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Normally Niall always spent New Year's Day with Harry and then stayed up till midnight with his parents. Spending Christmas pregnant, with his fiancé and a toddler is quite new. It didn't bother them that they haven't left the apartment even once today. It was going to be a slow and comfortable day.

„Aiden and I always spent the last day of the year watching movies and making popcorn, do you think that's a good tradition to keep?" Liam asked, his hand drawing small circles on Niall's exposed belly. They were still laying in bed and haven't even changed out of their pajamas yet. Aiden was trying to figure out a puzzle. It was a 6 pieced one, which was supposed to show a tractor. It took him a while to figure it out but as soon as he did it for the first time, he did it over and over again, showing it proudly to his parents each time. „I think that's a beautiful tradition to keep, sounds like my kind of day." Niall replied, smiling at him.

„Great that's settled then. What movie should we start with?"

„HOW TO TRWAIN YOUR DRAGON!!" Aiden yelled out, paying attention to his parents conversation all of a sudden.

"First, second or third part?" Niall asked, while Liam only let out a sigh because of the movie choice.

Aiden laughed. "All of-cwourse!"

"He's right of course we're gonna watch all of them- how could you even dare to ask babe?" The father chuckled, which made Niall smile.

"I don't know, I wasn't thinking." Niall giggled. Liam started placing kisses around Nialls mouth, till he actually landed on his lips. "Love you." He mumbled.

"We know that daddy." Aiden exclaimed annoyed, climbing up on the bed as well, leaving the puzzle behind on the cream colored carpet. "I'm hungry."

"Well it's too late for breakfast now, I guess we could start with lunch. Or brunch, whatever you wanna call it." Niall said, trying to get up slowly. His belly was starting to make normal tasks, like getting up, or simply standing, much more difficult. The older one just sat there watching him with a grin. "Payne you clearly see that i'm struggling here! Help your pregnant future husband!"

"Dear future husband, if you wanna get that special lo-" Liam started humming not moving a centimeter from his spot.

"Shut up." Niall interrupted him, his lips forming a pout. "Please help me."

"I help! Baby bwrother too heavy for you?" Aiden asked confused, trying to pull his momma up which wasn't really working the way he thought it would. He actually ended up falling back down into the soft sheets. "Momma- I not strwong enough." He grumbled.

Niall let out a chuckle. "Yeah your brother is getting pretty heavy. But thank you for trying, you are a lot more helpful than your dad." He said, giving Liam an angry look from the side. Well he tried to look angry but he really couldn't.

"Alright alright, I'm getting up, let me help you my darling." Liam said, holding out his arms as he stood in front of Niall.

"Oh don't get all sweet now. Help me up, I gotta go pee. And while I'm doing that you're starting with lunch. I want something with potatoes. You two decide on the rest." Niall exclaimed, not even glancing at Liam. "Babe-"

"Nope! I gotta go pee now. Start making the food or do you want pumpkin to die because of hunger?" He exclaimed, clearly mad now. The older one knew that the mood swings got worse and that Niall will be either happy or crying again within the next few minutes, but he still left to get started in the kitchen. Hungry Niall wasn't someone you want to joke with.

"Daddy can we make cwarrots too?" Aiden asked as his father was looking through the freezer in search for something to make besides the potatoes. "Of course peanut, I'm sure we still have carrots somewhere in here..." Liam mumbled.
"I think we still have some chicken we can make, I'm sure your momma is alright with that."

"Mommy rweal hungry too!" The little boy exclaimed, taking the frozen bag of carrots out of his fathers hands. "Yeah he is, that's why we need to be quick with making lunch. I don't want him to get even more upset."

"I'm not upset."

Both boys turned around at the sound of Nialls voice. "I'm just hungry... and- and a bit sad." He said quietly, his lip began to tremble. "Sorry I was such a bitc- not nice." He mumbled, deciding against the word bitch with Aiden in the room.

"Sweetheart, everything's alright, come here." Liam replied, opening his arms for a hug. Niall took that invention right away, letting himself get pulled against the man he loved so dearly. "I know it's hard for you at the moment. Because of pumpkin your hormones are all over the place, and believe me that I'm aware of that, or well- I'm trying to. Let's start on lunch now and have a good last day of this year."

The younger one nodded against Liams chest, trying to ignore the tears that were forming in his eyes. "I'm so glad when this pregnancy is over. I wanna hold my baby. And I don't wanna cry because of every little small inconvenience." He said, his voice soft. The older one let out a low chuckle hearing those words.

"The day will be here sooner than we think. Let's just enjoy where we are right now. I love my little emotional princess."

"Yeah of course." Niall replied with an eye roll. "Now peel the potatoes, that's something you can't mess up. I'm starting on the chicken and carrots with Aiden."

There were no more emotional breakouts after Niall got lunch and some sweets as a snack later on. Now he was his happy self again, reading a chapter of his book while Liam and Aiden were focused on "How to train your Dragon 2". They started watching movies around 7 pm, and time was just flying by. At the moment the younger one was reading "People we meet on Vacation" by Emily Henry, because it got quite famous over the past few weeks. And as a literature student who wants to write books like that in the future as well, it was a must to read them. And Niall couldn't deny that he loved that fact. Romance novels were his life.

"Babe?" Liam spoke up quietly after a while.


"Midnight is only 20 minutes away."

That caught Nialls attention. "What really?" He asked surprised, looking up from his pages. His eyes looked down at their sleeping son. "How long has he been asleep for?"

A quiet laugh left Liams mouth. "I would say 40 minutes? Maybe a bit more, I was too focused on the movie."

"You we're too focused on... the dragons movie?" Niall asked again, a smirk on his lips.

"Oh shut it. It isn't a bad movie, you didn't even watch half of the first movie because of that book." The older one laughed.

"It's a good book it's about Poppy-"

Liam stopped him, another laugh leaving his mouth. "Poppy?"

"It's a pretty name, getting very popular right now actually. But doesn't matter, let's clean up and then wake up peanut before midnight, he would be upset if he missed the countdown because of us." Niall said, moving into a sitting position to put his book down and take their dishes from dinner to bring them into the kitchen. The father just nodded, getting up as well. He helped cleaning everything up, because god knows they will all go to bed 12:01 am.

"4 minutes babe, we should wake up Aiden now." Liam mumbled. The living room was clean again, the TV still on in the background, playing one of the uncountable New Years Eve's shows. But it also showed them the countdown till 2022.

Waking up a toddler was never something easy to do, but as soon as they told him that midnight was literally only minutes away, he was wide awake again. They were counting down together, not starting at 10, but at 59, because of Aidens excitement. The fact that the boy didn't knew more than 12 numbers wasn't stopping him. "MOMMY- 10!" He yelled out happily. Making both men smile adoringly. "3, 2- ONE!! Hwappy new Year!" He giggled.

"Happy new Year Peanut." Both said in unison. Pressing kisses all over his face.

"Happy new year sweetheart." Liam murmured, moving up to press a kiss onto Nialls awaiting lips. "Happy new year Li,
I love you."


even tho i started writing this earlier than usually, i still finished it last minute oh well. hope i could bring you a little bit of joy with this chapter haha

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