thirty seven

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Yesterday was a good day. After they made the strawberry muffins, Aidens wish came true and they watched Moana. Again.

Aiden sang every single song with the playing movie, which was incredible cute.

But today will be even better. Well at least Niall hoped so. Liam promised to visit the 'build a bear' workshop with him and Aiden today.

Niall was currently sitting in his last class of the day, which was biology. Harry was sick at home, well he probably was just spending time with Louis. They had those days were they just stayed at home to do couple things. That's what his best friend called it. Niall was sure they only had sex.

But he was fine the whole day so he's gonna survive the last few minutes of this lesson.
Liam texted him that he'll be home a few minutes later because of an important meeting about a new building or something. He had Aiden with him for that and then gonna bring him home.

daddy payne ❤️
i'll drop Aiden off at home around 3:30, will you be there then? Because I have an appointment for a new worker literally 15 minutes later. and i also want a short kiss from you before i need to leave again.

I'll be there don't worry, you'll get your kiss🥰 can't wait for later today.

daddy payne ❤️
you're cute

daddy payne❤️
but i bet you would be even cuter moaning my name ;)

can't wait for Thursday babe

A dark blush appeared on Nialls face.
He couldn't wait either, but he was extremely nervous at the same time. Hopefully everything will go well.

But today was just Wednesday, he still had time to prepare himself. Mentally and physically.

"Till next monday you'll please finish number 2 and also do number 3 and 4. I might collect a few. Have a nice day." His teacher said and when everyone started to put their stuff away, so did Niall.

He still had a good 30 minutes till Liam will meet him at 'home'. Okay Niall doesn't live there, but it still feels like a home to him. Almost more than the house he actually grew up in.

If he's walking he could be there in time and doesn't need to pay for the bus. Sounds good right?

Niall plugged his earphones in and started playing his favorite playlist. All his to-go songs found a place in there.
From Lewis Capaldi's song "Fade" to "Hotel California" by the Eagles.

He just sat down in front of the house to wait for his boys, when he got there earlier than expected. Liam told him once where a hidden key is but they should arrive any minute now, so Niall just stayed where he was.

Almost 15 minutes later the familiar car parked right in front of the house. Liam got out and helped Aiden real quick to get out as well. The little boy had his Toy Story backpack on and came running to the door when he saw Niall sitting there.

"MOMMYYY!" The little one screamed excited jumping into his arms, Niall chuckled. "Hi little bear."

Liam came jogging after him with the keys in his hand. "God love I'm sorry we are so late, I hope you haven't waited too long." Liams first words where before he gave Niall a quick kiss.

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