He slowly sat up and that seemed to get his friend back to reality. Because he gasped and let out an "Oh shit!".

"No no no- I wasn't, I didn't- Niall I'm sorry." He exclaimed stumbling over his own words.

"Did you just call me pretty?" Niall asked confused. Oliver shook his head rapidly which was a clear answer. Niall was speechless and felt overwhelmed, he had no idea what to reply. He literally just woke up and the first thing he heard was his new friend calling him pretty. But not in a friend kind of way- in a weird one.

"I didn't want it to come out sounding like that! I'm- god please don't think I'm awkward, I just- I mean you are really beautiful- but it's not that I have a crush on you or something!" He said, face pale. But Niall just stood up, slowly walking away.

"Oliver I really hope you didn't mean it that way- I just can't understand... I don't know what to say to you! I have a boyfriend, who I love so so much. And I have a son! What is wrong with you?" Niall yelled out, throwing his hands up in the air, which made Oliver jump a bit back.

His friend kept quiet. Looking around in the living room, noticing the picture frames which showed Liam, Aiden and Niall. Well at least most of them, on some were people Oliver didn't recognize. Niall was in a relationship, he knew that since day one. He even met Liam the same day he met Niall for the first time.

"I didn't! I promise- I mean I do find you attractive but I burned any other thoughts as soon as I found out that you have a boyfriend. I'm fine with being a friend, totally fine! And I don't wanna ruin our friendship because of a stupid little crush."

"You have a crush on me?"

"Is that the only thing you picked up from what I just said?"

"No... but that kinda stand out."

"I wanna be your friend and nothing more, I'm fine with that. I don't want to be anything more. You're just a good friend, who I can spend time with, Niall please trust me and forget that this conversation ever happened in the first place." Oliver basically pleaded but Niall just stood there confused.

"But- god that's so weird. Let's just make breakfast... and act like you said nothing."

"Could you also not mention that to Liam...? I think he's already not too fond of me, so that wouldn't really help." Oliver asked quietly and Niall turned around, eyes widen in surprise.

"No." He replied without a second thought.


"No. I never lied to him and because of you I won't start. He gets to know what he needs to know, he won't tell me to stay away from you- well he can't. I trust him and he trusts me." The blue eyed one explained, while he started to make his daily raspberry tea.

Oliver nodded slowly. "Alright... but everything's okay between us?"

"Yeah why shouldn't it?"

"Okay okay- just wanna make sure."

"Let's get over this uncomfortable situation and keep on moving, wanna have a tea? Or do you prefer a coffee?" Niall asked.

"Uhm I guess I could try your famous raspberry tea to see if it's really that good." Oli replied, adding a tiny laugh at the end which made Niall smile as well.

"It's my favorite so obviously it's delicious, you'll see." Oliver got as answer while Niall let the water boil. He got two tea bags and picked out two mugs.
"You wanna have honey in yours?"

"Do you put honey in yours?"


"Then put some in my mug as well."

Niall nodded doing as he was told. Then he picked up his phone for the first time today. It was still pretty early, so Liam and Aiden probably won't be up yet. He texted Liam a sneaky "good morning daddy" before he turned off his phone again. He knew his boyfriend had a small daddy kink, so he loved to fulfill Liams fantasies from time to time.

He couldn't wait till his boys would drive back home, the few days away from each other were already hard enough.
But it also gave him some time for himself which was nice. Especially considering that their one year anniversary was literally only days away and Niall still had to find a perfect present.

He definitely wanted to give Liam the night of his dreams, where he will do anything that his boyfriend might had wet dreams about. And then he had a thing in mind- he's currently reading one of Liams favorite books, well actually the only book Liam ever mentioned he read and liked. And Niall has been leaving little notes and remarks in it, with his opinions, analysis or how he would have written specific paragraphs. He hoped Liam would like that. His boyfriend obviously wasn't that much into literature like he was but Niall was sure that Liam would appreciate it.

"Niall do you know when our first lecture starts today?" That brought Niall out of his thoughts.

He sighed. "Uhm not sure, have you looked online? You know they sometimes change up the times last minute."

"I'm gonna check." Oliver mumbled.
The blue eyed one hummed agreeing, while he filled up the mugs with tea.

"So it's 7:14 am now... which means we have to be dressed and ready to go in exactly 20 minutes!" Oli exclaimed, and Niall almost dropped his mug.

"What?! Shit was it really that early? Oh god- c'mon drink your tea, I will shower first. Oh fuck, I thought we have time!"

"No they moved the lecture up, normally it would have started at 11am, but now it starts at 8. And we still have to get there, and the one we have is with Mrs. Graham, you know she wants us there at least 5 minutes before the lesson actually starts." Oliver laughed, but Niall already ran back into their bedroom to pick out an outfit.
He never was late to anything, and today definitely won't be the first day he will be. He's a good student. So while he showered, got ready and dressed, Oliver stayed put and drank his tea, before he slowly got dressed as well. They barley made it to the lecture in time.


hi babes! hope ya liked this chapter

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