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They ended up deciding to visit Nialls parents first and then go to the Payne family on Saturday morning. Everything was working out perfectly for Liams plan and Niall still seemed to notice nothing.

"Do you also wanna stop at your office tomorrow? I know you like to check up on things there as often as you can. We could go there after we told your parents?" Niall asked, chewing on his sandwich.

It was Friday afternoon and they have been home for a good two hours now. Aiden was coloring in the kitchen, while Niall and Liam were watching How I met your mother on the couch. The younger one eating an early dinner. Or what he likes to call it "snacking". Which happened around 20 times a day. But Liam said nothing.

"Oh Uhm no. I don't think so. Maybe I'll make a quick stop on Sunday before we drive back though."

Niall just shrugged. "Alright. So we gonna tell my parents today, your parents tomorrow and maybe Harry tomorrow or on Sunday. I'm not sure yet."

"Maybe on Sunday. We can stop at Harry's after I checked up on my work stuff, if that's okay with you?" Liam asked as if he just thought of it.

Obviously he didn't just think of it. He wanted tomorrow to be perfect. God it had to be perfect, Niall didn't deserve anything less.

"Yeah sounds good. I hope our parents are accepting of the unexpected baby news. I mean- my mom always talks about grandchildren and she adores Aiden- even my dad does. But I know they would prefer for me to finish my education first." The younger one mumbled, eyes still on the TV screen.

Liam let out a breath. "We just have to explain them that you will still visit university the next four months and that you then will switch to online classes. You still gonna get your degree, even if part of your first semester and the beginning of the second one is online." He replied just as quietly. Niall didn't say anything back to that, just nodding his head up and down against Liams neck. Aiden came laying down with them a few minutes later. His coloring book in his hands. He was showing them proudly what for houses and castles he had colored and even a pink dragon which was flying over the castle. "Looks awesome buddy, I see you put a lot of time and effort in this. It's amazing." Liam said as he looked at the pages. Aiden replied an excited "Thwank you!" before he kept explaining his thoughts while coloring. "And dwragon pink because it's cute. And it's really big daddy!" He exclaimed.

The father looked down at Niall, wiggling his eyebrows. "Where have I heard that phrase before?"

Nialls face turned a bright shade of red as he hit Liam on his arm.


"Don't make those kind of comments and maybe you won't get hit." He giggled.

"But it's true!"

"Liam James Payne."

"Momma said Daddy's full name-" Aiden laughed. "Daddy got in twrouble!"

"No I didn't you silly bean." Liam replied laughing as well. "Maybe a bit. But daddy will bring me a chocolate bar and everything's gonna be okay again." The younger one exclaimed.

Liam lifted up an eyebrow, a smirk appearing on his face.
"Daddy is gonna do what?"

"You heard me. Now get up. I wanna eat it before we leave." Niall replied.

The older one got up. "Yes my queen."


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