forty six

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The two men fell asleep on the couch, cuddled together, and the older one had his arms around niall. The cozy blanket covered both of them and kept them warm.

Last night was special for both of them. It was the first time they ever got really intimate with each other. And the first time for Niall to get intimate with anyone in general.

"Ni?" Liam murmured with his deep morning voice. He was the first one to be awake, while Niall still seemed  asleep.

"Hey beauty, wanna wake up for me?" He tried again but Nialls eyes stayed close.

"Okay okay, looks like I'm making you breakfast in bed, Mhh?" Liam whispered, more to himself than to his sleeping boyfriend. He softly stroked one of Nialls cheeks once, before he crawled out of the bed as careful as he could.

Liam only wore his boxer-shorts as he stood in the kitchen making two cups of tea. This time it was a green tea with a lot of honey, because he knew Niall liked his tea on the sweeter side.
While he was preparing Greek Joghurt with fruits on top, raspberries obviously included, he softly sang to the song which was playing on there radio.

The father was used to having the radio playing in the morning because he grew up that way. Every morning while his mom was making breakfast and his das was making coffee, the radio was always on. Liam was humming to the song, but then he heard Nialls voice singing the lyrics.

One of us is crying
One of us is lying
In her lonely bed

Staring at the ceiling
Wishing she was somewhere else instead

One of us is lonely
One of us is only
Waiting for a call

Sorry for herself, feeling stupid feeling small, wishing she had never left at all

His voice was angelic. Liam stayed quiet while the younger one came in the kitchen. After Niall finished he giggled a bit, which make Liams lips leave a soft "aww". Niall turned around quickly.

"God Li! I didn't knew you were there. Sorry that you heard my singing, I know it's probably horrible." Niall mumbled, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

Liam laughed. "What? Love your voice is absolutely beautiful, I could listen to it all day long. Never talk in that way about yourself again, never." He said getting closer to take his boyfriend into his arms again.

Niall leaned into Liams arms and smiled shyly. "You really think so?"

"Of course baby, would never lie to you. I hope you'll sing a bit more on our car drive to the lake."

"Well if I can choose the music...?"

"You Sneaky little cutie, I love you."

"Love you t-too, and when do we start anyways?" Niall asked looking up at him.

"I thought maybe we could eat breakfast here and then start? As i told you, it won't be an extremely long drive and so we still could explore the area around the house a bit and maybe even go swimming in the lake?" Liam replied, going back to making breakfast for the both of them. He just made some toasts, with fruit on the side.
He needed to promise Niall to stop at
McDonald's during there drive, so he didn't want his baby to eat too much already.

"Sounds good to me Li. I'm really excited." The younger one replied, stealing a piece of the pineapple which Liam was currently cutting.

"You know what people say about pineapple?" Niall asked, while he giggled softly.

"No idea, what do they say about it love?"

"Well- they say it makes c-cum taste better..." He explained quietly, which made Liam turn around, eyebrows raised up. "Oh really?" The father murmured.

"Excited to test that theory tonight then darling." He added with a smirk playing on his lips.

Nialls face got more and more red.
"I... I-Uhm." The younger one stuttered but he just stayed quiet at the end.

Liam laughed. "Oh babe."
He absolutely adored Nialls shyness.

After the two ate their breakfast, Liam started packing up the car with their stuff.
Niall watched him with a happy grin the whole time, this feels like a family vacation to him. Liam packing the car and Niall sitting in the front with him, just like his parents always did when he was a little kid. The Irish one always dreamed of having his own family one day, and to go on a little day trip or on a vacation with the car. And today will be kinda that. Obviously not really because Aiden wasn't with them and they didn't have a kid on their own yet.

"So... i think we have everything, well I hope. It's been a while since I've been away for more than a day, because I've been so focused on work, I'm glad I have you now, because you show me how important it is to take some time off." Liam exclaimed, closing the car door as he walked up to Niall who was sitting on one of the stairs in front of the entrance door.

"You did an amazing job Li, I'm sure we have everything we need." The blue eyed one replied, giving Liam an optimistic smile, which the older one returned.
He pulled Niall up into his arms for a short hug.

"Mhm, let's go then." The father murmured into Nialls ear.
He was almost a one head bigger than his boyfriend and he absolutely loved that fact. Niall just nodded, before he let go and closed the front door completely.

The first hour of the trip went amazing.

Niall was laughing and giggling like never before and he had the time of his life. Because of the song which came earlier in the kitchen this morning, the two listened to ABBA and sang to most of their songs.
Liam found out that Niall really had something for older music. Like- he definitely noticed that his boyfriend loved the songs from the 70s, which was great because they really created some good songs during those times.

In the second hour during their car ride, they went to McDonald's like Liam had to promise. They also both needed to go to the restroom, so it basically wasn't only because of the food.

"I want Nuggets a-and a Burger and maybe an McFlurry! And can I have an Cola Light?" Niall stumbled, looking up at the board with all the food options.

Liam chuckled at that. "Of course babe, sounds good." He said and ordered a burger with Pommes as well. Then he went to pay everything, obviously not without a little argument that Niall wanted to pay as well.
But Liam loved being the gentleman so Niall didn't stand a chance.

They took their food back to the car so that they could listen to music while they ate. "How long till we arrive?" Niall asked, mouth full with a nugget.

"Not too long, probably a bit less than an hour. The traffic isn't too bad today. Can't wait to explore everything there with you, it will be our first vacation as a couple." The older one replied.

"Yeah I bet it will be amazing, everything with you is amazing."

"Oh c'mon love." Liam laughed leaning over and pressing a soft kiss on Nialls lips, who chuckled because of it.

"What's so funny?" The father murmured.

"You taste like Cola."

"Oh and that's good?"

"It's the best."


hii, i hope all of u are doing okay.
I'm currently moving and it's a mess, didn't read over this again so I hope it's okay lmao love ya

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