fifty seven

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The three boys spend over an hour downstairs in the pool room, but soon it was time for dinner, and the two men could tell that Aiden slowly got tired.

"What if we just eat some cheese sticks for dinner?" Liam asked going through the freezer.

"Yaaay!" Aiden agreed. He loved things with cheese in them. Or cheese on things! Okay well- he just loved cheese in general.

"But we need to have at least some kind of vegetable aside of that Babe." Niall explained kneeling down beside him in front of the freezer.

Liam scrunched up his face, right at the same time as Aiden, which made the younger man roll his eyes. "Like father like son. Guys we need at least a tiny amount of veggies on the side! What do you think about broccoli?" Niall asked getting the bag with the green vegetables out.

"I guess you're right love. But let's not make too many..." He decided and Aiden let out an: "No daddy! Be strwong, say no to mommy!", which made both adults laugh.

"But mommy is mostly right little one. It's important to eat enough vegetables every day. I promise you won't have to eat many, just a few." Liam explained, finally closing the freezer.

The little boy sighed disappointed, but nodded at the end.

"Owkay but only two! One for ma mommy and one for ma dada. Th-thwat's it!" He explained. Niall giggled softly.

"What about your grandparents little bear? I think you should eat two more for them, right?" He asked lifting up an eyebrow.

Aiden gasped. "Oh no! Forgot Nana and Pa! Sworry!"

"It's alright Aiden. Let's start actually making the food now, okay? It's almost past your bedtime." Liam said getting out a small pot, after he turned on the oven to heat up.

"Mommy gonna swleep with you t-to-night?" Aiden asked hoping his NiNi would stay with them.

Nialls eyes grew wide as he understood what the kid had just said and his face snapped up looking at Liam in shock.
The father was kinda speechless himself, even tho he knew Aiden just wanted to know if Niall would sleep here again or not.

"Well I would love that-" Liam started looking at Niall with a smirk, but the blue eyed one just looked away in embarrassment, his cheeks glowing red.

"-but mommy has to go back home tonight. But he'll visit again tomorrow to babysit you when i have to get some work done." He tried explaining, but Aiden just looked confused.

"B-but we are home! Here!" He mumbled with tears building up in his eyes, and Liam smiled sadly.

"Well peanut- but Mommy has two homes. We are just one of them, you understand that?" Liam asked, and Aiden shook his head in disappointment. He wanted his mommy to stay.

"Don't worry Aiden- I promise I will be back tomorrow and I also will bring you to bed tonight. I know it's a bit confusing at the moment but in the future everything's gonna look a bit different, you just have to be patient, can you do that for us?" Niall asked, kneeling down in front of him.

Liam bit his lip at this view, he definitely had to talk to Nialls parents or at least his mother. He really wanted to take their relationship further. He knew it's fast, probably a bit too fast, but everything is just a bit different with Niall. He loves him. He knows that this boy is his. It's the right one. He wants him to at least move in with him and Aiden. And after that maybe even go further than that.

"Bwut ma mommy! Dwon't loose ya agawin!" Aiden whispered sadly, pressing his face against Nialls chest.

Niall sighed. "You will never loose me, heard that? I love you and your Daddy so so much. Let's just forget everything for now and make dinner, I'm sure you're really hungry, aren't you?" He asked, giving the boy a big smile.

Aiden nodded quickly, wiping away the tears that left his eyes, before returning the smile.

And so they started making dinner, Aiden ate exactly 4 pieces of broccoli and not a single one more. He ate one for Niall, one for Liam and two for his grandparents, like he promised. But he ate a lot more cheese sticks.

After everything was cleaned up again, Niall prepared a bath for their boy. Aiden actually wasn't too excited about that because he was extremely tired from the whole day. Still- it definitely was necessary for him to get all clean and fresh again after this day.

"Mwommy?" Aiden mumbled tired. He was already laying down in his bed, and Niall just finished the goodnight story.

"Yeah little bear?"

"Love ya."

"I love you too. And your Daddy loves you. And your Grandpa and Grandma love you, oh and what was your friends name again...? Toby! Yeah Toby also loves you a lot. Are you excited to see him again tomorrow?" Niall asked, while softly brushing a bit of hair out of the boys face.

"Oh yeah." Aiden mumbled quietly, eyes closed, pretty much almost asleep.

"Good night little one, see ya tomorrow." Niall whispered before dimming the lights a bit more and closing the door as soft as he possibly could.

"He's completely out. Really exhausted." Niall said as he came back in the living room where Liam was watching the news.

"No wonder after today. I mean- kindergarten, going out for ice cream and swimming? That's a lot for him." Liam replied, but added a quick: "Come to me." Holding out his hand for Niall to take.

As soon as Nialls hand touched Liams, the older one was pulling him onto the couch, basically on top of him.

"Liam! You will die, I'm way too heavy." Niall laughed, trying to get off as soon as he landed on him.

"That's stupid, you're not too heavy darling. You're perfect." He replied holding him tight, so he wouldn't get out of his arms.

"If you say so Mr Payne, but I can't stay like this forever." He said smiling.

"Oh I wouldn't have a problem with that. Maybe you can sleep with me tonight, like Aiden said?" Liam asked with a smirk but couldn't hide a small laugh that slipped out his mouth.

"I still can't believe he actually said that, I know he doesn't know what it means- but still! It's crazy!" Niall replied, and Liam nodded. "We should really be more careful with what we say in front of him, he's learning so quickly." The younger one confessed.

Liam made pouty lips. "But I love being sneaky with you."

Niall smiled slightly. "I love that too, in fact can't we- well kiss for a bit...? If we are being extra quiet so Aiden doesn't wake up. I just wanna be close to you before I have to leave for the night." Niall mumbled asking.

A smirk appeared on Liams face.
"We don't have to be quiet for kissing. Kissing isn't loud, but there are many other things we could do, that are a bit louder... what do you think?" He asked, which made Niall giggle.

He fucking loved this man.


hii! hope all of u are doing okay. this week was really hard and frustrating but the past two days have been quite amazing 🥳

i also watched niall's concert last night, which was just incredible 🤍

hope u liked this chapter! love ya

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