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"So what are you planning to do?" Harry
asked me, excitement clear in his voice, as I told him about the good job options I got now, because of my parents.

„I'm not sure yet, they all sound good to me..." I sighed.

In Reality I already knew that i didn't want to work at this bakery place, first of all- they pay just as much as this single father- and the second point is, I would need to work on Saturdays urgh. No thanks.

„One of the Babysitter jobs pays really good, like- really good, but I would need to work from 3 till 9 or even 10, which could get complicated because of school...-„

„- But it would work out, I mean kinda. You only have till 4 on Tuesdays, so I don't think it would be a big problem, when you would ask if  you could start an hour later that day." Harry replied softly over the phone.

„Yeah you're right, but I also still have the other job option, where I only need to babysit from 4 to 8, which would be awesome!" I reminded him.
„Oh and it's not as far away as the other one!" I added quickly.

„But Nialler, it doesn't pay as much and you need the money, don't you?" Was what I got as an answer. And of course Mr Styles was right.

„Why do you always have to be right Hazza, damn I hate you."

„You love me."

„Hell yeah I do."

So that's what I did . I wrote an email to that Single Father guy, nop I would not just call him, I hate talking to people over the phone. Okay i hate talking in general, but especially over the phone. I wouldn't even answer a call from my grandparents when I was younger, because I got scared.

I wasn't that good at writing a correct and at the same time good sounding email as well, but yeah there aren't any other options for me.

Just in case I copied the email, changed a few little things and sent it to the other job too. You never know. Maybe none of them wants me and I have to apply for that job in the bakery.

But for now all I can do is wait, one of those two jobs will hopefully work out, otherwise I'm sure my father would literally kill me.

That's also what I told my parents before I went to bed, my mom smiled at me, obviously happy about the fact that I already sent some emails and informed myself, and my father just nodded and mumbled a "let's hope you did a good job.", which means just as much as "let's hope you haven't fucked it up.".

Before I fell asleep that night, I watched two episodes of friends again, I'm already obsessed with it, all thanks to Harry. It's completely his fault, but honestly- I'm not mad about it.

The next day went by so damn fast, I had classes till 3, got some older tests back and took one in chemistry, which definitely will not be better than a D. But I've been never good in this chemistry, physics and math stuff. So as long as it isn't worse than a D everything is fine. I talked with Harry about Louis. Again.

All in all it was a pretty boring day, but I prefer boring over horrible.

When I got home, my parents both were out of the house. So I just ate some toast with cheese and tomatoes and went up to my room. I turned on my music as loud as it possibly could go, because it helps me to get or stay in a good mood. And after I watched a bit of YouTube, I remembered that there was a slight chance, that I could already have got some replies to the emails I sent yesterday. But do I really wanna look? I bet there will be no answer or at least no good answer.

"Please please please..." I prayed silently.
As dumb as this may sounds, I really need the money and I don't want to disappoint my parents more than I already have.

"I got an answer." I mumbled slowly to myself as I saw the the email which just wanted to be opened. It could be either from the family near me or from the single father. Oh god.

After a few loud breaths I finally opened the email.

Mr. Horan,
We're happy that we received this email from you! But sadly we can't agree to meet you right now, because there is also another person who is interested in the babysitter job. But we will inform you with a clearer answer within the next week. Thanks for your understanding.
- Family Miller

Not too happy with the answer I received, I immediately closed my Laptop again. I mean yeah- obviously it wasn't the possible worst answer I could have gotten, but it wasn't a simple yes either.
What if they take the other person to babysit their child? Maybe I really should have applied for that baker job too, shit.

I'm such an idiot. I will not get enough money soon enough, to even send an application to the university I wanna go to. What should I do now? I wouldn't see Harry as much, because I would be stuck here and he would be there.

That's the same thing I told Harry, who I texted right away. He just replied and said that I shouldn't stress myself, because of something that is out of my control, nothing is decided yet, he had said. And obviously he's right again, but he- okay his parents, have the money to send him to the school, so he doesn't have the same problems that I have.

I bet you'll get the job Ni, don't loose all your hope!

Easy for you to say hazza

I answered with a little smile. He's way too optimistic about everything.
But I didn't got an answer after the last thing I sent. I hope he didn't took it the wrong way.

Everything okay?

Right in the moment I sent the next messages, I got an call. It's Harry.
"You Idiot, couldn't you just have answered normally instead of calling me!" Was the first thing I exclaimed as I answered the call.

"Sorry I know you hate talking over the phone Ni, but it's easier." He replied instantly with an amused undertone in his voice. No it's not. I hate it.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say Harold."

"No it is, texting takes such a long time and we really need to talk. Otherwise you would go crazy Ni! So I told ya, everything will be fine at the end. Even if the Miller Family says no, you still have other options. And if it gets worse my family could help you out with some money, you know my mom loves you like a second son. Which is still confusing to me but doesn't matter. I'll not leave you here alone, you're my bestie!"

That made me chuckle.
"Firstly: that sounded really gay Harold. And second: I could never take money from your family, especially not the huge amount that I need!" I told him while packing my school bag for the next day in hell.

"We are gay, or at least Bi, so c'mon Horan!" Harry laughed.
"And it really wouldn't be a big deal if-"
he started, but got interrupted from a different call, which was coming from my phone.

"Wait a second Hazza there is another call! I bet it's my mom, I call you back in a second!" I said before ending the call with Harry and accepting the other one.

"I'm talking with Harry right now, is it important, or can you call me back?" I asked and waited for an answer, which took a while.

"Hello?" I tried again, unsure all of a sudden, because of the uncomfortable silence.

"Who the hell is Harry?" A deeper voice slowly replied.

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