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"Daddy!" Aiden hissed, shaking his father awake. The man was just grumbling away, not opening his eyes. It was dark. Pitch dark. Which basically meant it was too early to get up.

"I wanna open p-pwresents. Santa was here- PWLEASE." He exclaimed annoyed, making pouty lips. He climbed into the bed and was now sitting on his dad, waiting impatiently for him to open his eyes. "God Liam get ya ass up, I can't listen to this any longer." Niall sighed, moving his body around to look at their boy. "Morning peanut."

"Morning mommy, pwlease get up now?" Aiden replied, still seated comfortably on his father. Niall let out a chuckle.

"Yes we will. I gotta go pee anyways. I promise your dad will be up when I get back." Niall mumbled, rolling out of bed slowly. Aiden gave him a happy grin. "DADA YOU HEAR THAT?" He said, poking him in his cheek. Liam peeked at his son with one eye only, giving him a smile. "Are you sure that Santa was here already? Have you been nice?" He asked quietly. Aiden let out a shocked gasp.
"Of cwourse I was! Daddy I pwromise, please open presents now?"

That made the older one laugh. "Okay let's get up, can I make myself a coffee first?" He asked, sitting up in the bed.
The boy nodded. "But you also make tea for mommy and ch- chocolate for me!"

"That I can do, but you gotta help me, I can't mix the hot chocolate as nicely as you can." Liam replied.

"I do best!" Aiden exclaimed proudly.

Liam let out a chuckle.
"Yeah you do peanut."  He got up and put on a pair of sweatpants, picking up Aiden, so he had no change to run into the living room. First some warm drinks and then presents. It's still too damn early.

After Liam started the coffee machine, he started boiling some water for Nialls tea.
"And mommy need honey in tea- but not so much daddy!" He declared.

"I know, I know." Liam sighed, with an eye roll. "Where is your mommy anyways?" He asked but Aiden only shrugged his shoulders. "Pee pee?"

"Yeah but shouldn't he be done by now?" Liam wondered. "Maybe dwrink too much?" The little boy wondered.

"Maybe." Liam replied, a small smile on his lips. "Let's make your hot chocolate now and then we can go and see if Santa has left us some presents." That made Aiden jump up excited, a happy giggle leaving his mouth. "I open my presents first!" He stated.

"No I will." The father countered, a smirk on his face. Aiden shook his head giggling.
"Daddy no!" Was what he said.

When they walked into the living room, Niall had already turned on the lights of the Christmas tree and also turned on the smaller lamp on the table. "Is that what I'm smelling there my raspberry tea?" He asked, coming closer to take the mug out of Liams hand. "Thanks babe." He said, leaning up for a morning kiss.

"You're alright?" Liam questioned.

The younger man nodded.
"Felt a bit nauseous for a second but I took the vitamins my doctor described me and I'm already starting to feel better again, stop worrying and let's get started on the presents!" He exclaimed, making Aiden reply a joyful "YES!".

"Okay okay. Let's see what Santa left for my three boys." Liam mumbled, sitting down in front of the tree. Niall smiled at that. "Three." He whispered.

"Aiden, You and Pumpkin."

"Love the sound of that." Niall giggled.

Aiden already had one of the smaller presents in his hands, just waiting to tear that wrapping paper off.
"Mommy c'mon- sit down, I wanna open fwirst." He pleaded.

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