eighty nine

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"Oli- we will never drink all of that, put two bottles back." Niall laughed.

Oliver made pouty lips. "Okay, I'm gonna put the beer bottles back, I like Pina Colada a bit more. And that orange stuff looks tasty as well, gotta keep that."

It was a sunny Tuesday afternoon and the two of them were currently grocery shopping like they had planned. Niall just hasn't planned to spend that much time in the alcohol section. But Oliver had different plans and he definitely couldn't decide on anything. "Can we go and get some sweets now? And I have to get a new package of raspberry tea as well." Niall exclaimed and got a nod as reply, as his friend finally kept walking with a sigh leaving his lips.

"Raspberry tea?"

"Yeah it's my favorite. Raspberries in general, absolutely love them."

"But they are not better than blueberries." Oliver said, giving Niall a look from the side as they kept walking through the different aisles. The blue eyed one stopped. "You're kidding right?"

Oliver laughed. "No blueberries are the best."

"Nah never in a million years! They are sour! Raspberries taste sweet, and they look pretty."

"And blueberries are one of the healthiest fruits you can eat. So stop arguing with me and get your raspberry tea- oh hey, that rhymes!" Oli laughed which made Niall let out a chuckle as well.


They left with two bags full of stuff. Which most definitely was too much. After a few minutes of walking they decided to drop everything off at Nialls place, because that's where they will stay tomorrow anyways. As soon as they stepped into the apartment, Niall noticed how Oliver got all quiet.

"You're alright? You know you can step in a bit more, the kitchen is right there." Niall laughed. But he only got a slow nod as reply.

"It just looks so modern and homey- I'm impressed. My place looks like trash compared to this." Oliver laughed.

"Oh c'mon it can't be that bad. Our apartment isn't even completely furnished yet. This is nothing compared to our house back at home. We even had a pool in the basement-"

Oliver gasped.
"AND YOU VOLUNTARY MOVED? What the hell NIALLER!" He yelled out, almost dropping the bag filled with their groceries. Niall jumped back in shock.

"Just because of the pool?"

"JUST BECAUSE- it's a fucking pool Niall. Since I was three years old I wanted a damn pool and you have a big one IN your house?!"

"I never said it was a big one."

"But it is."


"I CANT BELIEVE THIS. The next time we get just a SINGLE day off we are driving to your house and I will go swimming in your pool."

"Well if we speak correctly it's my boyfriend's pool, I just moved in with him." Niall replied with a laugh.

"Oh stop talking nonsense Niall. How long have you been together? It's your pool as well which means it's mine as well."

"That doesn't make sense. Like not at all but okay. Can we change the topic now? I still have to finish up my story, but I only have around 5 thousand words left to write, not too bad, right?" The blue eyed one explained, putting the bottles of alcohol in the fridge. Oliver nodded, accepting the change of topic.

"Better than me. I still have around 7 thousand left, I don't know how I'll finish that up yet, maybe I'll have to pull an all nighter tonight." He replied and Niall rolled his eyes.

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