twenty five

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Liam came back to the living room, with a bowl of popcorn, some raspberries and red wine.

He didn't even knew that he had popcorn in his house. But he found a pack of sweet popcorn for the microwave, so he thought that it was a good snack.
The raspberries he bought because he knew Niall liked raspberry tea, so he presumed that he would like the fruit in general.

And red wine?
It's red wine, c'mon it's delicious!

And maybe it will help to make this whole evening a bit easier.

"I'm back with the goods!" Liam said while putting down everything on the little table in front of the big sofa.

"Uhh Popcorn! And- wait, you got raspberries? Oh my god I love raspberries, there like my favorite fruit ever!" Niall exclaimed smiling.

"I'm glad to hear that. I remembered that your favorite tea was raspberry tea with honey, so I could only assume that you also like the fruit."  The older one explained, getting two wine glasses out of one of the shelves, which were in the living room.

"I can't believe you remember that." Niall replied surprised.

"Of course I do, and I wanna get to know you even better love." Liam said with a small but charming smirk. He opened the wine bottle and poured a bit in both glasses, which didn't stayed unnoticed by Niall.

"Do you wanna get me drunk here, Mr. Payne?" He asked laughing, lifting up an eyebrow.

"Maybe Mr. Horan , would that be bad?"

"I don't think so. Well at least I hope, that you don't have any bad intentions with me?" The younger one asked.

"What? Don't think about that, not even anything close to that. We won't do anything you're not comfortable with love. I know that it's kind of weird between us right now but I know that with time things will get clearer and that our relationship grows-"

"Relationship?" Niall interrupted shocked.

"Oh Uhm- I don't mean the boyfriend type of relationship, just a relationship between two people, who slowly get to know each other better ... even though I wanted to talk about that topic with you soon..." Liam mumbled unsure.

"Want to talk about what?" The younger one asked interested.

Liam sighed. He had the hope that they could maybe discuss this after a few glasses of wine. "Well... I kinda hoped that this would've  happened a bit later tonight but I guess now that the topic is up I can't just ignore it,right?" Liam said, smiling nervous. Niall stayed silence, waiting for Liam to keep talking.

"Mhh okay...god where do I start?" The father started fumbling with his words ,which made Niall chuckle.

"So we kiss each other, like really kiss and we cuddle, and call each other names, well at least I do that quite a lot." He mumbled the last part, Niall still heard it and felt his cheeks become warmer. The Irish one never had a conversation like this and he definitely didn't knew how to react.

"And we both know friends don't do that. Or a boss and a employer... and well-  I kind of told you more than once that I like you. Like you a lot. And it's probably way too soon to ask you that b-but would you like to- god that's awkward..." Liam stuttered. Niall laughed.

"Keep going." He mumbled smiling, which relaxed Liam a bit.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

That was the first time, Niall ever got asked to be someone's boyfriend. But who thought that it would be an hot, older, and working father, who will ask?

Even though Niall expected Liam to ask something like that, he was still stunned.
He made a fool out of himself way too many times, because he trusted the wrong people, but it all felt so right with Liam. He could trust this man.

"I-I would really like to be your boyfriend Li." Niall finally said shyly but with a small smile.

The older one started smiling all over his face. Out of happiness? Maybe relief? Probably both.

"Oh thank god! I'm so glad right now- you make so so happy Niall. Now we are officially together." Liam said pleased. He moved closer to Niall and put his hands around the younger boy's waist to move him into his lap.

Niall was a bit surprised by Liams actions and couldn't do anything about the older ones arms around him.

"Oh god I am way too heavy for you, I bet I'm breaking your legs!" Niall said worried already trying to get out of Liams lap, but Liam tightened his arms around him.

"Heavy? Baby you're light as a feather! You definitely need to eat more, maybe I should take you out for dinner soon." The older one mumbled pressing his lips softly in the younger ones neck.

"Mhh Li... stop it." Niall giggled.
Could Liam fall even more for this adorable boy?

"Never!" He murmured smirking, keeping his lips exactly where they were. He slowly began to suck on the younger ones neck, which made Niall moan quietly.

"S-so I thought we could watch "Just Go with It"? It's...I-it's... mhh oh-"

"It's what?" Liam asked, and let go of Nialls skin. He smiled when he noticed the hickey. The Irish boys first one.

Niall could finally breath normally when he felt Liam let go, so he finished his sentence. "It's with Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler, I w-watched it once or twice before and I really liked it." He mumbled.

"Sounds good to me. Wanna start watching my love?" The older one asked.

"Mhh yeah, do y-you wanna c-cuddle?"
Niall was kind of embarrassed to ask. Obviously they kinda teased about that topic before and also did much more than cuddle, but still-

"You're still sitting in my lap, have you really thought that we wouldn't cuddle baby?" Liam asked chuckling.

"Just wanted to make sure." Niall mumbled, slowly letting himself sink more into Liams arms.

"I really like you Niall."

"I really like you too."
"Oh and Liam?"


"Could you give me the raspberries?"

The older one laughed when he heard that. "I'm gonna feed you baby." Liam replied.


hellooo ❣️

i hope all of u are staying at home and feeling good 👀

as always, sorry for any grammar mistakes! hope you liked this chapter.

bye byeee🥴

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