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"What do you wanna drink?"

"Uhm... I don't think that I need anything." Niall replied in a soft tone. He didn't need Liam to know, that he just didn't have enough money to spend it on an overpriced coffee, or in Niall's case- an overpriced tea. 

"Are you sure? The coffee here is supposed to be really good!" Liam told him.

The younger one shrugged.
"I'm not that big of a coffee person anyways, so doesn't matter. Just order for yourself and for this little cutie here." Niall exclaimed with a small chuckle at the end as he tickled Aiden, who began to laugh.

"So you're more of a tea person I assume? Interesting... what kind of tea do you prefer?"

"I guess anything sweet, my favourite one is raspberry tea with honey." Niall replied with a shy smile. Liam just smiled back at him.

"Sounds tasty." He mumbled.

It was kind of obvious that Liam didn't asked without a reason. As soon as the waiter came and asked what the gentleman would like to order, Liam ordered not only a vanilla coffee for himself and a hot chocolate for Aiden, he also ordered a raspberry tea, with the special request to put a tablespoon of honey in it.

"You didn't have to do that..." Niall said right after the waiter was gone. Cheeks turning red.

"Oh cmon Niall, you can't be the only one without anything to drink! I would say we just start with a few questions now, shall we?"

Niall nodded. "Yeah of course, what do you want to know?"

"I guess it would be good to know how old you actually are." Liam said with a short chuckle at the end.

"18, but I will turn 19 pretty soon, I think it's less then two weeks now."

"Oh really? When exactly is your birthday? Because I just turned 24 recently." Liam asked and he actually seemed pretty interested.
Probably just to act friendly.

"13th of September."

"Oh yeah that's actually soon, I need to remember that. But back to the questions, you seem pretty comfortable around kids, do you have siblings or other family members...?"

"Well I assume that you mean younger siblings, but no I only have one older brother, who already moved out. But I really like to be around little kids, sometimes I have the feeling they understand me more than someone in my age." Niall explained with a small smile at the end. Does that sound weird? Most definitely, but he's just being honest.

"Yeah you got a point there, kids can be a lot more understandable, especially because they don't think about the seriousness of life." Liam laughed, before he kept talking. "So can you also cook something, or maybe bake?"

Niall thought about his answer for a second before he began to talk.
"I really like to bake, I used to do it a lot when I had more time. I made cookies or brownies most of the time, sometimes even a small cake. And cooking, I can do simple stuff like pasta, probably any kind of soup you can imagine, and a few other things as well, but I never really cooked much for other people to be honest with you."

"Oh that sounds good to me! Aiden eats pretty much everything, right baby?"

„Yweah Daddy, bud mu-mushrooms no!"

„I forgot peanut I'm sorry. So as he said he isn't the biggest fan of mushrooms, but besides that, he eats almost everything. He also doesn't have any allergies."

„That's good to know, and I don't like mushrooms as well, so I'm sure I wouldn't make them anyways." Niall giggled in the cutest way possible. In Liams Opinion.

"Yaay, good Neil!" Aiden announced happy with Nialls answer.

"It's Niall, not Neil, Aiden." Liam tried to explain the tiny mistake to his son.
Aiden seemed just confused.

"You can call me Ni, if that's okay to you?" Niall spoke.

"Neil...Ni... yes that good!" The little boy decided.

"Okay so now that this is finished, during which times could you work Niall? I mean you're still in school, even tho it's your last year if I remember right."

"Uhm yes, so you said from 3 till 9 or even 10pm?" Niall asked.

"Mhh yeah, that's what I said. Obviously you don't need to work on weekends, or let's say that would barely happen, and I always finish earlier on Friday's, which means you wouldn't work longer than till 4 or 5 that day."

"Okay, but there's still one thing, would I always start at 3? Because on Tuesday's this would be a bit complicated..."

"Nahh I think we could possibly fix the times up a bit... Aiden is obviously in kindergarten the first few hours of the day  so he also could easily stay there a bit longer." 

"I finish school by four- on Tuesday's I mean ."

"If you could get Aiden from kindergarten that day, everything would be fine. I just need to add your name on the list in the kindergarten."

"That would be great... I guess. I mean- obviously only when you actually decide to choose me as the new babysitter for Aiden." Niall mumbled. Of course this conversation sounds like he's gonna get the job, but what if not? Niall was never a person, who just has luck and gets everything they want.

"I don't see a reason why you shouldn't get the job, you appear pretty promising." Liam laughed. "The first week will also be kind of a test week, to see how everything works out and if you're good with my little boy here. But so far Aiden really seems to like you." He completed his sentence.

"Oh God! That's... that's fantastic! Thank you so much Liam."

"Pffantastic?" Aiden suddenly asked and stopped drinking his hot chocolate, which had arrived sometime during Niall's and Liam's discussion.

"Fantastic, yeah." Niall smiled more than happy with the whole situation.

"Oh and we kind of talked about the money things already, at least with your mom... or are there any more questions or requests?"

"What? No, everything is fine." Niall responded.

"Okay that's nice, I just want to be sure." Liam smiled. "So did you have any other plans for today, or would you like to come with us to the playground after we finished up here?"

Aidens head immediately went up to look at his dads face. "Go play? Yes plwease dada!" He let out incredibly excited and with a pleading look on his cute face. "With Ni?"

"Uhm... I mean why not? I bet it's gonna be fun right?" Niall replied after Aiden looked at him as well.

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