ninety one

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"And did you finish that story you were writing on?" The brown eyed one asked, phone pressed against his ear.

"Oh yeah I did! I just sent it in today, and believe me I was actually scared that I wouldn't finish it, but now I'm pretty happy about my wor- OLI STOP IT." Niall explained but it seemed like his friend Oliver was interrupting him.

Liam didn't hear anything for about a minute till Niall seemed to have his phone back. "I'm back, sorry Li- Oliver JUST CAN'T care for himself." He yelled the last part, so that his friend could hear it, clearly. Liam heard a "THAT'S A LIE!" in the background but simply chose to ignore it. After it got more quiet he decided to speak again. "Niall you're back?"

"Wasn't gone Li."

"But you weren't really focused on our call." Liam replied rolling his eyes in annoyance. The father just brought Aiden to bed, and the boy wasn't having it. He was totally overtired but just wouldn't fall asleep. Liam was glad when he could finally sit down in the living room, wanting to hear Nialls voice for the whole day, but now he had to listen to him and Oliver laugh together.

"Well sorry but I'm relaxing with Oliver after a long day. And just in case you forgot- you were the one who suggested us hanging out together, so don't play the role of a jealous boyfriend now." Niall exclaimed his voice rising quickly.

"I'm not jealous. I'm tired, I had a fucking long day, and Aiden went to bed literally 10 minutes ago. The only thing I wanted is to have a nice chat with my boyfriend."

"You're not the only one who had a long day, alright? Sorry for getting loud I- I don't know, I probably just miss you two. It will be better once you're back home." Niall let out a frustrated sigh and Liam didn't knew what to reply. They never really fought. Yes they disagree on specific topics but they never had a big fight. And Liam definitely wasn't about to start the first one.

"We miss you too... I love you darling."

"Love you more." The blue eyed one said all calm again. "What did my boys do today?" He added.

"Uhm... Aiden went to kindergarten and I pretty much spent the whole day in the office... went to the café we went to when you became Aidens babysitter, which was kinda weird but still brought up some nice memories. Oh and I think we will drive back on Friday already, I can't be away from you much longer." The father said, leaving out some important details about a visit, but he obviously wouldn't talk about that with him.

"Miss me that much Payne?" Liam could basically hear the smirk out of Nialls words, which made him smile as well.

"Always. Just thinking about your beautiful smooth skin, that pretty ass of yours- "

"Liiiiam! Stop right now! You're making me horny." And there was that giggle that makes Liam loose his mind. But then he realized the words coming out of Nialls mouth.

"Don't you dare to get horny in front of anyone but me! You're mine." The father grumbled deeply. He was sick of being away from Niall. Even if it was for less than a week, he couldn't handle it.

They only talked for a little while longer because then Oliver wanted to watch Spider-Man 2. Liam wasn't happy when they ended the call. The thought that that guy got to spend time with his Nialler.
He's just a friend.... just a male friend. A friend who wasn't exactly unattractive. God it was driving him mad.
He trusted Niall, Niall was too innocent to do anything. But he didn't trust Oliver.

Liam didn't sleep well that night. One, because of the whole Oliver situation and then because Aiden came running into his room in the middle of the night, crying because he had a bad dream.

"D-dada—" he blurted out standing in front of his fathers bed.

"Peanut come to me, stop crying everything is alright." Liam hushed, lifting the boy up by his armpits to pull him under the covers. "What did you dream about?"

"Momma l-left. All alwone..." he cried, trying to stop his tears with his tiny fists.

"Oh Aiden, mommy hasn't left, you know he's waiting for us back in the apartment. We will drive back in less than two days."

"Mommy not left? I want ma mommy." He asked, making pouty lips.
Liam had a small smile on his lips, not able to see in the dark.

"He's waiting for us at home. I miss him too- so so much. But we will drive back to mommy on Friday."

"Not S-sat-day?" He asked confused.

The plan was to drive back Saturday, in the morning so that they had enough time to drive back, but it seemed like Aiden is missing Niall just as much as Liam was missing him.

"No I decided we will drive back a day early. We can't leave momma alone that long, huh?" He whispered and Aiden nodded eagerly. "Do you wanna sleep here tonight?" He asked, already guessing the answer.

"Pwlease." His son mumbled.

The rest of the night went a lot better, both of them actually got some sleep. And the "good morning daddy" message from Niall the next day, was making him forget about the little drama they had last night.

Niall turned out to be just as an kinky bastard as Liam was. And the older one couldn't be more proud that he was the one responsible for that. Alone the thought of Niall waiting at home just for him, was everything he needed to keep going. Today he will try to finish up the last few things in the office, and prepare everything for a longer stay away. He didn't plan to come back here for the like next three weeks. At least three, his secret goal was a whole month. Especially because his and Nialls one year anniversary was close. And he didn't needed any extra work stress.

He dropped Aiden off at the Kindergarten, where his sons friend Toby was already waiting for him with open arms. Then he drove to work, and god Liam couldn't wait to be done here, he honestly couldn't remember how he worked 12 hours almost every day, before he met Niall.


only one week left then my summer break starts- thank gooood! just started my period and i'm emotional and sad, it's also my birthday tomorrow. life is weird.
anyways- hope y'all liked this chapter, love ya.

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