fifty nine

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„I bet he's waiting for you in front of his car!" Harry said, winking at his friend who just rolled his eyes.

"Well if he is, I hope none of those damn annoying girls are talking to him again, he's mine. Mine only."  I replied. Alone the thought of anyone else being close to my Liam than myself, was driving me insane. 

"Oh is there someone very protective over his boyfriend, mhh? So have you Uhm- done it? I bet you two have, right? I mean, considering how much time you two have spend together and you seem to be a lot closer to him than before..." Harry mumbled questioning, biting his lip to keep himself from giggling.

He probably noticed how my face turned red and how looked down, because he began laughing loudly.

"Oh you horny bastard you totally did it! How was it? Was he gentle? He definitely topped- but did you ride him? Oh and did you-"

"PSHT. Fuck my life- stop talking right now. Are you crazy? Somebody could have heard you!" I basically yell-whispered. I really didn't need to let the whole school know about my sex life.

"Oh c'mon Ni! Everyone is either already gone or in class! Now spill the tea before we are out of the door!" Harry begged.

I Bit my lip. Well- he obviously was my best friend, but it still was a quite private topic, wasn't it? Especially with Liam standing outside waiting for me. He was just as much part of the night as I was. And the fact that Harry still had no idea what happened since then, makes everything even more problematic.

I sighed. „We had- had sex. He was just amazing... and he made it so special for me, it was just great you know? But I don't wanna tell you more, I don't want you to create any weird pictures of me and him doing it in your head."

„I think it's already to late for that Nialler." Harry laughed, and I just had to roll my eyes. Obviously. „So did you give him at least a nice blowjob?"

„HARRY!" I almost screamed out. As fast as I could I ran out of the building. The horny guy, I call my best friend, close behind me.

„A handjob then?"

As I opened the doors, totally ignoring Harry, I already saw Liam standing a few minutes away from his car, leaning against the stone wall.

„Li!" I exclaimed full of relief as ran right into his arms.

„Uff." he breathed out.
„Slow down darling, we have time, no need to hurry." He said in his calm deep voice, which I loved more than anything in this world.

„OH MY GOD HE CALLS YOU DARLING!" Harry screamed excitedly, over the whole school territory. 

A soft blush appeared on my face, as Liam softly took my left cheek in his hand to pull me in for a kiss. „Missed you." he murmured quietly.

„Missed you too, sorry for Harry." I replied in a whisper, which made Liam laugh.

„Hi! God you two are such a hot couple and the fact that you two had s-„

„HAROLD STOP!" I interrupted him as fast as I possibly could. He just can't shut up. Never.

Liam just lifted up an eyebrow, with a smirk playing on his lips. „Well thank you very much Harry. Even tho I don't want to hear the ending of this sentence, I really appreciate that you support Niall and me." He said, with a clear, deep voice.

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