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The following day Niall and Liam could listen to Karen and Geoff teasing them about "last night". Liam seemed to have promised his parents, that they will get Aiden around 10am. Well, now it's passed 3pm and they just arrived at the Payne Household.

"You do need your good nights sleep if you have such time consuming and tiring activities to do." Geoff laughed.


"Yeah they were probably up all night and morning! Now wonder Niall won't sit down." Karen added with a chuckle.

The younger ones cheeks heated up hearing those words. Not embarrassing, not at all.

Liam sighed.
"Okay enough, let's stop with that topic and give us our son back, we need to drive back home in less than 3 hours and we still have to stop at Nialls friends place." He exclaimed right when Aiden came running around the corner, holding his green backpack against his chest.

"DADDY I GOT EVRYTHWING!" He yelled out proudly. "You sure? We won't have time to drive back any time soon." Liam asked and Aiden replied a "I sure dada" with one of his iconic eye rolls. Little sassy king. The father nodded telling him to say goodbye to his grandparents. Aiden hugged both of them and got cuddled to death. "Gonna miss you so much little one- tell your parents you have to visit us as soon as possible."

"Mom i can hear you." Liam laughed.

She hushed him down. "I'm gonna miss you, please visit at least one more time before the baby comes." Karen said, also pulling Niall into a hug. "I bet you will look so cute when your bump is all big and round!" She told him with a smile.
"You're not planning on getting married before the baby comes, right?"

"Oh god no!" Niall laughed. "Probably 6 or more months after pumpkin is born." He explained smiling, and Liams mother nodded understanding. "Sounds smart."

After the three, or well, four of them left, they drove right up to the Styles House. Niall already warned Harry that they would come for a short visit before they were leaving again. "So he knows we are engaged because you asked him for help, but he doesn't know I'm pregnant, right?" He asked Liam on their drive there.
Aiden had fallen asleep on the backseat, because his grandparents didn't knew he needed a nap earlier in the day.

"Pretty sure yeah. Have you even packed the uncle onsie?"

"Of course I have. I even put wrapping paper around it, it looks cute!" Niall exclaimed.

Liam laughed.
"Of course you did."

"It says "my uncle is the coolest", isn't that adorable?" He giggled, and the older one just looked over at him with loving eyes.

"I'm sure he will be freaking excited." Liam replied. Harry was already dancing around when Liam told him that he wanted to propose. He already had two Pinterest boards created, one for his own wedding and one for Nialls. It seemed like the both of them sat together once and made them. So Liam ended up getting a whole presentation of Nialls dream wedding and engagement. Was a nice look into the future, to a very expensive wedding.

When they finally arrived Mrs Styles opened the door and she was super excited to see Niall again. "Oh Harry already told me you three were coming! It's nice to meet you!" She explained shaking Liams hand, and giving Aiden a squeeze in the cheek. Then she turned to Niall. "Niall dear- you look so much older now, it's crazy! C'mon in." She said.

"IS THAT NIALL?" A voice yelled loudly, running down the stairs.

"YEAH THE ONE AND ONLY!" Niall yelled back with a laugh, but Harry already jumped down the last two steps.

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